ArcGIS Pro二次开发-判断表,要素是否存在
// Must be called within QueuedTask.Run9) public static bool FeatureClassExists(string tableName, string FileName) { List<string> pList = new List<string>(); tableName = tableName.ToUpper(); Task task = QueuedTask.Run(() => { using (Geodatabase fileGeodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(FileName)))) { IReadOnlyList<FeatureClassDefinition> fcdefinitions = fileGeodatabase.GetDefinitions<FeatureClassDefinition>(); foreach (var definition in fcdefinitions) {
pList.Add(definition.GetName().ToUpper()); } } }); task.Wait(); return pList.IndexOf(tableName) > -1; } // Must be called within QueuedTask.Run() public static bool TableExists(string tableName, string FileName) { List<string> pList = new List<string>(); tableName = tableName.ToUpper(); Task task = QueuedTask.Run(() => { using (Geodatabase fileGeodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(FileName)))) { IReadOnlyList<TableDefinition> fcdefinitions = fileGeodatabase.GetDefinitions<TableDefinition>(); foreach (var definition in fcdefinitions) { pList.Add(definition.GetName().ToUpper()); } } }); task.Wait(); return pList.IndexOf(tableName) > -1; }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ArcGIS.Core.CIM; using ArcGIS.Core.Data; using ArcGIS.Core.Geometry; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Catalog; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Core; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Editing; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Extensions; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Contracts; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Dialogs; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping; using ArcGIS.Desktop.Layouts; namespace ProAppModule1 { internal class Button2 : Button { Geodatabase geodatabase = null; public async Task OpenFileGDB() { try { await ArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => { // Opens a file geodatabase. This will open the geodatabase if the folder exists and contains a valid geodatabase. using ( geodatabase = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(@"E:\LQ\kk.gdb")))) { } }); } catch (GeodatabaseNotFoundOrOpenedException exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message.ToString()); } } protected override void OnClick() { string gdb = @"E:\LQ\kk.gdb"; ArcGISProPub.OpenFileGDB(gdb); //task.RunSynchronously(); string layerName = "LQPKZR"; if (ArcGISProPub.TableExists(layerName,gdb)) { MessageBox.Show("表:" + layerName + "存在"); } else { MessageBox.Show("表:" + layerName + "不存在"); } layerName = "LQ"; if (ArcGISProPub.FeatureClassExists(layerName,gdb)) { MessageBox.Show("要素:" + layerName + "存在"); } else { MessageBox.Show("要素:" + layerName + "不存在"); } } } }
public static Task<bool> FeatureClassExistsAsync(string fcName) { return QueuedTask.Run(() => { try { using (Geodatabase projectGDB = new Geodatabase(new FileGeodatabaseConnectionPath(new Uri(Project.Current.DefaultGeodatabasePath)))) { using (FeatureClass fc = projectGDB.OpenDataset<FeatureClass>(fcName)) { return fc != null; } } } catch (Exception ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine ($@"FeatureClassExists Error: {ex.ToString()}"); return false; } }); }