C# Time Class using MySQL
1 /* 2 datatypes. 3 4 Time class is writen in C# and .NET 2.0. 5 6 Time class explantation. 7 8 This is simple class and is not much to explain. 9 10 1.Public fields: 11 .public int Hour, 12 .public int Minute and 13 .public int Second. 14 .public const char TIME_SEPERATOR = ':' 15 16 2.Constructors: 17 .current system time (public Time()), 18 .from string value (public Time(string value)), 19 .from parameters (public Time(int hour, int minute, int second)) and 20 .from seconds (public Time(int seconds)). 21 22 3. 23 Public method Add: 24 25 Example 1: 26 27 InDoc.Systems.Time time1 = new InDoc.Systems.Time("12:00:55"); 28 // calculate 12:00:55 + 14:55:20 29 time1.Add("14:55:20"); 30 // result: 26:56:15 31 32 4. To addition two times you can use + and to subtraction you can use -. 33 Example 2: 34 35 InDoc.Systems.Time time1 = new InDoc.Systems.Time("12:00:55") + 36 new InDoc.Systems.Time("14:55:20"); 37 // result: 26:56:15 38 39 InDoc.Systems.Time time2 = new InDoc.Systems.Time("14:55:20") . 40 new InDoc.Systems.Time("12:00:55"); 41 // result: 02:54:25 42 43 5. We have some convert methods: 44 45 .public int ToSeconds(), 46 .public override string ToString() 47 48 and static method that convert secontd to Time object: 49 .public static Time GetTimeFromSeconds(int seconds). 50 */ 51 52 53 using System; 54 using System.Collections.Generic; 55 using System.Linq; 56 using System.Text; 57 58 namespace MysqlBig 59 { 60 61 /// <summary> 62 /// 63 /// </summary> 64 public class Time 65 { 66 #region Public constants 67 68 public const char TIME_SEPERATOR = ':'; 69 70 #endregion 71 72 #region Declarations 73 74 public int Hour; 75 public int Minute; 76 public int Second; 77 78 #endregion 79 80 #region Constructors 81 82 /// <summary> 83 /// Create time object from current system time. 84 /// </summary> 85 public Time() 86 { 87 Hour = DateTime.Now.Hour; 88 Minute = DateTime.Now.Minute; 89 Second = DateTime.Now.Second; 90 } 91 92 /// <summary> 93 /// Create time object from string value must be seperated as TIME_SEPERATOR constant. 94 /// </summary> 95 /// <param name="value"></param> 96 public Time(string value) 97 { 98 string[] vals = value.Split(TIME_SEPERATOR); //new char[] { ':' }); 99 Hour = int.Parse(vals[0]); 100 Minute = int.Parse(vals[1]); 101 102 if (vals.Length > 2) 103 Second = int.Parse(vals[2]); 104 105 new Time(this.ToSeconds()); 106 } 107 108 /// <summary> 109 /// Create time object from parameters hour, minute and seconds. 110 /// </summary> 111 /// <param name="hour"></param> 112 /// <param name="minute"></param> 113 /// <param name="second"></param> 114 public Time(int hour, int minute, int second) 115 { 116 Hour = hour; 117 Minute = minute; 118 Second = second; 119 new Time(this.ToSeconds()); 120 } 121 122 /// <summary> 123 /// Create time object from seconds. 124 /// </summary> 125 /// <param name="seconds"></param> 126 public Time(int seconds) 127 { 128 Minute = seconds / 60; 129 Second = seconds % 60; 130 131 Hour = Minute / 60; 132 Minute = Minute % 60; 133 } 134 135 #endregion 136 137 #region Public methods 138 139 /// <summary> 140 /// Add new time object and addition (+) it to previus time object. 141 /// </summary> 142 /// <param name="time"></param> 143 /// <returns></returns> 144 public Time Add(Time time) 145 { 146 this.Hour += time.Hour; 147 this.Minute += time.Minute; 148 this.Second += time.Second; 149 150 return new Time(GetStringTime(this.ToSeconds())); 151 } 152 153 /// <summary> 154 /// Add new string value and addition (+) it to previus time object. 155 /// </summary> 156 /// <param name="value"></param> 157 /// <returns></returns> 158 public Time Add(string value) 159 { 160 return Add(new Time(value)); 161 } 162 163 #endregion 164 165 #region Public static methods 166 167 /// <summary> 168 /// Get current system time. 169 /// </summary> 170 /// <returns></returns> 171 public static Time Now() 172 { 173 DateTime dt = DateTime.Now; 174 return GetTimeFromSeconds(ToSeconds(dt)); 175 } 176 177 /// <summary> 178 /// Calculate time difference between two time objects. 179 /// </summary> 180 /// <param name="time1"></param> 181 /// <param name="time2"></param> 182 /// <returns></returns> 183 public static Time TimeDiff(Time time1, Time time2) 184 { 185 try 186 { 187 int _secs1 = time1.ToSeconds(); 188 int _secs2 = time2.ToSeconds(); 189 190 int _secs = _secs1 - _secs2; 191 192 return GetTimeFromSeconds(_secs); 193 } 194 catch 195 { 196 return new Time(0, 0, 0); 197 } 198 199 } 200 201 /// <summary> 202 /// Calculate time difference between two string values. 203 /// </summary> 204 /// <param name="time1"></param> 205 /// <param name="time2"></param> 206 /// <returns></returns> 207 public static Time TimeDiff(string time1, string time2) 208 { 209 try 210 { 211 Time t1 = new Time(time1); 212 Time t2 = new Time(time2); 213 return TimeDiff(t1, t2); 214 } 215 catch 216 { 217 return new Time(0, 0, 0); 218 } 219 } 220 221 /// <summary> 222 /// Calculate time difference between two DateTime objects. 223 /// </summary> 224 /// <param name="dateTime1"></param> 225 /// <param name="dateTime2"></param> 226 /// <returns></returns> 227 public static Time TimeDiff(DateTime dateTime1, DateTime dateTime2) 228 { 229 try 230 { 231 TimeSpan span = dateTime1 - dateTime2; 232 return new Time(span.Seconds); 233 } 234 catch 235 { 236 return new Time(0, 0, 0); 237 } 238 } 239 240 /// <summary> 241 /// Calculate time difference between two second values. 242 /// </summary> 243 /// <param name="seconds1"></param> 244 /// <param name="seconds2"></param> 245 /// <returns></returns> 246 public static Time TimeDiff(int seconds1, int seconds2) 247 { 248 try 249 { 250 Time t1 = new Time(seconds1); 251 Time t2 = new Time(seconds2); 252 return TimeDiff(t1, t2); 253 } 254 catch 255 { 256 return new Time(0, 0, 0); 257 } 258 } 259 260 #endregion 261 262 #region Convert methods 263 264 /// <summary> 265 /// Convert current time object to seconds. 266 /// </summary> 267 /// <returns></returns> 268 public int ToSeconds() 269 { 270 return this.Hour * 3600 + this.Minute * 60 + this.Second; 271 } 272 273 /// <summary> 274 /// Convert DateTime object to seconds. 275 /// </summary> 276 /// <param name="dateTime"></param> 277 /// <returns></returns> 278 public static int ToSeconds(DateTime dateTime) 279 { 280 return dateTime.Hour * 3600 + dateTime.Minute * 60 + dateTime.Second; 281 } 282 283 /// <summary> 284 /// Convert current time object to string. 285 /// </summary> 286 /// <returns></returns> 287 public override string ToString() 288 { 289 return String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", Hour, Minute, Second); 290 } 291 292 /// <summary> 293 /// Convert seconds to time object. 294 /// </summary> 295 /// <param name="seconds"></param> 296 /// <returns></returns> 297 public static Time GetTimeFromSeconds(int seconds) 298 { 299 int _mins = seconds / 60; 300 seconds = seconds % 60; 301 302 int _hours = _mins / 60; 303 _mins = _mins % 60; 304 305 return new Time(_hours, _mins, seconds); 306 } 307 308 309 /// <summary> 310 /// Convert seconds to string time. 311 /// </summary> 312 /// <param name="seconds"></param> 313 /// <returns></returns> 314 private string GetStringTime(int seconds) 315 { 316 int _mins = seconds / 60; 317 seconds = seconds % 60; 318 319 int _hours = _mins / 60; 320 _mins = _mins % 60; 321 322 this.Hour = _hours; 323 this.Minute = _mins; 324 this.Second = seconds; 325 326 return String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", _hours, _mins, seconds); ; 327 } 328 329 /// <summary> 330 /// Parse string to time. 331 /// </summary> 332 /// <param name="value"></param> 333 /// <returns></returns> 334 public static Time Parse(string value) 335 { 336 try 337 { 338 return new Time(value); 339 } 340 catch 341 { 342 throw new ApplicationException("Error parsing time!"); 343 } 344 } 345 346 #endregion 347 348 #region Subtract time objects 349 350 public static Time operator +(Time t1, Time t2) 351 { 352 Time t3 = new Time(t1.Hour, t1.Minute, t1.Second); 353 t3.Add(t2); 354 return t3; 355 } 356 357 public static Time operator -(Time t1, Time t2) 358 { 359 return TimeDiff(t1, t2); 360 } 361 362 #endregion 363 } 364 }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> public class AttendrecordInfo { int _Seq; public int Seq { set { _Seq = value; } get { return _Seq; } } string _Emp_no; public string Emp_no { set { _Emp_no = value; } get { return _Emp_no; } } DateTime _Rdate; public DateTime Rdate { set { _Rdate = value; } get { return _Rdate; } } Time _Ttime; public Time Ttime { set { _Ttime = value; } get { return _Ttime; } } string _Rdescription; public string Rdescription { set { _Rdescription = value; } get { return _Rdescription; } } string _Rdes_reasnon; public string Rdes_reasnon { set { _Rdes_reasnon = value; } get { return _Rdes_reasnon; } } string _Branch; public string Branch { set { _Branch = value; } get { return _Branch; } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="seq"></param> /// <returns></returns> public AttendrecordInfo SelectAttendrecord(int seq) { AttendrecordInfo attendrecord = null; try { MySqlParameter par = new MySqlParameter("?param1", MySqlDbType.Int32, 5); par.Value = seq; using (MySqlDataReader reader = MySqlHelpDu.GetReader("proc_Select_attendrecord", CommandType.StoredProcedure, par)) { if (reader.Read()) { attendrecord = new AttendrecordInfo(); attendrecord.Seq = (!object.Equals(reader["seq"], null)) ? (int)reader["seq"] : 0; attendrecord.Branch = (!object.Equals(reader["branch"], null)) ? (string)reader["branch"] : ""; attendrecord.Emp_no = (!object.Equals(reader["emp_no"], null)) ? (string)reader["emp_no"] : ""; attendrecord.Rdate = (!object.Equals(reader["rdate"], null)) ? DateTime.Parse(reader["rdate"].ToString()): DateTime.Now; attendrecord.Ttime = (!object.Equals(reader["rtime"], null)) ? Time.Parse(reader["rtime"].ToString()): Time.Now(); attendrecord.Rdes_reasnon = (!object.Equals(reader["rdes_reasnon"], null)) ? (string)reader["rdes_reasnon"] : ""; attendrecord.Rdescription = (!object.Equals(reader["rdescription"], null)) ? (string)reader["rdescription"] : ""; } } } catch (MySqlException ex) { throw ex; } return attendrecord; }
Mysql 表:
1 create table attendrecord 2 ( 3 seq INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, 4 emp_no varchar(20) null, 5 rdate datetime not null, 6 rtime time not null, 7 rdescription varchar(100), 8 rdes_reasnon varchar(100), 9 branch varchar(50) 10 ); 11 12 insert into attendrecord(emp_no,rdate,rtime,rdescription,rdes_reasnon,branch) values('L00094','2015-03-10','10:45','geovindu','du','sz');
哲学管理(学)人生, 文学艺术生活, 自动(计算机学)物理(学)工作, 生物(学)化学逆境, 历史(学)测绘(学)时间, 经济(学)数学金钱(理财), 心理(学)医学情绪, 诗词美容情感, 美学建筑(学)家园, 解构建构(分析)整合学习, 智商情商(IQ、EQ)运筹(学)生存.---Geovin Du(涂聚文)
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