基本的git/linux/g++/ 等指令

0 引言


1 git

Reference Linking

git status

view all files' state, tracked or untracked, commited or un commited


git status -uno

view files' state, not including untracked files


git checkout -b  [branchname]

create a branch named [branchname] and switch to it

equals to $ git branch [branchname] && $ git checkout [branchname]


git branch

view local branches

$ git branch -a # view all of the branches, including local and remote branches

$ git branch -r # view remote branches


git checkout 



git remote 

view the remote server name


git fetch origin

to update remote branch information


git remote show origin

view all the corresponding relations between local and remote branches


git clone ssh://git@git-brion-us.asml.com:7999/brion_rnd_sjb/tachyon_prd.git

real link of our repository


git reset

  • git reset –-hard: to discard all local changes


git checkout  -- files

to discard unadded changes in a file


*** git branch -d feature/dev

delete local branches in Git


*** git push origin --delete feature/dev

delete remote branches in Git


git clone -b LMC/kwang10/dev1 --single-branch url

clone a specific branch from remote repository


git pull origin tachyon-RDI-10

merge the group  code with local code


git clone -b LMC/testauthorname --single-branch ssh://git@git-brion-us.asml.com:7999/brion_rnd_sjb/tachyon_prd.git



merge from hotfix branch back to develop

How to merge from hotfix branch back to develop


git fetch

git checkout origin/tachyon-RDI-10 -- file

  • usage: git pull a single file from remote repository

  • origin/tachyon-RDI-10 can be replaced by any branch name

  • file is the relative path of a specific file


git diff filename

watch the difference between version_latest and version_old of "filename"


git reset --hard


Resets the index and working tree. Any changes to tracked files in the working tree since <commit> are discarded.


git log --after="2021-01-05 00:59" --before="2021-01-05 20:37" author="testauthorname"

specific time slots for specfic author.


git cherry-pick <commitHash>

quick merge commit to branch 10 if merge conflict


2 linux



reference linking

sudo chmod -R 777 Document/

change the visit permission of a file



create a new file



create a new file folder (or a new directory)



initialize the console and clear the window



clear the content shown on the screen






list all file in current directory(files named with .xxx not included )


ls -l

list all files and the detailed properties


ls -a

list all file in current directory(files named with .xxx also included )


whereis [filename]

list the directory of files named [filename]


rm [filename]

remove a file named [filename], need confirm


rm -f [filename]

remove a file named [filename], don't need confirm, '-f' means force


rm -r -f [folder]

remove a folder named [folder], don't need confirm



a parameter used when dealing with a folder


cp [options] source dest

copy and paste the content of a file/directory from source to dest


cat file

print the file content on the screen


find /home -name "*.txt"

find the files ended with ".txt" in directory "/home"


find /home -iname "*.txt"

find the file ended with ".txt" in directory "/home", and set case insensetive


grep -rnw "what you are search for" /path

search for content in your file in a specific path


grep --include=\test*.txt -irnw './' -e "touch"

search for content in files named after a particular pattern

  • '-i': ignore case

  • '-r':recursive

  • '-n':show the line number where my content appears

  • '-w':match the whole word


egrep --include=\* -irn -e "def1\.size\(\) = [0-9]+"

grep with regular expression


tree -d directory

show only folders


du -h

check how much storage the current directory has used.



  • wc -l job_message.txt: count how many lines in this file

  • wc -w job_message.txt: count how many words in this file


killall -u kwang10

kill all processes of user "kwang10"



get column


diff file1 file2

  • usage: compare the content of 2 files

  • file1: benchmark

  • file2: modified from file1

    • 4c4: changed the 4th row of file1
    • 4, 6d3: deleted from 4 to 6 row in file1, at the place of row 3 in file2
    • < a: delete a
    • > b: add b
    • ---: separate modified place of file1 and file2


ssh -X dn121201

transfer to dn server, "-X" means gui should be supported.(when open tachyon-flex gui)



求和:awk '{sum += $1};END {print sum}'  test.txt




3 vim

Reference Linking


insert at the curser



add after curser



add at the end of this row



remove character at curser



remove n character at curser



remove or cut the whole row



remove or cut n row begin at curser



find the first “text” pattern in current file after curser



find the first “text” pattern in current file before curser



substitute “old” pattern use “new”



copy current row to cache



copy n rows to cache from curser



paste from cache



cancel the last modification


:set nu

display number of rows


:set nonu

remove number of rows



quit from vi



save modifications



quit without save of modifications



save it forcely



save and quit forcely


:vsplit [filename]

vertically split the screen and open a new file






undo for n times


:row_begin, row_end >

to tab from row_begin to row_end


:row_begin, row_end <

to reverse tab from row_gebin to row_end


:/search_word  + n /N

press n to search forward, N to search backward



search "foo" and set case insensetive



search "foo" and set case insensetive



search all "Template" and replace them with "int"



search "Template" in 3 and 4 row and replace them with "int"


ps -ef |grep kwang10



killall -u kwang10

kill all for kwang10


automatically edit format

  • set in .vimrcshift + g + line_begin: move to line head

    • filetype plugin indent on
    • set cindent shiftwidth=4
  • v: transform to visual mode

  • shift + g + line_end: move line end

  • =


4 g++

MeaningReference Linking

g++ -E test.cpp -o test.i

preprocessing, operated by the preprocessor, to produce a file ended with ".i"


g++ -S test.i -o test.s

compilation, to compile a ".i" ended file into a ".s" ended file 


g++ -c test.s -o test.o

assembly, operated by the compiler, to produce a binary file


g++ test.o -o test.out

linking, linker will link all ".o" files to produce a executable file


g++ main.cpp -o main

compiling and linking a single main.cpp


g++ main.cpp include/add.cpp -o main

compliling many different files together, with .h and .cpp files


g++ src/.*cpp -c -Iinclude/

compile all ,cpp files in src into .o files


ar rcs libMyAdd.a *.o

to package all .o files into a .a static linking libraries.
"lib + name + .a" is the standard naming rules for static linking libraries.


g++ main.cpp lib/libMyAdd.a -o sum -Iinclude/
g++ main.cpp -Iinclude/ -L./lib -lMyAdd

to compile main.cpp with static linking libraries.


g++ -fpic -c src/*.cpp

to create binary code location independently


g++ -shared -o libMyAdd.so *.o -Iinclude

to package all .o files into a .so shared linking libraries.


g++ main.cpp lib/libMyAdd.so -o app -Iinclude
g++ main.cpp -Iinclude/ -L./lib -lMyAdd -o app

to compile main.cpp with shared linking libraries
error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
solution 1: add .so path into LD_LIBARY_PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib // temporary effective
solution 2: add it into .bashrc
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/kwang10/test/lib
$ source ~/.bashrc


ldd app

check if all the files which app depends are normal


g++ -* 

  • -o: to name the executable file 

  • -D: to define Macro definition

  • -I: to specify the path to the header files

  • -g: added when debugging using gdc

  • -O: to determine compiler optimization accoring to number, from 1 to 3

  • -Wall: to output warning information

  • -std=C++11








5 gdb


start to execute, only execute one step


Start running program until a breakpoint or end of program


next step


runs the next line of the program

s N

runs the next line of the program

difference between next and step

n will not enter a function, but s can enter a function


continue to execute until meet a break point


runs until the current function is finished

l file_name: 

  • + row number

  • + function name 

  • press enter to show next lines


  • b n : set a break point at the n line of current file

  • b n if condition == true : set if true

  • b file.c: N : set at the N line of file ""

  • b fun: set at the begining of function "fun"

i b(information break)

to show break point information

p variable name

view value of variable


view type of variable


posted @ 2021-02-17 17:16  十步一杀2017  阅读(314)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报