#!/bin/sh function createFile() { for f in "$@"; do if [ ! -f $f ]; then touch $f chmod 777 $f fi done } function init() { dir=`pwd` mkdir -p ${dir}/data/iplist/ #ipFileChina='/data/iplist/sq_iplist_china.txt' #ipFileAbroad='/data/iplist/sq_iplist_abroad.txt' #ipFileAbroadTest='/data/iplist/sq_iplist_abroad_test.txt' # ipFileAbroadKuafu='/data/iplist/sq_iplist_abroad_kuafu.txt' # ipFileAbroadOrder='/data/iplist/sq_iplist_abroad_order.txt' ipListFile="${dir}/data/iplist/iplist.txt" createFile ${ipListFile} #source /data/gameTools/config/toolsConfig.sh #---------------------------------------- #mysql账户密码 slaveUser='a' slavePwd='b' sshPwd='c' } function checkPwd() { pwdCount=1 read -s -p "Please input the password: " thePwd clear while true; do if [ "${pwdCount}" -ge 3 ]; then echo "bye" exit 1 fi if [ "$thePwd" = "7roaddba" ]; then break else echo "Error: The password is error." echo read -s -p "Please input the password: " thePwd clear fi pwdCount=`expr ${pwdCount} + 1` done } function autossh() { SRC_HOST="$1" SRC_PORT="$2" SRC_PWD="$3" commands="$4" expect -c " set timeout 30 spawn ssh -p $SRC_PORT root@$SRC_HOST expect { \"(yes/no)?\" {send \"yes\r\";exp_continue} \"password:\" {send \"${SRC_PWD}\r\";exp_continue} \"Last login\" {send \"$commands\r\";} } interact #expect eof " } function synIPdata() { dataId="$1" saveFile="$2" tmpFile="`pwd`/tmp/sq_iplist_$RANDOM" if [ ! -d `dirname ${tmpFile}` ];then mkdir `dirname ${tmpFile}` fi createFile $tmpFile echo -n "Sync ip list from main data......" mainDataUrl="this is a URL" curl "$mainDataUrl" -o $tmpFile >> /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[31;49;1mError: Some error occur when execute curl '$mainDataUrl' -o $tmpFile \033[39;49;0m" exit 1 fi echo -e "\033[32;49;1mOK\033[39;49;0m" #列表解析 echo -n "Analyse $tmpFile......" cat $tmpFile | dos2unix | grep '|||' | sed 's/^ *//g' | sed 's/ /*/g' | perl -p -i -e "s/(/--(/g" | perl -p -i -e "s/\|\|\|/\n/g" | tr '|' '\t' | awk '{if ($1~/--(/) ; print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,"@@"$1,$8} ' | perl -p -i -e "s/@@.*--//g" | awk '{if ($1~/--\(/) gsub("--(", "*");sub("合区)", "");print $0} ' | sed 's/@@//g' | sed '/^\s*$/d' | sed '/^\s*#/d' > $saveFile if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "\033[31;49;1mError: Some error occur when analyse $tmpFile \033[39;49;0m" exit 1 fi echo -e "\033[32;49;1mOK\033[39;49;0m" rm -f $tmpFile } function sshIp() { autossh ${the_outer_ip} 16333 ${sshPwd} "export PS1='\\\u@\\\\\[\\\e\[0;31m\\\\\]<${theSiteId}-${theServerName}>\\\\\[\\\e\[m\\\\\]:\\\\\\$'" } function serverList() { i=1 createFile "${dir}/tmp/theServerList" cat ${ipListFile} |awk '{print $1}' |sort -u| while read theServer; do echo "$((i++)) - ${theServer}" done > ${dir}/tmp/theServerList echo echo " Server Select" echo "------------------------------" cat ${dir}/tmp/theServerList echo echo "R - Return" echo "------------------------------" echo -n "Please chose the agent number : " read theServerNum while true; do if [ "${theServerNum}" = "R" -o "${theServerNum}" = "r" ]; then break fi isSelectOK=`cat ${dir}/tmp/theServerList | grep -E "^${theServerNum} - " | wc -l` if [ "${isSelectOK}" -ne 0 ]; then break else echo "Error: No such server number." echo echo -n "Please chose the server number: " read theServerNum fi done theServerName=`cat ${dir}/tmp/theServerList | grep "^${theServerNum} - " | awk -F" - " '{print $2}'` } function serverList1() { if [ -n $1 ];then theServerName1=$1 else echo 'The function serverList1 have not input variables!' fi i=1 TemptheServerName=`echo ${theServerName}|tr '*' 'a'` createFile "${dir}/tmp/theServerList1" cat ${ipListFile}|tr '*' 'a' |grep "${TemptheServerName}"|awk '{print $2}' |sort -u| while read theServer1; do echo "$((i++)) - ${theServer1}" done > ${dir}/tmp/theServerList1 echo echo " Server Select" echo "------------------------------" cat ${dir}/tmp/theServerList1 echo echo "R - Return" echo "------------------------------" echo -n "Please chose the agent number : " read theServerNum1 while true; do if [ "${theServerNum1}" = "R" -o "${theServerNum1}" = "r" ]; then break fi isSelectOK=`cat ${dir}/tmp/theServerList1 | grep -E "^${theServerNum1} - " | wc -l` if [ "${isSelectOK}" -ne 0 ]; then break else echo "Error: No such server number." echo echo -n "Please chose the server number: " read theServerNum1 fi done theServerName1=`cat ${dir}/tmp/theServerList1 | grep "^${theServerNum1} - " | awk -F" - " '{print $2}'` the_outer_ip=`cat ${ipListFile}|tr '*' 'a' |grep "${TemptheServerName}"|grep "${theServerName1}"|awk '{print $3}'` } function main() { if [ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ]; then echo "sqlist [syncIP/syncChinaForCheck/syncAbroadForCheck/syncAbroadOthers/syncAll] [toFile]" exit 0 fi init #执行该工具只同步IP列表,不进入选区菜单 synIPdata 6 ${ipListFile} checkPwd isOnServerList=0 stty erase ^h while true; do if [ ${isOnServerList} -eq 0 ];then serverList fi if [ "${theServerNum}" = "R" -o "${theServerNum}" = "r" ]; then break else serverList1 ${theServerName} if [ "${theServerNum1}" = "R" -o "${theServerNum1}" = "r" ]; then isOnServerList=0 continue fi fi sshIp done } main