

  1. How can we summarize a Process?

    At any instant in time, we can summarize a process by taking an inventory of the different pieces of the system it accesses or affects during the course of its execution.

  2. Tell me about the elements that constitute a Process?

    • Memory:Instructions lie in memory and the data that a programme reads or writes sits in memory too.
    • Registers:During the execution of a program , instuctions reads or writes some registers.
      • PC(Program Counter) tells us which instructions of the program will be execute next.
      • Stack Pointer and Frame Pointer are used to manage the stack for function parameters,local variables and return addresses.
    • Persistence Storage Device:the I/O imformation might include a list of files the program currently open.
  3. Do you know some primary APIs of Process that are available in any operating system?

    • Create
    • Destory:kill the process forcefully
    • Wait: wait to stop the process
    • Suspend/Resume
    • Status
  4. The snippet below shows the data structure of Process and the define of process states , it also shows the register context which is useful for schduling the Process.

// the registers xv6 will save and restore
// to stop and subsequently restart a process
struct context {
  int eip;
  int esp;
  int ebx;
  int ecx;
  int edx;
  int esi;
  int edi;
  int ebp;
// the different states a process can be in
enum proc_state { UNUSED, EMBRYO, SLEEPING,
                  RUNNABLE, RUNNING, ZOMBIE };
// the information xv6 tracks about each process
// including its register context and state
struct proc {
  char *mem;                  // Start of process memory
  uint sz;                    // Size of process memory
  char *kstack;               // Bottom of kernel stack
                              // for this process
  enum proc_state state;      // Process state
  int pid;                    // Process ID
  struct proc *parent;        // Parent process
  void *chan;                 // If !zero, sleeping on chan
  int killed;                 // If !zero, has been killed
  struct file *ofile[NOFILE]; // Open files
  struct inode *cwd;          // Current directory
  struct context context;     // Switch here to run process
  struct trapframe *tf;       // Trap frame for the
                              // current interrupt


Here is the code provided by the course,we can use diffrent options to generate some processes and caculate the cpu and io utilazition,for example,we can use '-l 5:100 5:100' to generate two processes, each of which has 5 instructions use CPU only.

#! /usr/bin/env python

import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import random

# process switch behavior

# io finished behavior

# process states

# members of process structure
PROC_CODE = 'code_'
PROC_PC = 'pc_'
PROC_ID = 'pid_'
PROC_STATE = 'proc_state_'

# things a process can do
DO_COMPUTE = 'cpu'
DO_IO = 'io'

class scheduler:
    def __init__(self, process_switch_behavior, io_done_behavior, io_length):
        # keep set of instructions for each of the processes
        self.proc_info = {}
        self.process_switch_behavior = process_switch_behavior
        self.io_done_behavior = io_done_behavior
        self.io_length = io_length

    def new_process(self):
        proc_id = len(self.proc_info)
        self.proc_info[proc_id] = {}
        self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_PC] = 0
        self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_ID] = proc_id
        self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_CODE] = []
        self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_STATE] = STATE_READY
        return proc_id

    def load_file(self, progfile):
        fd = open(progfile)
        proc_id = self.new_process()
        for line in fd:
            tmp = line.split()
            if len(tmp) == 0:
            opcode = tmp[0]
            if opcode == 'compute':
                assert(len(tmp) == 2)
                for i in range(int(tmp[1])):
            elif opcode == 'io':
                assert(len(tmp) == 1)

    def load(self, program_description):
        proc_id = self.new_process()
        tmp = program_description.split(':')
        if len(tmp) != 2:
            print 'Bad description (%s): Must be number <x:y>' % program_description
            print '  where X is the number of instructions'
            print '  and Y is the percent change that an instruction is CPU not IO'

        num_instructions, chance_cpu = int(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1])/100.0
        for i in range(num_instructions):
            if random.random() < chance_cpu:

    def move_to_ready(self, expected, pid=-1):
        if pid == -1:
            pid = self.curr_proc
        assert(self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == expected)
        self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] = STATE_READY

    def move_to_wait(self, expected):
        assert(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == expected)
        self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] = STATE_WAIT

    def move_to_running(self, expected):
        assert(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == expected)
        self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] = STATE_RUNNING

    def move_to_done(self, expected):
        assert(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == expected)
        self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] = STATE_DONE

    def next_proc(self, pid=-1):
        if pid != -1:
            self.curr_proc = pid
        for pid in range(self.curr_proc + 1, len(self.proc_info)):
            if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_READY:
                self.curr_proc = pid
        for pid in range(0, self.curr_proc + 1):
            if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_READY:
                self.curr_proc = pid

    def get_num_processes(self):
        return len(self.proc_info)

    def get_num_instructions(self, pid):
        return len(self.proc_info[pid][PROC_CODE])

    def get_instruction(self, pid, index):
        return self.proc_info[pid][PROC_CODE][index]

    def get_num_active(self):
        num_active = 0
        for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
            if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] != STATE_DONE:
                num_active += 1
        return num_active

    def get_num_runnable(self):
        num_active = 0
        for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
            if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_READY or \
                   self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING:
                num_active += 1
        return num_active

    def get_ios_in_flight(self, current_time):
        num_in_flight = 0
        for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
            for t in self.io_finish_times[pid]:
                if t > current_time:
                    num_in_flight += 1
        return num_in_flight

    def check_for_switch(self):

    def space(self, num_columns):
        for i in range(num_columns):
            print '%10s' % ' ',

    def check_if_done(self):
        if len(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_CODE]) == 0:
            if self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING:

    def run(self):
        clock_tick = 0

        if len(self.proc_info) == 0:

        # track outstanding IOs, per process
        self.io_finish_times = {}
        for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
            self.io_finish_times[pid] = []

        # make first one active
        self.curr_proc = 0

        # OUTPUT: headers for each column
        print '%s' % 'Time', 
        for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
            print '%10s' % ('PID:%2d' % (pid)),
        print '%10s' % 'CPU',
        print '%10s' % 'IOs',
        print ''

        # init statistics
        io_busy = 0
        cpu_busy = 0

        while self.get_num_active() > 0:
            clock_tick += 1

            # check for io finish
            io_done = False
            for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
                if clock_tick in self.io_finish_times[pid]:
                    io_done = True
                    self.move_to_ready(STATE_WAIT, pid)
                    if self.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE:
                        # IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE
                        if self.curr_proc != pid:
                            if self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING:
                        # IO_RUN_LATER
                        if self.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_END and self.get_num_runnable() > 1:
                            # this means the process that issued the io should be run
                        if self.get_num_runnable() == 1:
                            # this is the only thing to run: so run it
            # if current proc is RUNNING and has an instruction, execute it
            instruction_to_execute = ''
            if self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING and \
                   len(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_CODE]) > 0:
                instruction_to_execute = self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_CODE].pop(0)
                cpu_busy += 1

            # OUTPUT: print what everyone is up to
            if io_done:
                print '%3d*' % clock_tick,
                print '%3d ' % clock_tick,
            for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)):
                if pid == self.curr_proc and instruction_to_execute != '':
                    print '%10s' % ('RUN:'+instruction_to_execute),
                    print '%10s' % (self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE]),
            if instruction_to_execute == '':
                print '%10s' % ' ',
                print '%10s' % 1,
            num_outstanding = self.get_ios_in_flight(clock_tick)
            if num_outstanding > 0:
                print '%10s' % str(num_outstanding),
                io_busy += 1
                print '%10s' % ' ',
            print ''

            # if this is an IO instruction, switch to waiting state
            # and add an io completion in the future
            if instruction_to_execute == DO_IO:
                self.io_finish_times[self.curr_proc].append(clock_tick + self.io_length)
                if self.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO:

            # ENDCASE: check if currently running thing is out of instructions
        return (cpu_busy, io_busy, clock_tick)

parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
parser.add_option('-l', '--processlist', default='',
                  help='a comma-separated list of processes to run, in the form X1:Y1,X2:Y2,... where X is the number of instructions that process should run, and Y the chances (from 0 to 100) that an instruction will use the CPU or issue an IO',
                  action='store', type='string', dest='process_list')
parser.add_option('-L', '--iolength', default=5, help='how long an IO takes', action='store', type='int', dest='io_length')
parser.add_option('-S', '--switch', default='SWITCH_ON_IO',
                  help='when to switch between processes: SWITCH_ON_IO, SWITCH_ON_END',
                  action='store', type='string', dest='process_switch_behavior')
parser.add_option('-I', '--iodone', default='IO_RUN_LATER',
                  help='type of behavior when IO ends: IO_RUN_LATER, IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE',
                  action='store', type='string', dest='io_done_behavior')
parser.add_option('-c', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true', default=False, dest='solve')
parser.add_option('-p', '--printstats', help='print statistics at end; only useful with -c flag (otherwise stats are not printed)', action='store_true', default=False, dest='print_stats')
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()


assert(options.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO or \
       options.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_END)
assert(options.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE or \
       options.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_LATER)

s = scheduler(options.process_switch_behavior, options.io_done_behavior, options.io_length)

# example process description (10:100,10:100)
for p in options.process_list.split(','):

if options.solve == False:
    print 'Produce a trace of what would happen when you run these processes:'
    for pid in range(s.get_num_processes()):
        print 'Process %d' % pid
        for inst in range(s.get_num_instructions(pid)):
            print '  %s' % s.get_instruction(pid, inst)
        print ''
    print 'Important behaviors:'
    print '  System will switch when',
    if options.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO:
        print 'the current process is FINISHED or ISSUES AN IO'
        print 'the current process is FINISHED'
    print '  After IOs, the process issuing the IO will',
    if options.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE:
        print 'run IMMEDIATELY'
        print 'run LATER (when it is its turn)'
    print ''

(cpu_busy, io_busy, clock_tick) = s.run()

if options.print_stats:
    print ''
    print 'Stats: Total Time %d' % clock_tick
    print 'Stats: CPU Busy %d (%.2f%%)' % (cpu_busy, 100.0 * float(cpu_busy)/clock_tick)
    print 'Stats: IO Busy  %d (%.2f%%)' % (io_busy, 100.0 * float(io_busy)/clock_tick)
    print ''

The snippet shown below shows some detail of the options:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s SEED, --seed=SEED  the random seed
  -l PROCESS_LIST, --processlist=PROCESS_LIST
                        a comma-separated list of processes to run, in the
                        form X1:Y1,X2:Y2,... where X is the number of
                        instructions that process should run, and Y the
                        chances (from 0 to 100) that an instruction will use
                        the CPU or issue an IO
  -L IO_LENGTH, --iolength=IO_LENGTH
                        how long an IO takes
                        when to switch between processes: SWITCH_ON_IO,
                        type of behavior when IO ends: IO_RUN_LATER,
  -c                    compute answers for me
  -p, --printstats      print statistics at end; only useful with -c flag
                        (otherwise stats are not printed)
  1. Run process-run.py with the following flags: -l 5:100,5:100. What should the CPU utilization be (e.g., the percent of time the CPU is in use?)

    Answer: Simply easy, 100%

  2. Now run with these flags: ./process-run.py -l 4:100,1:0. These flags specify one process with 4 instructions (all to use the CPU), and one that simply issues an I/O and waits for it to be done. How long does it take to complete both processes?

    Answer:10 ticks time

    At first,We don't know the IO length of each instruction, after checking the details of options,we find out that the default IO length is 5 ticks . So we can answer this question.

    1 Run:process 0  Ready:process 1
    2 Run:process 0  Ready:process 1
    3 Run:process 0  Ready:process 1
    4 Run:process 0  Ready:process 1
    5 done			 Run:process 1 
    6 done 			 Wait:process 1
    7 done 			 Wait:process 1
    8 done 			 Wait:process 1
    9 done 			 Wait:process 1
    10 done 		 done
  3. Switch the order of the processes: -l 1:0,4:100. What happens now? Does switching the order matter? Why?

    Answer: Yes ,it explicitly is different.

    Because of losing connection to the terminal,we can't do this exercise right now. But I will still try to make an answer for the question,using my ability of reasoning. The answer will be different to the answer of the question 2.

    1 Run:process 0  Ready:process1
    2 Wait:process 0 Run: process1
    3 Wait:process 0 Run: process1
    4 Wait:process 0 Run: process1
    5 Wait:process 0 Run: process1
    6 done           done
  4. We’ll now explore some of the other flags. One important flag is -S, which determines how the system reacts when a process issues an I/O. With the flag set to SWITCH_ON_END, the system will NOT switch to another process while one is doing I/O, instead of waiting until the process is completely finished. What happens when you run the following two processes (-l 1:0,4:100 -c -S SWITCH_ON_END), one doing I/O and the other doing CPU work?


    No, the CPU process will not use the cpu when the IO process is in WAIT state, CPU will switch to CPU process when the IO process is done.

    1 Run:process 0  Ready:process1
    2 Wait:process 0 Ready:process1
    3 Wait:process 0 Ready:process1
    4 Wait:process 0 Ready:process1
    5 Wait:process 0 Ready:process1
    6 done 			 Run:process 1
    7 done 			 Run:process 1
    8 done 			 Run:process 1
    9 done 			 Run:process 1
  5. Now, run the same processes, but with the switching behavior set to switch to another process whenever one is WAITING for I/O (-l 1:0,4:100 -c -S SWITCH_ON_IO). What happens now?

    Answer: the answer is same as the answer 3.

  6. One other important behavior is what to do when an I/O completes. With -I IO_RUN_LATER, when an I/O completes, the process that issued it does not necessarily run right away; rather, whatever was running at the time keeps running. What happens when you run this combination of processes? (Run ./process-run.py -l 3:0,5:100,5:100,5:100 -S SWITCH_ON_IO -I IO_RUN_LATER -c -p) Are system resources being effectively utilized?

    Answer: IO_RUN_LATER mains that the IO process has to wait until all the CPU processes have done. During the execution, there are two part which need to promote, one is process 0 is having an Ready State when process 2 and process 3 are Running, the other is the last three of IO waiting when the cpu is idle.

  7. Now run the same processes, but with -I IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE set, which immediately runs the process that issued the I/O. How does this behavior differ? Why might running a process that just completed an I/O again be a good idea?

    Answer:It will be a good idea when the process have to do other IO tasks.

posted @ 2020-11-25 15:09  Ging  阅读(223)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报