arcmap 中建鹰眼

arcmap 中建鹰眼步骤:

1. Make a new data frame in your project (Insert/Data Frame) and add the data that you want in the overview frame. (helpful hint: Right click on Layer name and copy then right click on data frame name and paste, or you can drag and drop the layers)

2. In layout view, position your new data frame.

3. Go back to Data view, right click on the new Data Frame name and select properties. Select the 'Extent Rectangles' tab. Click on the name of the data frame that you want to show an extent rectangle of in the layout overview. Click the little '>' button to add it to the 'Show extent rectangle' box. When the data frame name is highlighted, you can use the 'Frame' button to set up how you would like the extent rectangle to look.

That's the basics of it. This will update itself whenever you move the extent of the data frame that is listed there (handy!). It looks like you can display more than one of these rectangles if you have separate data frames for them. Also, you can get really fancy on the rectangle that displays.

posted @ 2010-05-27 17:10  gisdream  阅读(901)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报