The S -transform with windows of arbitrary
and varying shape
The filter (applied to the full 200£400 S-transform matrix)
is constructed in Matlab by constructing a two-dimensional
“boxcar”, using
filter = zeros(200,400);
The filter edges are then smoothed by setting the value of
each pixel equal to the average of its four adjacent pixels (this
procedure is repeated 100 times).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | clear all % x1=readEIS('35006_6_2121_秒.txt'); % x=x1(:,2); x1= load ( 'qzh_3.txt' ); % x=qzh_3; points= length (x1); figure subplot (211), plot (0:0.02:0.02*(points-1),x1); title ( '原始信号' ); grid on; [st_matrix,st_times,st_frequencies] = st(x1) ; % imagesc(st_times,st_frequencies,abs(st_matrix)) % imcontour(abs(st_matrix)) ST= abs (st_matrix); filter = zeros (1501,3000); filter (100:800,900:1400)=1; STF=ST.* filter ; STF(STF==0) = NaN ; subplot (212),h= imagesc (STF); %其中C为包含有nan的数据 set (h, 'alphadata' ,~ isnan (STF)) ylim ([0 1000]) % set(gca, 'ydir', 'reverse'); colorbar colormapeditor |
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