
XCode 4.2.1 项目的几个模版说明

Posted on 2012-04-11 17:34  蝈蝈俊  阅读(5806)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报

XCode 4.2.1 项目的模版截图:


Single View Application


This template provides a starting point for an application that uses a single view. It provides a view controller to manage the view, and a storyboard or nib file that contains the view.

最常用的应用模版,XCode 之前版本的 View-Based Application 跟这个最像。

刚开始学习HelloWorld 就应该从这个开始。



Master-Detail Application

This template provides a starting point for a master-detail application. It provides a user interface configured with a navigation controller to display a list of items and also a split view on iPad.

很多有过一些开发经验的程序员会发现现在为iPhone的Navigation(导航模式)和为iPad的Split(分割模式)的工程模板没有了,其实这个地方就是这两种工程的入口,如果你选择是iPhone版的Master-Detail Application,其实际生成的就是Navigation(导航模式),如果选择iPad,则为Split(分割模式)

Master-Detail 模板能够创建和 Mail 相似的应用。如下,左边导航是 Master,右边每封邮件的细节是 Detail。





OpenGL Game

This template provides a starting point for an OpenGL ES-based game. It provides a view into which you render your OpenGL ES scene, and a timer to allow you to animate the view.

这个是生成一个基于OpenGL的工程,值得说明的是,iOS已全面支持OpenGLES 2.0,并且使用shader编程实现其中的功能。



Page-Based Application

This template provides a starting point for a page-based application that uses a page view controller. 

这个是iOS5引入的一个新的类,page view controller,其翻页效果是基于OpenGLES实现的。

选择“Page-based Application”项目模板就可以利用这个模板创建一种“基于页”的应用程序,


iOS5 Page-Based Application模板拟真翻页 pdf和ePub源码问题探讨


Tabbed Application

This template provides a starting point for an application that uses a tab bar. It provides a user interface configured with a tab bar controller, and view controllers for the tab bar items.

这个就是大家熟悉的Tab Bar Application,值得一提的就是,现在控制Tab bar内容及其相关View controller都是使用代码来实现的。Tab bar从一开始就可以使用代码控制,不过大部分时候可以通过IB来定义,在XCode4.0之前和4.0中,IB在这个地方的使用方式不同。现在终于要放弃使用IB编辑了。

Tabbed 模板能够创建一个和 iTunes 类似的应用


如何创建一个Tab bar Application (xcode 4.2中或者代码的方式)



Utility Application

This template provides a starting point for a utility application that has a main view and an alternate view. For iPhone, it sets up an Info button to flip the main view to the alternate view. For iPad, it sets up an Info bar button that shows the alternate view in a popover.



Xcode Utility Application 例子 数据传递与共享

如下图,第一个页面右下角点击 i 按钮, 出现第二个页面。


Empty Application

This template provides a starting point for any application. It provides just an application delegate and a window.

这个就是原来的Window-Based Application.






XCode 3 跟 XCode 4 项目模版的对应关系可以看下表:

Navigation-based Application  ——->Master-Detail Application => iphone

Splite View-based Application ——->Master-Detail Application => ipad

OpenGL ES Application —————>OpenGL Game

Tab Bar Application      —————>Tabbed Application

Utility Application         —————>Utility Application

View-based Application —————>Single View Application

Window-based Application————>Empty Application






Xcode 4.2 环境下Application8种可选类型分析

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