Gieno  Thoughts On Becoming a Professional Tester

"If a man is called to be a streetsweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great streetsweeper who did his job well."- -Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.

Lots of the newcomers are confused with the changes in the daily works, even suffer from them. Throughout life our environment changes. That's just the way it is. New 'doors' open, and some 'doors' close. I often recall my first manager at Microsoft(called Lu Jin ^_^) telling me that it is up to me to control my own destiny at the company. But, I had been around long enough to realize that life also sometime throws us curves or unexpectedly changes direction, and Microsoft is certainly a dynamic company. It is often during times of change where new and exciting opportunities present themselves. Even during times of change I believe we still control our own destiny (at least somewhat). When our environment changes (as it always does) we generally have many choices. For example, often we can embrace the change and dynamically adapt and/or rise up to new challenges that life presents. Or, we can choose to wallow in self-pity, pretend we are a victim of some evil plot, hypercriticize the change with dogmatic arrogance, and incessantly bemoan the dubiously negative aspects of the change from an often overly emotional narrow-minded perspective. This latter choice is usually not an especially productive one (personally or professionally), and generally only demonstrates one's extremely biased, and limited view and their incapacity to grasp the "big picture."

Let's face it; we have chosen to work in one of the most dynamic industries in the world. Change is all around us, although some things remain relatively the same. For example, the techniques medical doctors use in the initial screening of certain maladies have remained relatively constant for decades, but at the same time advancements medical imagery has made tremendous technological leaps forward. Likewise, the practice of exploratory testing has been used extensively in software testing for decades, but the effective application of combinatorial analysis (pair-wise, triplet, n-wise) of interdependent or semi-coupled parameters has only recently become a mainstream best practice.

The testing discipline is undergoing tremendous change these days. There are many people around the world who are serious about maturing and advancing our profession. Some ideas are great, some still need to be refined, but at least they are seriously investigating at ways to advance the profession. As a tester working in a rapidly changing industry we must constantly re-evaluate our skills, and increase our professional knowledge of software testing and computer systems in general in order to provide the best possible service to our employer.

I think if someone chooses testing as a profession, then they should strive to become a professional in the discipline, and develop and refine the skills and knowledge that entails.
 posted on 2009-08-19 16:57  Gieno  阅读(203)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报