Gieno  【译】 Wall Street Bonuses - The Enemy Is Us

希望这篇翻译能告诉你一个更加真实の华尔街 - Gieno

Well, that didn't take long.
President Obama called Wall Street bonuses 'shameful.' By Friday morning, Senator McCaskill was leading the mob's march on Versailles with her call to cap Wall Street pay.

'I'll believe the execs 'get it' when I see their heads on pikes lining Wall Street.'

Of course, there is a bracing clarity to this thinking, but it's a tad too neat. The Wall Street bonus brouhaha is neither black nor white.

It's grey. Perhaps, dark grey, but grey nonetheless.

Now, there is no doubt that plenty of Wall Street folks have been living it up with big bonuses and fancy Hampton homes.

But the number of Wall Street execs who pocketed a million dollar bonus for at least three years is probably no more than 10,000 or so. (Call it the top 5% of all NYC finance workers.)

A huge number? Well, not really.

Of the 168,000 New Yorkers on Wall Street, consider that 90% of them probably lead a classically middle-class life: commuting to work, little league, dance classes and saving for the kids' college.

Of course, Jamie Dimon and Henry Kravis are not taking a PATH train home to the three bedroom ranch house in New Jersey. But the mega-millionaires are high-profile exceptions, not the rule.
      【当然,Jamie Dimon(摩根大通CEO?)Henry Kravis(KKRのBoss)不需要每天乘地铁穿过哈德逊河,回到纽约对面新泽西州有三间卧室的乡村风格住宅。但这些亿万富翁只是些特例,并非普遍现象。

Wall Street is full of people no different from you. And they too are getting fired at a frightening clip.

The real destructive element of Wall Street is not its people, but its all-consuming 'me first' culture.

Once upon a time, at least some on Wall Street were 'long term greedy.' But for the last couple of decades, the culture has been to 'get the most and get it first.'

The banker or trader with the fat guarantee a la Merrill's Trading Chief Tom Montag and his $40 million bonus is envied, not hated on Wall Street.
      【对于美林交易部门负责人Tom Montag那样拿到4,000万美元天价奖金的银行家或交易员,华尔街人士只是羡慕,而不是敌视。】

Even today, very few bankers look over the rubble of Wall Street and think they were overpaid. Ever wonder how Citi's Bob Rubin can pocket $115 million and express few misgivings?
      【即使到了今天,也没有几个银行家看着华尔街的废墟会认为他们过去拿的报酬太高了。想知道花旗集团的Bob Rubin何以拿着1.15亿美元的报酬却并无任何不安吗?

It's the culture, stupid.

And unfortunately, it's the same entitlement culture we have all over America.

Social Security? Medicare? Municipal unions and their unaffordable pensions? The 'me-first' culture is everywhere. And just as on Wall Street, the culture comes from the very top.

Look at Washington. We already have two confirmed tax cheats - Timothy Geithner and Charlie Rangel - figuring out how much you will be paying in taxes.
      【看看华盛顿。我们已经听说了两起得到证实的逃税案,一是新任财长Timothy Geithner,一是纽约州知名参议员Charlie Rangel。想想吧,你又会交多少税。G少爷旁白:中国很多官员都是合法避税の,哎~

None of this excuses Wall Street's behavior. Or makes it 'okay' for your tax money to be paid out as bonuses.

But then again, how many of us want our tax money going to Chrysler? Or farm subsidies? Or the hundreds of earmarks that make up our federal budget?

As another Mean Street reader said, 'Look at Wall Street bonuses as pork for New York.'

Whether you like it or not, Wall Street really is just like the rest of America. For better and worse.



 posted on 2009-09-24 15:56  Gieno  阅读(356)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报