支持异步处理的提供程序有 System.Data.SqlClient
异步方法 BeginExecuteNonQuery EndExecuteNonQuery
BeginExecuteXmlReader EndExecuteXmlReader
BeginExecuteReader EndExecuteReader
begin前缀方法返回的是IAsyncResult 用于追踪一步方法的执行状态
IAsyncResult .AsnycState 用户自定义的状态对象
IAsyncResult .AsnycWaitHandle 呼叫代码的等待形式,是等其中的一个异步方法完成还是全部完成
IAsyncResult .CompletedSynchronously 获取所有异步方法是否同时完成
IAsyncResult .Iscompleted 是否执行完毕,可以根据此属性进行下部动作
异步方法 BeginExecuteNonQuery EndExecuteNonQuery
BeginExecuteXmlReader EndExecuteXmlReader
BeginExecuteReader EndExecuteReader
begin前缀方法返回的是IAsyncResult 用于追踪一步方法的执行状态
IAsyncResult .AsnycState 用户自定义的状态对象
IAsyncResult .AsnycWaitHandle 呼叫代码的等待形式,是等其中的一个异步方法完成还是全部完成
IAsyncResult .CompletedSynchronously 获取所有异步方法是否同时完成
IAsyncResult .Iscompleted 是否执行完毕,可以根据此属性进行下部动作
//// obtain connection strings from configuration files or
//// similar facility
//// NOTE: these connection strings have to include "async=true", for
//// example:
//// "server=myserver;database=mydb;integrated security=true;async=true"
//string connstrAccouting = GetConnString("accounting");
//string connstrHR = GetConnString("humanresources");
//// define two connection objects, one for each database
//using (SqlConnection connAcc = new SqlConnection(connstrAccounting))
//using (SqlConnection connHumanRes = new SqlConnection(connstrHR))
// // open the first connection
// connAcc.Open();
// // start the execution of the first query contained in the
// // "employee_info" stored-procedure
// SqlCommand cmdAcc = new SqlCommand("employee_info", connAcc);
// cmdAcc.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// cmdAcc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empl_id", employee_id);
// IAsyncResult arAcc = cmdAcc.BeginExecuteReader();
// // at this point, the "employee_info" stored-proc is executing on
// // the server, and this thread is running at the same time
// // now open the second connection
// connHumanRes.Open();
// // start the execution of the second stored-proc against
// // the human-resources server
// SqlCommand cmdHumanRes = new SqlCommand("employee_hrinfo",
// connHumanRes);
// cmdHumanRes.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empl_id", employee_id);
// IAsyncResult arHumanRes = cmdHumanRes.BeginExecuteReader();
// // now both queries are running at the same time
// // at this point; more work can be done from this thread, or we
// // can simply wait until both commands finish - in our case we'll
// // wait
// SqlDataReader drAcc = cmdAcc.EndExecuteReader(arAcc);
// SqlDataReader drHumanRes = cmdHumanRes.EndExecuteReader(arHumanRes);
// // now we can render the results, for example, bind the readers to an ASP.NET
// // web control, or scan the reader and draw the information in a
// // WebForms form.
string custid = "ALFKI";
string orderid = "10643";
// NOTE: connection strings denoted by "connstring" have to include
// "async=true", for example:
string connstring = "server=(local);database=northwind;integrated security=true;async=true";
// we'll use three connections for this
using (SqlConnection c1 = new SqlConnection(connstring))
using (SqlConnection c2 = new SqlConnection(connstring))
using (SqlConnection c3 = new SqlConnection(connstring))
// get customer info
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID=@id", c1);
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char, 5).Value = custid;
IAsyncResult arCustomer = cmd1.BeginExecuteReader();
// get orders
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID=@id", c2);
cmd2.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char, 5).Value = custid;
IAsyncResult arOrders = cmd2.BeginExecuteReader();
// get order detail if user picked an order
IAsyncResult arDetails = null;
SqlCommand cmd3 = null;
if (null != orderid)
cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID=@id", c3);
cmd3.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = int.Parse(orderid);
arDetails = cmd3.BeginExecuteReader();
// build the wait handle array for WaitForMultipleObjects
WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[null == arDetails ? 2 : 3];
handles[0] = arCustomer.AsyncWaitHandle;
handles[1] = arOrders.AsyncWaitHandle;
if (null != arDetails)
handles[2] = arDetails.AsyncWaitHandle;
// wait for commands to complete and render page controls as we
// get data back
SqlDataReader r;
DataTable dt;
for (int results = (null == arDetails) ? 1 : 0; results < 3; results++)
// wait for any handle, then process results as they come
int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles, 5000, false); // 5 secs
if (WaitHandle.WaitTimeout == index)
throw new Exception("Timeout");
switch (index)
case 0: // customer query is ready
r = cmd1.EndExecuteReader(arCustomer);
if (!r.Read())
lblCustomerID.Text = r.GetString(0);
lblCompanyName.Text = r.GetString(1);
lblContact.Text = r.GetString(2);
case 1: // orders query is ready
r = cmd2.EndExecuteReader(arOrders);
dt = new DataTable();
dgOrders.DataSource = dt; // data-bind to the orders grid
case 2: // details query is ready
r = cmd3.EndExecuteReader(arDetails);
dt = new DataTable();
dgDetails.DataSource = dt; // data-bind to the details grid
//// similar facility
//// NOTE: these connection strings have to include "async=true", for
//// example:
//// "server=myserver;database=mydb;integrated security=true;async=true"
//string connstrAccouting = GetConnString("accounting");
//string connstrHR = GetConnString("humanresources");
//// define two connection objects, one for each database
//using (SqlConnection connAcc = new SqlConnection(connstrAccounting))
//using (SqlConnection connHumanRes = new SqlConnection(connstrHR))
// // open the first connection
// connAcc.Open();
// // start the execution of the first query contained in the
// // "employee_info" stored-procedure
// SqlCommand cmdAcc = new SqlCommand("employee_info", connAcc);
// cmdAcc.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
// cmdAcc.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empl_id", employee_id);
// IAsyncResult arAcc = cmdAcc.BeginExecuteReader();
// // at this point, the "employee_info" stored-proc is executing on
// // the server, and this thread is running at the same time
// // now open the second connection
// connHumanRes.Open();
// // start the execution of the second stored-proc against
// // the human-resources server
// SqlCommand cmdHumanRes = new SqlCommand("employee_hrinfo",
// connHumanRes);
// cmdHumanRes.Parameters.AddWithValue("@empl_id", employee_id);
// IAsyncResult arHumanRes = cmdHumanRes.BeginExecuteReader();
// // now both queries are running at the same time
// // at this point; more work can be done from this thread, or we
// // can simply wait until both commands finish - in our case we'll
// // wait
// SqlDataReader drAcc = cmdAcc.EndExecuteReader(arAcc);
// SqlDataReader drHumanRes = cmdHumanRes.EndExecuteReader(arHumanRes);
// // now we can render the results, for example, bind the readers to an ASP.NET
// // web control, or scan the reader and draw the information in a
// // WebForms form.
string custid = "ALFKI";
string orderid = "10643";
// NOTE: connection strings denoted by "connstring" have to include
// "async=true", for example:
string connstring = "server=(local);database=northwind;integrated security=true;async=true";
// we'll use three connections for this
using (SqlConnection c1 = new SqlConnection(connstring))
using (SqlConnection c2 = new SqlConnection(connstring))
using (SqlConnection c3 = new SqlConnection(connstring))
// get customer info
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT CustomerID, CompanyName, ContactName FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID=@id", c1);
cmd1.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char, 5).Value = custid;
IAsyncResult arCustomer = cmd1.BeginExecuteReader();
// get orders
SqlCommand cmd2 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE CustomerID=@id", c2);
cmd2.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Char, 5).Value = custid;
IAsyncResult arOrders = cmd2.BeginExecuteReader();
// get order detail if user picked an order
IAsyncResult arDetails = null;
SqlCommand cmd3 = null;
if (null != orderid)
cmd3 = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM [Order Details] WHERE OrderID=@id", c3);
cmd3.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = int.Parse(orderid);
arDetails = cmd3.BeginExecuteReader();
// build the wait handle array for WaitForMultipleObjects
WaitHandle[] handles = new WaitHandle[null == arDetails ? 2 : 3];
handles[0] = arCustomer.AsyncWaitHandle;
handles[1] = arOrders.AsyncWaitHandle;
if (null != arDetails)
handles[2] = arDetails.AsyncWaitHandle;
// wait for commands to complete and render page controls as we
// get data back
SqlDataReader r;
DataTable dt;
for (int results = (null == arDetails) ? 1 : 0; results < 3; results++)
// wait for any handle, then process results as they come
int index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(handles, 5000, false); // 5 secs
if (WaitHandle.WaitTimeout == index)
throw new Exception("Timeout");
switch (index)
case 0: // customer query is ready
r = cmd1.EndExecuteReader(arCustomer);
if (!r.Read())
lblCustomerID.Text = r.GetString(0);
lblCompanyName.Text = r.GetString(1);
lblContact.Text = r.GetString(2);
case 1: // orders query is ready
r = cmd2.EndExecuteReader(arOrders);
dt = new DataTable();
dgOrders.DataSource = dt; // data-bind to the orders grid
case 2: // details query is ready
r = cmd3.EndExecuteReader(arDetails);
dt = new DataTable();
dgDetails.DataSource = dt; // data-bind to the details grid