public class Node
private string iD ;
private ArrayList edgeList ;//Edge的集合--出边表

public Node(string id )
this.iD = id ;
this.edgeList = new ArrayList() ;

/// <summary>
/// PlanCourse 缓存从源节点到其它任一节点的最小权值路径=》路径表
/// </summary>
public class PlanCourse
private Hashtable htPassedPath ;
#region ctor
public PlanCourse(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID)
this.htPassedPath = new Hashtable() ;
Node originNode = null ;
foreach(Node node in nodeList)
if(node.ID == originID)
originNode = node ;
PassedPath pPath = new PassedPath(node.ID) ;
this.htPassedPath.Add(node.ID ,pPath) ;
if(originNode == null)
throw new Exception("The origin node is not exist !") ;
this.InitializeWeight(originNode) ;
private void InitializeWeight(Node originNode)
if((originNode.EdgeList == null) ||(originNode.EdgeList.Count == 0))
return ;
foreach(Edge edge in originNode.EdgeList)
PassedPath pPath = this[edge.EndNodeID] ;
if(pPath == null)
continue ;
pPath.PassedIDList.Add(originNode.ID) ;
pPath.Weight = edge.Weight ;
public PassedPath this[string nodeID]
return (PassedPath)this.htPassedPath[nodeID] ;
(2)选取没有被处理并且当前累积权值最小的节点TargetNode,用其边的可达性来更新到达其它节点的路径和权值(如果其它节点 经此节点后权值变小则更新,否则不更新),然后标记TargetNode为已处理。
2006.05.22 应众多朋友要求,下面给出一个简单示例:
RoutePlanner.Plan 过程详解:
public class Edge
public string StartNodeID ;
public string EndNodeID ;
public double Weight ; //权值,代价
public string StartNodeID ;
public string EndNodeID ;
public double Weight ; //权值,代价

/// <summary>
/// PassedPath 用于缓存计算过程中的到达某个节点的权值最小的路径
/// </summary>
public class PassedPath
private string curNodeID ;
private bool beProcessed ; //是否已被处理
private double weight ; //累积的权值
private ArrayList passedIDList ; //路径
public PassedPath(string ID)
this.curNodeID = ID ;
this.weight = double.MaxValue ;
this.passedIDList = new ArrayList() ;
this.beProcessed = false ;
#region property
public bool BeProcessed
return this.beProcessed ;
this.beProcessed = value ;
public string CurNodeID
return this.curNodeID ;
public double Weight
return this.weight ;
this.weight = value ;
public ArrayList PassedIDList
return this.passedIDList ;
/// PassedPath 用于缓存计算过程中的到达某个节点的权值最小的路径
/// </summary>
public class PassedPath
private string curNodeID ;
private bool beProcessed ; //是否已被处理
private double weight ; //累积的权值
private ArrayList passedIDList ; //路径
public PassedPath(string ID)
this.curNodeID = ID ;
this.weight = double.MaxValue ;
this.passedIDList = new ArrayList() ;
this.beProcessed = false ;
#region property
public bool BeProcessed
return this.beProcessed ;
this.beProcessed = value ;
public string CurNodeID
return this.curNodeID ;
public double Weight
return this.weight ;
this.weight = value ;
public ArrayList PassedIDList
return this.passedIDList ;
/// <summary>
/// PlanCourse 缓存从源节点到其它任一节点的最小权值路径=》路径表
/// </summary>
public class PlanCourse
private Hashtable htPassedPath ;
#region ctor
public PlanCourse(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID)
this.htPassedPath = new Hashtable() ;
Node originNode = null ;
foreach(Node node in nodeList)
if(node.ID == originID)
originNode = node ;
PassedPath pPath = new PassedPath(node.ID) ;
this.htPassedPath.Add(node.ID ,pPath) ;
if(originNode == null)
throw new Exception("The origin node is not exist !") ;
this.InitializeWeight(originNode) ;
private void InitializeWeight(Node originNode)
if((originNode.EdgeList == null) ||(originNode.EdgeList.Count == 0))
return ;
foreach(Edge edge in originNode.EdgeList)
PassedPath pPath = this[edge.EndNodeID] ;
if(pPath == null)
continue ;
pPath.PassedIDList.Add(originNode.ID) ;
pPath.Weight = edge.Weight ;
public PassedPath this[string nodeID]
return (PassedPath)this.htPassedPath[nodeID] ;
(2)选取没有被处理并且当前累积权值最小的节点TargetNode,用其边的可达性来更新到达其它节点的路径和权值(如果其它节点 经此节点后权值变小则更新,否则不更新),然后标记TargetNode为已处理。
/// <summary>
/// RoutePlanner 提供图算法中常用的路径规划功能。
/// 2005.09.06
/// </summary>
public class RoutePlanner
public RoutePlanner()
#region Paln
public RoutePlanResult Paln(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID ,string destID)
PlanCourse planCourse = new PlanCourse(nodeList ,originID) ;
Node curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse ,nodeList ,originID) ;
#region 计算过程
while(curNode != null)
PassedPath curPath = planCourse[curNode.ID] ;
foreach(Edge edge in curNode.EdgeList)
PassedPath targetPath = planCourse[edge.EndNodeID] ;
double tempWeight = curPath.Weight + edge.Weight ;
if(tempWeight < targetPath.Weight)
targetPath.Weight = tempWeight ;
targetPath.PassedIDList.Clear() ;
for(int i=0 ;i<curPath.PassedIDList.Count ;i++)
targetPath.PassedIDList.Add(curPath.PassedIDList[i].ToString()) ;
targetPath.PassedIDList.Add(curNode.ID) ;
planCourse[curNode.ID].BeProcessed = true ;
curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse ,nodeList ,originID) ;
return this.GetResult(planCourse ,destID) ;
#region private method
#region GetResult
private RoutePlanResult GetResult(PlanCourse planCourse ,string destID)
PassedPath pPath = planCourse[destID] ;
if(pPath.Weight == int.MaxValue)
RoutePlanResult result1 = new RoutePlanResult(null ,int.MaxValue) ;
return result1 ;
string[] passedNodeIDs = new string[pPath.PassedIDList.Count] ;
for(int i=0 ;i<passedNodeIDs.Length ;i++)
passedNodeIDs[i] = pPath.PassedIDList[i].ToString() ;
RoutePlanResult result = new RoutePlanResult(passedNodeIDs ,pPath.Weight) ;
return result ;
#region GetMinWeightRudeNode
private Node GetMinWeightRudeNode(PlanCourse planCourse ,ArrayList nodeList ,string originID)
double weight = double.MaxValue ;
Node destNode = null ;
foreach(Node node in nodeList)
if(node.ID == originID)
continue ;
PassedPath pPath = planCourse[node.ID] ;
continue ;
if(pPath.Weight < weight)
weight = pPath.Weight ;
destNode = node ;
return destNode ;
/// RoutePlanner 提供图算法中常用的路径规划功能。
/// 2005.09.06
/// </summary>
public class RoutePlanner
public RoutePlanner()
#region Paln
public RoutePlanResult Paln(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID ,string destID)
PlanCourse planCourse = new PlanCourse(nodeList ,originID) ;
Node curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse ,nodeList ,originID) ;
#region 计算过程
while(curNode != null)
PassedPath curPath = planCourse[curNode.ID] ;
foreach(Edge edge in curNode.EdgeList)
PassedPath targetPath = planCourse[edge.EndNodeID] ;
double tempWeight = curPath.Weight + edge.Weight ;
if(tempWeight < targetPath.Weight)
targetPath.Weight = tempWeight ;
targetPath.PassedIDList.Clear() ;
for(int i=0 ;i<curPath.PassedIDList.Count ;i++)
targetPath.PassedIDList.Add(curPath.PassedIDList[i].ToString()) ;
targetPath.PassedIDList.Add(curNode.ID) ;
planCourse[curNode.ID].BeProcessed = true ;
curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse ,nodeList ,originID) ;
return this.GetResult(planCourse ,destID) ;
#region private method
#region GetResult
private RoutePlanResult GetResult(PlanCourse planCourse ,string destID)
PassedPath pPath = planCourse[destID] ;
if(pPath.Weight == int.MaxValue)
RoutePlanResult result1 = new RoutePlanResult(null ,int.MaxValue) ;
return result1 ;
string[] passedNodeIDs = new string[pPath.PassedIDList.Count] ;
for(int i=0 ;i<passedNodeIDs.Length ;i++)
passedNodeIDs[i] = pPath.PassedIDList[i].ToString() ;
RoutePlanResult result = new RoutePlanResult(passedNodeIDs ,pPath.Weight) ;
return result ;
#region GetMinWeightRudeNode
private Node GetMinWeightRudeNode(PlanCourse planCourse ,ArrayList nodeList ,string originID)
double weight = double.MaxValue ;
Node destNode = null ;
foreach(Node node in nodeList)
if(node.ID == originID)
continue ;
PassedPath pPath = planCourse[node.ID] ;
continue ;
if(pPath.Weight < weight)
weight = pPath.Weight ;
destNode = node ;
return destNode ;
2006.05.22 应众多朋友要求,下面给出一个简单示例:
RoutePlanner.Plan 过程详解:
static void Main(string[] args)
ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList() ;
//***************** B Node *******************
Node aNode = new Node("A") ;
nodeList.Add(aNode) ;
//A -> B
Edge aEdge1 = new Edge() ;
aEdge1.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge1.EndNodeID = "B" ;
aEdge1.Weight = 10 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge1) ;
//A -> C
Edge aEdge2 = new Edge() ;
aEdge2.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge2.EndNodeID = "C" ;
aEdge2.Weight = 20 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge2) ;
//A -> E
Edge aEdge3 = new Edge() ;
aEdge3.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge3.EndNodeID = "E" ;
aEdge3.Weight = 30 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge3) ;
//***************** B Node *******************
Node bNode = new Node("B") ;
nodeList.Add(bNode) ;
//B -> C
Edge bEdge1 = new Edge() ;
bEdge1.StartNodeID = bNode.ID ;
bEdge1.EndNodeID = "C" ;
bEdge1.Weight = 5 ;
bNode.EdgeList.Add(bEdge1) ;
//B -> E
Edge bEdge2 = new Edge() ;
bEdge2.StartNodeID = bNode.ID ;
bEdge2.EndNodeID = "E" ;
bEdge2.Weight = 10 ;
bNode.EdgeList.Add(bEdge2) ;
//***************** C Node *******************
Node cNode = new Node("C") ;
nodeList.Add(cNode) ;
//C -> D
Edge cEdge1 = new Edge() ;
cEdge1.StartNodeID = cNode.ID ;
cEdge1.EndNodeID = "D" ;
cEdge1.Weight = 30 ;
cNode.EdgeList.Add(cEdge1) ;
//***************** D Node *******************
Node dNode = new Node("D") ;
nodeList.Add(dNode) ;
//***************** C Node *******************
Node eNode = new Node("E") ;
nodeList.Add(eNode) ;
//C -> D
Edge eEdge1 = new Edge() ;
eEdge1.StartNodeID = eNode.ID ;
eEdge1.EndNodeID = "D" ;
eEdge1.Weight = 20 ;
eNode.EdgeList.Add(eEdge1) ;
RoutePlanner planner = new RoutePlanner() ;
RoutePlanResult result = planner.Paln(nodeList ,"A" ,"D") ;
planner = null ;
static void Main(string[] args)
ArrayList nodeList = new ArrayList() ;
//***************** B Node *******************
Node aNode = new Node("A") ;
nodeList.Add(aNode) ;
//A -> B
Edge aEdge1 = new Edge() ;
aEdge1.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge1.EndNodeID = "B" ;
aEdge1.Weight = 10 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge1) ;
//A -> C
Edge aEdge2 = new Edge() ;
aEdge2.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge2.EndNodeID = "C" ;
aEdge2.Weight = 20 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge2) ;
//A -> E
Edge aEdge3 = new Edge() ;
aEdge3.StartNodeID = aNode.ID ;
aEdge3.EndNodeID = "E" ;
aEdge3.Weight = 30 ;
aNode.EdgeList.Add(aEdge3) ;
//***************** B Node *******************
Node bNode = new Node("B") ;
nodeList.Add(bNode) ;
//B -> C
Edge bEdge1 = new Edge() ;
bEdge1.StartNodeID = bNode.ID ;
bEdge1.EndNodeID = "C" ;
bEdge1.Weight = 5 ;
bNode.EdgeList.Add(bEdge1) ;
//B -> E
Edge bEdge2 = new Edge() ;
bEdge2.StartNodeID = bNode.ID ;
bEdge2.EndNodeID = "E" ;
bEdge2.Weight = 10 ;
bNode.EdgeList.Add(bEdge2) ;
//***************** C Node *******************
Node cNode = new Node("C") ;
nodeList.Add(cNode) ;
//C -> D
Edge cEdge1 = new Edge() ;
cEdge1.StartNodeID = cNode.ID ;
cEdge1.EndNodeID = "D" ;
cEdge1.Weight = 30 ;
cNode.EdgeList.Add(cEdge1) ;
//***************** D Node *******************
Node dNode = new Node("D") ;
nodeList.Add(dNode) ;
//***************** C Node *******************
Node eNode = new Node("E") ;
nodeList.Add(eNode) ;
//C -> D
Edge eEdge1 = new Edge() ;
eEdge1.StartNodeID = eNode.ID ;
eEdge1.EndNodeID = "D" ;
eEdge1.Weight = 20 ;
eNode.EdgeList.Add(eEdge1) ;
RoutePlanner planner = new RoutePlanner() ;
RoutePlanResult result = planner.Paln(nodeList ,"A" ,"D") ;
planner = null ;
作者:阿捷 2004-7-22 22:37:07
作者:阿捷 2004-7-22 22:37:07
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class Edge {
public String StartNodeID;
public String EndNodeID;
public double Weight;
* @return Returns the endNodeID.
public String getEndNodeID() {
return EndNodeID;
* @param endNodeID The endNodeID to set.
public void setEndNodeID(String endNodeID) {
EndNodeID = endNodeID;
* @return Returns the startNodeID.
public String getStartNodeID() {
return StartNodeID;
* @param startNodeID The startNodeID to set.
public void setStartNodeID(String startNodeID) {
StartNodeID = startNodeID;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight() {
return Weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight) {
Weight = weight;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class Edge {
public String StartNodeID;
public String EndNodeID;
public double Weight;
* @return Returns the endNodeID.
public String getEndNodeID() {
return EndNodeID;
* @param endNodeID The endNodeID to set.
public void setEndNodeID(String endNodeID) {
EndNodeID = endNodeID;
* @return Returns the startNodeID.
public String getStartNodeID() {
return StartNodeID;
* @param startNodeID The startNodeID to set.
public void setStartNodeID(String startNodeID) {
StartNodeID = startNodeID;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight() {
return Weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight) {
Weight = weight;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class Node {
private String iD;
private ArrayList edgeList;
public Node(String id) {
this.iD = id;
this.edgeList = new ArrayList();
* @return Returns the edgeList.
public ArrayList getEdgeList() {
return edgeList;
* @param edgeList The edgeList to set.
public void setEdgeList(ArrayList edgeList) {
this.edgeList = edgeList;
* @return Returns the iD.
public String getID() {
return iD;
* @param id The iD to set.
public void setID(String id) {
iD = id;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class Node {
private String iD;
private ArrayList edgeList;
public Node(String id) {
this.iD = id;
this.edgeList = new ArrayList();
* @return Returns the edgeList.
public ArrayList getEdgeList() {
return edgeList;
* @param edgeList The edgeList to set.
public void setEdgeList(ArrayList edgeList) {
this.edgeList = edgeList;
* @return Returns the iD.
public String getID() {
return iD;
* @param id The iD to set.
public void setID(String id) {
iD = id;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class PassedPath {
private String curNodeID;
private boolean beProcessed;
private double weight;
private ArrayList passedIDList;
public PassedPath(String ID) {
this.curNodeID = ID;
this.weight = Double.MAX_VALUE;
this.passedIDList = new ArrayList();
this.beProcessed = false;
* @return Returns the beProcessed.
public boolean isBeProcessed() {
return beProcessed;
* @param beProcessed The beProcessed to set.
public void setBeProcessed(boolean beProcessed) {
this.beProcessed = beProcessed;
* @return Returns the curNodeID.
public String getCurNodeID() {
return curNodeID;
* @param curNodeID The curNodeID to set.
public void setCurNodeID(String curNodeID) {
this.curNodeID = curNodeID;
* @return Returns the passedIDList.
public ArrayList getPassedIDList() {
return passedIDList;
* @param passedIDList The passedIDList to set.
public void setPassedIDList(ArrayList passedIDList) {
this.passedIDList = passedIDList;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight() {
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class PassedPath {
private String curNodeID;
private boolean beProcessed;
private double weight;
private ArrayList passedIDList;
public PassedPath(String ID) {
this.curNodeID = ID;
this.weight = Double.MAX_VALUE;
this.passedIDList = new ArrayList();
this.beProcessed = false;
* @return Returns the beProcessed.
public boolean isBeProcessed() {
return beProcessed;
* @param beProcessed The beProcessed to set.
public void setBeProcessed(boolean beProcessed) {
this.beProcessed = beProcessed;
* @return Returns the curNodeID.
public String getCurNodeID() {
return curNodeID;
* @param curNodeID The curNodeID to set.
public void setCurNodeID(String curNodeID) {
this.curNodeID = curNodeID;
* @return Returns the passedIDList.
public ArrayList getPassedIDList() {
return passedIDList;
* @param passedIDList The passedIDList to set.
public void setPassedIDList(ArrayList passedIDList) {
this.passedIDList = passedIDList;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight() {
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class PlanCourse {
private Hashtable htPassedPath;
public PlanCourse(ArrayList nodeList, String originID) throws Exception {
this.htPassedPath = new Hashtable();
Node originNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
Node node = (Node) nodeList.get(i);
if (node.getID() == originID) {
originNode = node;
} else {
PassedPath pPath = new PassedPath(node.getID());
this.htPassedPath.put(node.getID(), pPath);
if (originNode == null) {
throw new Exception("The origin node is not exist !");
private void InitializeWeight(Node originNode) {
if ((originNode.getEdgeList() == null) || (originNode.getEdgeList().size() == 0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < originNode.getEdgeList().size(); i++) {
Edge edge = (Edge) originNode.getEdgeList().get(i);
PassedPath pPath = getPassedPath(edge.EndNodeID);
if (pPath == null) {
public PassedPath getPassedPath(String nodeID) {
return (PassedPath) this.htPassedPath.get(nodeID);
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class PlanCourse {
private Hashtable htPassedPath;
public PlanCourse(ArrayList nodeList, String originID) throws Exception {
this.htPassedPath = new Hashtable();
Node originNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
Node node = (Node) nodeList.get(i);
if (node.getID() == originID) {
originNode = node;
} else {
PassedPath pPath = new PassedPath(node.getID());
this.htPassedPath.put(node.getID(), pPath);
if (originNode == null) {
throw new Exception("The origin node is not exist !");
private void InitializeWeight(Node originNode) {
if ((originNode.getEdgeList() == null) || (originNode.getEdgeList().size() == 0)) {
for (int i = 0; i < originNode.getEdgeList().size(); i++) {
Edge edge = (Edge) originNode.getEdgeList().get(i);
PassedPath pPath = getPassedPath(edge.EndNodeID);
if (pPath == null) {
public PassedPath getPassedPath(String nodeID) {
return (PassedPath) this.htPassedPath.get(nodeID);
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class RoutePlanner {
public RoutePlanner() {
public RoutePlanResult Paln(ArrayList nodeList, String originID, String destID) throws Exception {
PlanCourse planCourse = new PlanCourse(nodeList, originID);
Node curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse, nodeList, originID);
while (curNode != null) {
PassedPath curPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(curNode.getID());
for (int j = 0; j < curNode.getEdgeList().size(); j++) {
Edge edge = (Edge) curNode.getEdgeList().get(j);
PassedPath targetPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(edge.EndNodeID);
double tempWeight = curPath.getWeight() + edge.getWeight();
if (tempWeight < targetPath.getWeight()) {
for (int i = 0; i < curPath.getPassedIDList().size(); i++) {
curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse, nodeList, originID);
return this.GetResult(planCourse, destID);
private RoutePlanResult GetResult(PlanCourse planCourse, String destID) {
PassedPath pPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(destID);
if (pPath.getWeight() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
RoutePlanResult result1 = new RoutePlanResult(null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return result1;
String[] passedNodeIDs = new String[pPath.getPassedIDList().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < passedNodeIDs.length; i++) {
passedNodeIDs[i] = pPath.getPassedIDList().get(i).toString();
RoutePlanResult result = new RoutePlanResult(passedNodeIDs, pPath.getWeight());
return result;
private Node GetMinWeightRudeNode(PlanCourse planCourse, ArrayList nodeList, String originID) {
double weight = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Node destNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
Node node = (Node) nodeList.get(i);
if (node.getID() == originID) {
PassedPath pPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(node.getID());
if (pPath.isBeProcessed()) {
if (pPath.getWeight() < weight) {
weight = pPath.getWeight();
destNode = node;
return destNode;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class RoutePlanner {
public RoutePlanner() {
public RoutePlanResult Paln(ArrayList nodeList, String originID, String destID) throws Exception {
PlanCourse planCourse = new PlanCourse(nodeList, originID);
Node curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse, nodeList, originID);
while (curNode != null) {
PassedPath curPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(curNode.getID());
for (int j = 0; j < curNode.getEdgeList().size(); j++) {
Edge edge = (Edge) curNode.getEdgeList().get(j);
PassedPath targetPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(edge.EndNodeID);
double tempWeight = curPath.getWeight() + edge.getWeight();
if (tempWeight < targetPath.getWeight()) {
for (int i = 0; i < curPath.getPassedIDList().size(); i++) {
curNode = this.GetMinWeightRudeNode(planCourse, nodeList, originID);
return this.GetResult(planCourse, destID);
private RoutePlanResult GetResult(PlanCourse planCourse, String destID) {
PassedPath pPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(destID);
if (pPath.getWeight() == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
RoutePlanResult result1 = new RoutePlanResult(null, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return result1;
String[] passedNodeIDs = new String[pPath.getPassedIDList().size()];
for (int i = 0; i < passedNodeIDs.length; i++) {
passedNodeIDs[i] = pPath.getPassedIDList().get(i).toString();
RoutePlanResult result = new RoutePlanResult(passedNodeIDs, pPath.getWeight());
return result;
private Node GetMinWeightRudeNode(PlanCourse planCourse, ArrayList nodeList, String originID) {
double weight = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Node destNode = null;
for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.size(); i++) {
Node node = (Node) nodeList.get(i);
if (node.getID() == originID) {
PassedPath pPath = planCourse.getPassedPath(node.getID());
if (pPath.isBeProcessed()) {
if (pPath.getWeight() < weight) {
weight = pPath.getWeight();
destNode = node;
return destNode;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class RoutePlanResult {
private String[] passedNodeIDs;
private double weight;
public RoutePlanResult(String[] strings, double d) {
this.passedNodeIDs = strings;
this.weight = d;
* @return Returns the passedNodeIDs.
public String[] getPassedNodeIDs() {
return passedNodeIDs;
* @param passedNodeIDs The passedNodeIDs to set.
public void setPassedNodeIDs(String[] passedNodeIDs) {
this.passedNodeIDs = passedNodeIDs;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight() {
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
// version 変更日 変更者 変更内容
// 1.00 2006/01/31 周振興 新規作成
package path;
* @author 周振興
* @version 1.00
public class RoutePlanResult {
private String[] passedNodeIDs;
private double weight;
public RoutePlanResult(String[] strings, double d) {
this.passedNodeIDs = strings;
this.weight = d;
* @return Returns the passedNodeIDs.
public String[] getPassedNodeIDs() {
return passedNodeIDs;
* @param passedNodeIDs The passedNodeIDs to set.
public void setPassedNodeIDs(String[] passedNodeIDs) {
this.passedNodeIDs = passedNodeIDs;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight() {
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight) {
this.weight = weight;
函数public RoutePlanResult Paln(ArrayList nodeList ,string originID ,string destID) 有错误
应该在语句:PassedPath targetPath = planCourse[edge.EndNodeID] 前面加上
if(edge.EndNodeID==originID )
应该在语句:PassedPath targetPath = planCourse[edge.EndNodeID] 前面加上
if(edge.EndNodeID==originID )
public class RoutePlanResult
private string[] passedNodeIDs;
private double weight;
public RoutePlanResult(string[] strings, double d)
this.passedNodeIDs = strings;
this.weight = d;
* @return Returns the passedNodeIDs.
public string[] getPassedNodeIDs()
return passedNodeIDs;
* @param passedNodeIDs The passedNodeIDs to set.
public void setPassedNodeIDs(string[] passedNodeIDs)
this.passedNodeIDs = passedNodeIDs;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight()
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight)
this.weight = weight;
private string[] passedNodeIDs;
private double weight;
public RoutePlanResult(string[] strings, double d)
this.passedNodeIDs = strings;
this.weight = d;
* @return Returns the passedNodeIDs.
public string[] getPassedNodeIDs()
return passedNodeIDs;
* @param passedNodeIDs The passedNodeIDs to set.
public void setPassedNodeIDs(string[] passedNodeIDs)
this.passedNodeIDs = passedNodeIDs;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight()
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight)
this.weight = weight;
public class RoutePlanResult
private string[] passedNodeIDs;
private double weight;
public RoutePlanResult(string[] strings, double d)
this.passedNodeIDs = strings;
this.weight = d;
* @return Returns the passedNodeIDs.
public string[] getPassedNodeIDs()
return passedNodeIDs;
* @param passedNodeIDs The passedNodeIDs to set.
public void setPassedNodeIDs(string[] passedNodeIDs)
this.passedNodeIDs = passedNodeIDs;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight()
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight)
this.weight = weight;
public class RoutePlanResult
private string[] passedNodeIDs;
private double weight;
public RoutePlanResult(string[] strings, double d)
this.passedNodeIDs = strings;
this.weight = d;
* @return Returns the passedNodeIDs.
public string[] getPassedNodeIDs()
return passedNodeIDs;
* @param passedNodeIDs The passedNodeIDs to set.
public void setPassedNodeIDs(string[] passedNodeIDs)
this.passedNodeIDs = passedNodeIDs;
* @return Returns the weight.
public double getWeight()
return weight;
* @param weight The weight to set.
public void setWeight(double weight)
this.weight = weight;
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