Part 45 to 47 Talking about Enums in C#

Part 45   C# Tutorial   Why Enums

Enums are strongly typed constants.

If a program uses set of integral numbers, consider replacing them with enums. Otherwise the pragram becomes less 

Readable Maintainable

Part 46   C# Tutorial   Enums Example

public enum gender

Part 47   C# Tutorial   Enums in c#

If a program uses set of intergral numbers, consider replacing them with enums,which makes the program more readable and maintainable

1,Enums are enumerations.

2,Enums are strongly typed constants(常量). Hence(因此),an explicit(显式) cast is needed to convert from enum type to an integral type and vice versa.Also, an enum of one tpe cannot be implicitly(隐式)  assigned(指定) to an enum of another type even though the underlying value of their members are the same.

3,the default underlying type of an enum is int.

4, the defalut value for first element is ZERO and gets incremented(递增) by 1.

5,It is possible to customize the underlying type and values.

6,Enums are value types.

7,Enum keyword(all small letteres) is used to create enumerations, where as Enum class,contains static GetValues() and Get Names() methods which can be used to list Enum underlying type values and Names.

posted @ 2015-05-10 01:04  Gester.Lin  阅读(191)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报