To reduce latch free waits, one should concentrate on the latches with the greatest impact. However, if there are a significant number of other waits while holding those latches, then one should regard those sleeps as a secondary symptom of another problem, such as contentiocolumn name format a37 heading "LATCH TYPE" trunc
column impact format 9999999999 heading "IMPACT"
column sleep_rate format a10 heading "SLEEP RATE"
column holding format 99999999999 heading "WAITS HOLDING"
column level# format 9999 heading "LEVEL"
l.sleeps * l.sleeps / (l.misses - l.spin_gets) impact,
to_char(100 * l.sleeps / l.gets, '99990.00') || '%' sleep_rate,
l.waits_holding_latch holding,
sys.v_$latch l
l.sleeps > 0
order by
2 desc
n for a higher level latch.