枚举 PROBLEM 伪代码总结

problem 1:生理周期

simple enumerate 


2, loop1:  k=d+1,increase k to 20000,if (k-p)%23=0, break loop1
3. loop2:  increase k by 23 to 20000, if (k-e)%28=0, break loop2
4, loop3:  increase k by 23*28 to 20000, if (k-i)%33=0,break loop3




problem 2:称硬币

model with several variables 


1, read all input information
2, loop1:   enumerate coin "a" to coin "l"
                           if coin is heavy  :  break  and print
                           if coin is light:       break and print


以字符串数组存储称量的结果。每次称量时,天平左右最多有6 枚硬币。因此,字
char left[3][7], right[3][7], result[3][7];

以字符串数组存储称量的结果。每次称量时,天平左右最多有6 枚硬币。因此,字符串的长度需要为7,最后一位存储字符串的结束符’\0’,便于程序代码中使用字符串操作函数。char left[3][7], right[3][7], result[3][7];




problem 3:完美立方

the solution in search space is not unique 


1, store all cube[i]
2, loop1:   for   a =6   to   n
                  loop2:     for   b=a+1   to   a-1
                                judge if cube[a]<cube[b]+cube[b+1]+cube[b+2]   break;
                                 loop3:   for   c=b+1  to  a
............ellipsis ........


避免对一个整数的立方的重复计算。[2 N]中的每个整数i,在整个需要判断的四元组


之前,先用一个数组保存[2 N]中的每个整数的立方值。在判断四元组(a、b、c、d)是





problem 4: 熄灯问题

traverse search space  


1,   input all the information 
2,  enumerate all conditions  of  the  press in first line (press[1][1]  to press[1][6]):  loop1
                                     guess :   according to the condition of puzzle[][] and the condition of press[][] in the first line,   guess the other conditions of press[][],  and judge whether this press[1][] is available 
3 ,  output 

问题中的矩阵是一个5×6 的矩阵,但在程序实现中采用一个6×8 的矩阵表示。目的是


press[r+1][c] = ( puzzle[r][c] + press[r][c] + press[r-1][c] + press[r][c-1] + press[r][c+1] ) mod 2

这样可以简化代码的实现。否则计算press 边界、内部元素的值时,分别需要不同的代码。 



problem 5:讨厌的青蛙

optimize judging  condition 


qsort(plants, n, sizeof(PLANT), myCompare);         //plants[]  ; n is the num of plants[];   myCompare is                                                                                        //     comparison  function ; PLANT is struct 

bsearch(&plant, plants, n, sizeof(PLANT), myCompare)   //plant is the address of the point u want to find 


1,  input all information   chose struct  to store the point information 
2, sort the   all  the point plant [1]  to  plant[n]  
3,   enumerate  2  point    plant[i]  , plant[j] , i<j   
                       3.1    distance=plant[j]-plant[i]  
                        3.2   if  plant[i] - distance is NOT  out of border.   continue to next numerating condition  
                        3.3  if plant[i] + max * distance is out of y border,  continue 
                        3.4  if plant[i] + max*distance is out of x border,  break
                        3.5  find the steps between plant[i] to border
                        3.6 if max<steps   max=steps
4, output     


posted @ 2010-04-28 22:58  love && peace  阅读(413)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报