


  1 //***************************//
  2 //        SNAKE   C++        // 
  3 //      Written by zhsl      // 
  4 //        2012.6.10          //
  5 //***************************//
  6 #include<iostream.h>
  7 #include<stdio.h>
  8 #include<string.h>
  9 #include<windows.h>
 10 #include<time.h>
 11 #include<stdlib.h>
 12 #include<conio.h>
 13 const int WIDTH=18,LENGTH=58,MID=41; //定义地图长和宽,MID为中间分界线
 14 const int INIT_SNAKE_W=4,INIT_SNAKE_L=5; //蛇初始坐标
 15 const int INIT_SCORES_W=3,INIT_SCORES_L=43;  //scores显示初始位置
 16 const int INIT_SPEED_W=8,INIT_SPEED_L=43;  //speed显示初始位置
 17 const int SPEED_CYCLE=8,SPEED_LOWER=30;   //设置加速周期和最大速度
 18 const int TIME_DWELL=1000;
 20 /**********自定义数据**********/
 21 struct NODE_COMMON{int x,y;};   //点集
 22 struct NODE_SNAKE{   //蛇点集
 23     int x,y;
 24     NODE_SNAKE *next;
 25 };
 26 int Speed_Boost[6]={0,-50,-35,-35,-25,-16},K=0;  //设置加速周期和加速周期点
 27 int Dir_x[4]={0,2,0,-2},Dir_y[4]={-1,0,1,0};
 28 int Snake_Map[WIDTH+1][LENGTH+1];
 29 int Has_Bean;
 30 int Speed=200,Num_Speed=1;
 31 int Scores;
 32 int Is_Gameover=0;
 33 int Is_Press;
 36 /**********获取句柄**********/
 37 HANDLE Output=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
 38 HANDLE Input=GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
 40 /**********设置光标位置**********/
 41 void SetCursor(int x,int y){
 42     COORD cd={x,y};
 43     SetConsoleCursorPosition(Output,cd);
 44 }
 46 /**********FLASH类**********/
 47 class FLASH
 48 {
 49 public:
 50     FLASH(){
 51         picture_width=18;picture_length=80;
 52         strcpy(character,"The direction key control movement");
 53         character_len=strlen(character);
 54     };
 55     void Init_Picture();    //初始化picture
 56     void Flash_Snake();    //Display picture
 57 private:
 58     char character[60],character_len;
 59     char picture[20][160],picture_dis[20][160];
 60     int picture_width,picture_length;
 61 };
 62 void FLASH::Init_Picture(){            //初始化Flash
 63     memset(picture,32,sizeof(picture));
 64     memset(picture,32,sizeof(picture_dis));
 65     strcpy(picture[0]+80, "                                                         ");
 66     strcpy(picture[1]+80, "                                                         ");
 67     strcpy(picture[2]+80, "            /^\\/^\\                                      ");
 68     strcpy(picture[3]+80, "          _|__|  O|                                     ");
 69     strcpy(picture[4]+80, " \\/     /~     \\_/ \\                                    ");
 70     strcpy(picture[5]+80, "  \\____|__________/  \\                                  ");
 71     strcpy(picture[6]+80, "         \\_______      \\                                ");
 72     strcpy(picture[7]+80, "                 `\\     \\                               ");
 73     strcpy(picture[8]+80, "                   |     |                              ");
 74     strcpy(picture[9]+80, "                  /      /                    \\         ");
 75     strcpy(picture[10]+80,"                 /     /                       \\\\       ");
 76     strcpy(picture[11]+80,"               /      /                         \\ \\     ");
 77     strcpy(picture[12]+80,"              /     /                            \\  \\   ");
 78     strcpy(picture[13]+80,"            /     /             _----_            \\   \\ ");
 79     strcpy(picture[14]+80,"           /     /           _-~      ~-_         |   | ");
 80     strcpy(picture[15]+80,"          (      (        _-~    _--_    ~-_     _/   | ");
 81     strcpy(picture[16]+80,"           \\      ~-____-~    _-~    ~-_    ~-_-~    /  ");    
 82     strcpy(picture[17]+80,"             ~-_           _-~          ~-_       _-~   ");
 83     strcpy(picture[18]+80, "                ~--______-~                ~-___-~      ");
 84     for(int i=0;i<=picture_width;i++)
 85         strcpy(picture_dis[i],picture[i]);
 86 }
 87 void FLASH::Flash_Snake()
 88 {
 89     int i,j,speed;
 90     speed=80;
 91     for(i=0;i<picture_length-3;i++){
 92         SetCursor(0,0);
 93         for(j=0;j<=picture_width;j++){
 94             picture_dis[j][79+i]='\0';
 95             printf("%s\n",picture_dis[j]+i);
 96             picture_dis[j][79+i]=picture[j][79+i];
 97         }
 98         Sleep(speed);
 99         speed-=1;
100     }
101     SetCursor(33,6);
102     speed=66;
103     for(i=0;i<character_len;i++){
104         printf("%c",character[i]);
105         Sleep(speed);
106         speed-=2;
107     }
108 }
110 /**********MAP类**********/
111 class MAP
112 {
113 public:
114     MAP(int w,int l,int m){
115         width=w;
116         length=l;
117         mid=m;
118         memset(map,32,sizeof(map));
119     }
120     void Init_Map(){         //初始化地图
121         int i;
122         for(i=0;i<width;i++)map[i][length]='\0';
123         for(i=1;i<width-1;i++)
124             map[i][0]=map[i][mid]=map[i][mid+1]=map[i][length-1]='|';
125         for(i=1;i<mid;i++)map[0][i]=map[width-1][i]='-';
126         for(i+=2;i<length-1;i++)map[0][i]=map[width-1][i]='-';
127     }
128     void Display_Map(){      //输出地图到屏幕
129         for(int i=0;i<width;i++)
130             printf("%s\n",map[i]);
131     }
132 private:
133     int width,length,mid;     //整个地图的宽和长,mid为中间分界线
134     char map[WIDTH+1][LENGTH+1];
135 };
137 /**********MESSAGE类**********/
138 class MESSAGE
139 {
140 public:
141     MESSAGE(){
142         num_speed=0;w=2;
143         SetCursor(46,14);
144         printf("Written");
145         SetCursor(46,15);
146         printf("by zhsl");
147     }
148     void Init_Message();   //初始化消息
149     void Put_Message();    //Display message
150 private:
151     int w;
152     int num_speed;
153 };
154 void MESSAGE::Init_Message(){
156     printf("====Scores====");
157     SetCursor(INIT_SPEED_L,INIT_SPEED_W);
158     printf("====Speed=====");
159 }
160 void MESSAGE::Put_Message(){
161     SetCursor(INIT_SCORES_L,INIT_SCORES_W+2);
162     printf("     %3d",Scores);
163     if(Num_Speed>num_speed && K<6){
164         SetCursor(INIT_SPEED_L+w,INIT_SPEED_W+2);
165         w+=2;
166         num_speed++;
167         Speed+=Speed_Boost[K++];
168         printf(">");
169     }
170 }
172 /**********SNAKE类**********/
173 class SNAKE{
174 public:
175     SNAKE(){
176         head=rear=NULL;
177         dir=1;
178     }
179     static int Is_Lived(int x,int y,NODE_SNAKE *rear);   //SNAKE是否能gameover
180     void Init_Snake();                //初始化SNAKE
181     void Move_Snake();                  //SNAKE移动并display   
182     void Change_Direct(int d){dir=d;} //改变蛇的移动方向
183     int Get_Dir(){return dir;}
184     NODE_SNAKE Get_Head(){return *head;}
185     NODE_SNAKE Get_Rear(){return *rear;}
186 private:
187     friend void Put_Snake();
188     NODE_SNAKE *head,*rear;
189     int dir;
190 };
191 int SNAKE::Is_Lived(int x,int y,NODE_SNAKE *rear){
192     if(x>0&&x<MID && y>0&&y<WIDTH-1 && (Snake_Map[y][x]==0 || (x==rear->x && y==rear->y) )) return 1;
193     else return 0;
194 }
195 void SNAKE::Init_Snake(){
196     int i;
197     NODE_SNAKE *q;
198     rear=new NODE_SNAKE;
199     rear->x=INIT_SNAKE_L,rear->y=INIT_SNAKE_W;
200     Snake_Map[INIT_SNAKE_W][INIT_SNAKE_L]=1;
201     rear->next=NULL;
202     head=rear;
203     for(i=2;i<6;i+=2){
204         q=new NODE_SNAKE;
205         q->x=INIT_SNAKE_L+i;
206         q->y=INIT_SNAKE_W;
207         Snake_Map[INIT_SNAKE_W][INIT_SNAKE_L+i]=1;
208         q->next=NULL;
209         head->next=q;
210         head=q;
211     }
212     for(q=rear;q;q=q->next){
213         SetCursor(q->x,q->y);
214         printf("");
215     }
216 }
217 void SNAKE::Move_Snake(){
218     NODE_SNAKE *q=new NODE_SNAKE;
219     q->x=head->x+Dir_x[dir];
220     q->y=head->y+Dir_y[dir];
221     q->next=NULL;
222     head->next=q;
223     head=q;q=rear;
224     if(!SNAKE::Is_Lived(head->x,head->y,rear)){   //判断是否游戏结束
225         SetCursor(5,8); 
226         printf("          Game Over!         \n");
227         SetCursor(5,9);
228         printf("                             \n");
229         SetCursor(5,10);
230         printf(" Press the Enter to continue \n");
231         SetCursor(5,11);
232         printf("     Press the Esc to exit   \n");
233         SetCursor(LENGTH-1,WIDTH-1);
234         Is_Gameover=1;
235         return;
236     }    
237     if(head->x!=BEAN.x || head->y!=BEAN.y){  //判断是否吃到BEAN
238         SetCursor(rear->x,rear->y);
239         printf("  ");
240         Snake_Map[rear->y][rear->x]=0;
241         rear=rear->next;    
242         delete q;
243     }
244     else {Has_Bean=0;Scores++;Num_Speed=Scores/SPEED_CYCLE+1;}     //吃到BEAN
245     SetCursor(head->x,head->y);
246     printf("");
247     Snake_Map[head->y][head->x]=1;
248 }
250 /**********BEAN函数**********/
251 void Put_Bean()
252 {
253     int x,y;
254     while(!Has_Bean){
255         srand((unsigned)time(NULL));
256         x=rand()%(MID-2)+1;
257         if(!(x&1))x++;
258         y=rand()%(WIDTH-2)+1;
259         if(!Snake_Map[y][x]){
260             SetCursor(x,y);
261             printf("");
262             Has_Bean=1;
263             BEAN.x=x,BEAN.y=y;
264         }
265     }
266 }
268 /**********MAIN**********/
269 int main()
270 {
271     /**********FLASH**********/
272     FLASH flash;
273     flash.Init_Picture();
274     flash.Flash_Snake();
275     Sleep(TIME_DWELL*3);   //停顿
276     /**********INI MAP**********/
277     while(true)
278     {
279         system("cls");
280         MAP map(WIDTH,LENGTH,MID);
281         map.Init_Map();
282         map.Display_Map();
283         /**********INI MESSAGE**********/
284         MESSAGE message;
285         message.Init_Message();
286         message.Put_Message();
287         /**********INI SNAKE**********/
288         SNAKE snake;
289         snake.Init_Snake();
290         /**********INI BEAN**********/
291         Put_Bean();
292         SetCursor(LENGTH-1,WIDTH-1);
293         Sleep(TIME_DWELL*2);   //停顿
294         while(true)
295         {
296             snake.Move_Snake();
297             if(Is_Gameover){     //游戏是否继续
298                 Sleep(800);
299                 while(true){
300                     if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))exit(0);
301                     if(GetAsyncKeyState(13)){
302                         Is_Gameover=0;
303                         Has_Bean=0;
304                         Speed=200,Num_Speed=1,K=0;
305                         Scores=0;
306                         memset(Snake_Map,0,sizeof(Snake_Map));
307                         break;
308                     }
309                 }
310                 break;
311             }
312             if(!Has_Bean){Put_Bean();message.Put_Message();}
313             Sleep(Speed);
314             /**********键位响应**********/
315             if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP) && snake.Get_Dir()!=2 && !Is_Press)snake.Change_Direct(0),Is_Press=1;
316             if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN) && snake.Get_Dir()!=0 && !Is_Press)snake.Change_Direct(2),Is_Press=1;
317             if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT) && snake.Get_Dir()!=1 && !Is_Press)snake.Change_Direct(3),Is_Press=1;
318             if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT) && snake.Get_Dir()!=3 && !Is_Press)snake.Change_Direct(1),Is_Press=1;
319             Is_Press=0;
320         }
321     }
322     return 0;
323 }


posted @ 2013-01-10 14:42  再见~雨泉  阅读(400)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报