Fun with layers这篇文章的有些内容很奇怪,我根本就没有这种现象,所以暂时就这样吧In this post, I’ll explain how to add a border, rounded corners, and drop shadow to any UIView using so... 阅读全文
I have a UIView and I'm trying to set its layer properties.self.colorSwatch = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(400, 150, 100, 100)];self.color... 阅读全文
So right now I have a UIView with a UILabel in it. I want the background to have an opacity < 1.0 and the label to have an opacity of 1.0. However sin... 阅读全文
在所有编程语言中都涉及到大量的字符串操作,可见熟悉对字符串的操作是何等重要。 Go中的字符串和C#中的一样(java也是),字符串内容在初始化后不可修改。 需要注意的是在Go中字符串是有UTF-8编码的,请注意保存文件时将文件编码格式改成UTF-8(特别是在windows下)。初始化var str ... 阅读全文