#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from shapely.geometry import asShape
import json
import os
from pyproj import Proj, transform
# define the pyproj CRS
# our output CRS
wgs84 = Proj("+init=EPSG:4326")
# output CRS
pseudo_mercator = Proj("+init=EPSG:3857")
def transform_point(in_point, in_crs, out_crs):
export a Shapely geom to GeoJSON Feature and
transform to a new coordinate system with pyproj
:param in_point: shapely geometry as point
:param in_crs: pyproj crs definition
:param out_crs: pyproj output crs definition
:return: GeoJSON transformed to out_crs
geojs_geom = in_point.__geo_interface__
x1 = geojs_geom['coordinates'][0]
y1 = geojs_geom['coordinates'][1]
# transform the coordinate
x, y = transform(in_crs, out_crs, x1, y1)
# creat output new point
new_point = dict(type='Feature', properties=dict(id=1))
new_point['geometry'] = geojs_geom
new_coord = (x, y)
# add newly transformed coordinate
new_point['geometry']['coordinates'] = new_coord
return new_point
def transform_linestring(orig_geojs, in_crs, out_crs):
transform a GeoJSON linestring to
a new coordinate system
:param orig_geojs: input GeoJSON
:param in_crs: original input crs
:param out_crs: destination crs
:return: a new GeoJSON
line_wgs84 = orig_geojs
wgs84_coords = []
# transfrom each coordinate
for x, y in orig_geojs['geometry']['coordinates']:
x1, y1 = transform(in_crs, out_crs, x, y)
line_wgs84['geometry']['coordinates'] = x1, y1
wgs84_coords.append([x1, y1])
# create new GeoJSON
new_wgs_geojs = dict(type='Feature', properties={})
new_wgs_geojs['geometry'] = dict(type='LineString')
new_wgs_geojs['geometry']['coordinates'] = wgs84_coords
return new_wgs_geojs
# define output GeoJSON file
output_result = os.path.realpath("../geodata/ch05-03-geojson.js")
line_geojs = {"type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[-13643703.800790818,5694252.85913249],[-13717083.34794459,6325316.964654908]]}}
# create shapely geometry from FeatureCollection
shply_line = asShape(line_geojs['geometry'])
# get the coordinates of each vertex in our line
line_original = list(shply_line.coords)
# showing how to reverse a linestring
line_reversed = list(shply_line.coords)[::-1]
# example of the same reversing function on a string for example
hello = 'hello world'
reverse_hello = hello[::-1]
# locating the point on a line based on distance from line start
# input in meters = to 360 Km from line start
point_on_line = shply_line.interpolate(360000
# transform input linestring and new point
# to wgs84 for visualization on web map
wgs_line = transform_linestring(line_geojs, pseudo_mercator, wgs84)
wgs_point = transform_point(point_on_line, pseudo_mercator, wgs84)
# write to disk the results
with open(output_result, 'w') as js_file:
js_file.write('var point_on_line = {0}'.format(json.dumps(wgs_point)))
js_file.write('var in_linestring = {0}'.format(json.dumps(wgs_line)))