html5 canvas store 和 restore 详解
function drawShape(){ // get the canvas element using the DOM var canvas = document.getElementById('mycanvas'); // Make sure we don't execute when canvas isn't supported if (canvas.getContext){ // use getContext to use the canvas for drawing var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); // draw a rectangle with default settings ctx.fillStyle = 'black' ; ctx.fillRect(0,0,150,150); // Save the default state // (1); // Make changes to the settings ctx.fillStyle = 'blue' ctx.fillRect( 15,15,120,120); // Save the current state //(2); // Make the new changes to the settings ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.5; ctx.fillRect(30,30,90,90); // Restore previous state //restore (2) ctx.restore(); // Draw a rectangle with restored settings ctx.fillRect(45,45,60,60); // Restore original state //restore (1) ctx.restore(); // Draw a rectangle with restored settings ctx.fillRect(55,55,45,45); } else { alert('You need Safari or Firefox 1.5+ to see this demo.'); } }