python: SQLAlchemy (ORM) Simple example using SQLite
领域层(Domain):定义了 School 实体类和 SchoolRepository 抽象基类,明确了业务实体和数据访问的契约。
基础设施层(Infrastructure):通过 SQLAlchemy 实现了 SchoolRepository 类,负责与 SQLite 数据库进行交互,包括增删改查操作。
应用层(Application):SchoolService 类封装了业务逻辑,调用 SchoolRepository 接口的方法完成具体的业务操作。
SchoolView 类负责创建和管理用户界面,包括搜索框、ttk.Treeview 表格、操作按钮和分页按钮。
SchoolController 类处理用户的操作请求,调用 SchoolService 完成相应的业务逻辑,并更新视图。
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 | # encoding: utf-8 # 版权所有 2025 ©涂聚文有限公司 ® # 许可信息查看:言語成了邀功盡責的功臣,還需要行爲每日來值班嗎 # 描述: # Author : geovindu,Geovin Du 涂聚文. # IDE : PyCharm 2023.1 python 3.11 # OS : windows 10 # database : mysql 9.0 sql server 2019, poostgreSQL 17.0 oracle 21c Neo4j # Datetime : 2025/2/19 21:10 # User : geovindu # Product : PyCharm # Project : pySQLiteDDDOrmDemo # File : application/services/ # explain : 学习 from typing import List from import School from domain.repositories.schoolRepositories import SchoolRepository class SchoolService: """ 应用层(Application) """ def __init__( self , repository: SchoolRepository): """ :param repository: """ self .repository = repository def add_school( self , school: School): """ :param school: :return: """ self .repository.add(school) def update_school( self , school: School): """ :param school: :return: """ self .repository.update(school) def delete_school( self , school_id: str ): """ :param school_id: :return: """ self .repository.delete(school_id) def get_schools( self , page: int , page_size: int , search_query: str = "") - > List [School]: """ :param page: :param page_size: :param search_query: :return: """ return self .repository.get_all(page, page_size, search_query) def get_total_count( self , search_query: str = "") - > int : """ :param search_query: :return: """ return self .repository.get_total_count(search_query) |
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IDE : PyCharm 2023.1 python 3.11 # OS : windows 10 # database : mysql 9.0 sql server 2019, poostgreSQL 17.0 oracle 21c Neo4j # Datetime : 2025/2/19 18:46 # User : geovindu # Product : PyCharm # Project : pySQLiteDDDOrmDemo # File : presentation/views/ # explain : 学习 import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk class SchoolView: """ 表现层(Presentation) UI """ def __init__( self , root): self .root = root self .root.title( "School Management" ) # 搜索框 self .search_frame = ttk.Frame(root) self .search_frame.pack(pady = 10 ) self .search_entry = ttk.Entry( self .search_frame) self .search_entry.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) self .search_button = ttk.Button( self .search_frame, text = "Search" ) self .search_button.pack(side = tk.LEFT) # Treeview self .tree = ttk.Treeview(root, columns = ( 'SchoolId' , 'SchoolName' , 'SchoolTelNo' ), show = 'headings' ) self .tree.heading( 'SchoolId' , text = 'School ID' ) self .tree.heading( 'SchoolName' , text = 'School Name' ) self .tree.heading( 'SchoolTelNo' , text = 'School Tel No' ) self .tree.pack(pady = 10 ) # 操作按钮 self .button_frame = ttk.Frame(root) self .button_frame.pack(pady = 10 ) self .add_button = ttk.Button( self .button_frame, text = "Add" ) self .add_button.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) self .edit_button = ttk.Button( self .button_frame, text = "Edit" ) self .edit_button.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) self .delete_button = ttk.Button( self .button_frame, text = "Delete" ) self .delete_button.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) # 分页按钮 self .pagination_frame = ttk.Frame(root) self .pagination_frame.pack(pady = 10 ) self .prev_button = ttk.Button( self .pagination_frame, text = "Previous" ) self .prev_button.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) self .page_label = ttk.Label( self .pagination_frame, text = "Page 1 of 1" ) self .page_label.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) self .next_button = ttk.Button( self .pagination_frame, text = "Next" ) self .next_button.pack(side = tk.LEFT, padx = 5 ) def clear_tree( self ): for item in self .tree.get_children(): self .tree.delete(item) def populate_tree( self , schools): for school in schools: self .tree.insert(' ', ' end', values = (school.school_id, school.school_name, school.school_tel_no)) def update_page_label( self , current_page, total_pages): self .page_label.config(text = f "Page {current_page} of {total_pages}" ) def open_add_window( self , save_callback): top = tk.Toplevel( self .root) top.title( "Add School" ) ttk.Label(top, text = "School ID:" ).grid(row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) id_entry = ttk.Entry(top) id_entry.grid(row = 0 , column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) ttk.Label(top, text = "School Name:" ).grid(row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) name_entry = ttk.Entry(top) name_entry.grid(row = 1 , column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) ttk.Label(top, text = "School Tel No:" ).grid(row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) tel_entry = ttk.Entry(top) tel_entry.grid(row = 2 , column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) def save_school(): school_id = id_entry.get() school_name = name_entry.get() school_tel_no = tel_entry.get() if school_id and school_name and school_tel_no: save_callback(school_id, school_name, school_tel_no) top.destroy() ttk.Button(top, text = "Save" , command = save_school).grid(row = 3 , column = 0 , columnspan = 2 , pady = 10 ) def open_edit_window( self , school_id, school_name, school_tel_no, update_callback): top = tk.Toplevel( self .root) top.title( "Edit School" ) ttk.Label(top, text = "School ID:" ).grid(row = 0 , column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) id_entry = ttk.Entry(top) id_entry.insert( 0 , school_id) id_entry.config(state = 'readonly' ) id_entry.grid(row = 0 , column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) ttk.Label(top, text = "School Name:" ).grid(row = 1 , column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) name_entry = ttk.Entry(top) name_entry.insert( 0 , school_name) name_entry.grid(row = 1 , column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) ttk.Label(top, text = "School Tel No:" ).grid(row = 2 , column = 0 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) tel_entry = ttk.Entry(top) tel_entry.insert( 0 , school_tel_no) tel_entry.grid(row = 2 , column = 1 , padx = 5 , pady = 5 ) def update_school(): new_school_name = name_entry.get() new_school_tel_no = tel_entry.get() if new_school_name and new_school_tel_no: update_callback(school_id, new_school_name, new_school_tel_no) top.destroy() ttk.Button(top, text = "Update" , command = update_school).grid(row = 3 , column = 0 , columnspan = 2 , pady = 10 ) # encoding: utf-8 # 版权所有 2025 ©涂聚文有限公司 ® # 许可信息查看:言語成了邀功盡責的功臣,還需要行爲每日來值班嗎 # 描述: controllers views 可以分开 # Author : geovindu,Geovin Du 涂聚文. # IDE : PyCharm 2023.1 python 3.11 # OS : windows 10 # database : mysql 9.0 sql server 2019, poostgreSQL 17.0 oracle 21c Neo4j # Datetime : 2025/2/19 21:48 # User : geovindu # Product : PyCharm # Project : pySQLiteDDDOrmDemo # File : presentation/controllers/ # explain : 学习 import tkinter as tk from import SchoolService from import School class SchoolController: """ 表现层(Presentation) """ def __init__( self , service: SchoolService, view): """ :param service: :param view: """ self .service = service self .view = view self .current_page = 1 self .page_size = 10 self .search_query = "" self .total_pages = 1 self .view.search_button.config(command = self .search) self .view.add_button.config(command = self .add) self .view.edit_button.config(command = self .edit) self .view.delete_button.config(command = self .delete) self .view.prev_button.config(command = self .prev_page) self .view.next_button.config(command = self .next_page) self .load_data() def load_data( self ): """ :return: """ schools = self .service.get_schools( self .current_page, self .page_size, self .search_query) total_count = self .service.get_total_count( self .search_query) self .total_pages = (total_count + self .page_size - 1 ) / / self .page_size self .view.clear_tree() self .view.populate_tree(schools) self .view.update_page_label( self .current_page, self .total_pages) self .view.prev_button.config(state = tk.NORMAL if self .current_page > 1 else tk.DISABLED) self .view.next_button.config(state = tk.NORMAL if self .current_page < self .total_pages else tk.DISABLED) def search( self ): """ :return: """ self .search_query = self .view.search_entry.get() self .current_page = 1 self .load_data() def add( self ): """ :return: """ def save_callback(school_id, school_name, school_tel_no): new_school = School(school_id, school_name, school_tel_no) self .service.add_school(new_school) self .load_data() self .view.open_add_window(save_callback) def edit( self ): """ :return: """ selected_item = self .view.tree.selection() if selected_item: values = self .view.tree.item(selected_item, 'values' ) school_id, school_name, school_tel_no = values def update_callback(school_id, new_school_name, new_school_tel_no): updated_school = School(school_id, new_school_name, new_school_tel_no) self .service.update_school(updated_school) self .load_data() self .view.open_edit_window(school_id, school_name, school_tel_no, update_callback) def delete( self ): """ :return: """ selected_item = self .view.tree.selection() if selected_item: school_id = self .view.tree.item(selected_item, 'values' )[ 0 ] self .service.delete_school(school_id) self .load_data() def prev_page( self ): """ 下一页 :return: """ if self .current_page > 1 : self .current_page - = 1 self .load_data() def next_page( self ): """ 上一页 :return: """ if self .current_page < self .total_pages: self .current_page + = 1 self .load_data() |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | # encoding: utf-8 # 版权所有 2025 涂聚文有限公司 # 许可信息查看:言語成了邀功盡責的功臣,還需要行爲每日來值班嗎 # 描述: Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) # Author : geovindu,Geovin Du 涂聚文. # IDE : PyCharm 2023.1 python 3.11 # os : windows 10 # database : mysql 9.0 sql server 2019, poostgreSQL 17.0 Oracle 21c # Datetime : 2025/2/19 21:02 # User : geovindu # Product : PyCharm # Project : pySQLiteDDDOrmDemo # File : # explain : 学习 import tkinter as tk from import SchoolRepository from import SchoolService from presentation.views.schoolViews import SchoolView from presentation.controllers.schoolControllers import SchoolController if __name__ = = '__main__' : """ """ root = tk.Tk() repository = SchoolRepository() service = SchoolService(repository) view = SchoolView(root) controller = SchoolController(service, view) root.iconbitmap( "favicon.ico" ) root.mainloop() print ( 'PyCharm,geovindu,Geovin Du,塗聚文,涂聚文' ) |
哲学管理(学)人生, 文学艺术生活, 自动(计算机学)物理(学)工作, 生物(学)化学逆境, 历史(学)测绘(学)时间, 经济(学)数学金钱(理财), 心理(学)医学情绪, 诗词美容情感, 美学建筑(学)家园, 解构建构(分析)整合学习, 智商情商(IQ、EQ)运筹(学)生存.---Geovin Du(涂聚文)
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