常用排序算法--Insertion Sort(插入排序)

Insertion Sort VIsualization

/* Logic : Suppose if the array is sorted till index i then we can sort the arry till i+1 by inserting      
i+1 th element in the correct position from 0 to i+1. The position at which (i+1)th element has    
to be inserted has to be found by iterating from 0 to i. As any array is sorted till 0th postion          
(Single element is always sorted) and we know how to expand, we can sort the whole array */ 
void InsertionSort(int *array , int number_of_elements){    
    int iter,jter;        
        int current_element = array[iter];    
        jter = iter-1;        
        while(jter>=0 && array[jter] > current_element)        
            array[jter+1] = array[jter];            
        array[jter+1] = current_element;      
posted @ 2013-03-21 20:30  Gigbit  阅读(180)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报