c: chain Of Responsibility in windows 10
/** * @file chainOfResponsibility.h * @author your name (geovindu) * @brief chain Of Responsibility 职责链模式 * @version 0.1 * @date 2023-10-28 * IDE: VSCODE C11 C17 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 * */ #ifndef _CHAINOFRESPONSIBILITY_H_ #define _CHAINOFRESPONSIBILITY_H_ #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** * @brief 检验处理链 * */ typedef struct ChainDuValidator { bool (* const chainDuValidator) (struct ChainDuValidator *pThis, int val); } ChainDuValidator; /** * @brief * */ typedef struct { ChainDuValidator base; const int min; const int max; } ChainDuRangeValidator; /** * @brief * */ typedef struct { ChainDuValidator base; int previousValue; } ChainDuPreviousValueValidator; /** * @brief * */ typedef struct ChainedValidator { ChainDuValidator base; ChainDuValidator *pWrapped; ChainDuValidator *pNext; } ChainedValidator; /** * @brief * */ typedef struct { int top; const size_t size; int * const pBuf; ChainDuValidator * const pValidator; } Stack; /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidateRange(ChainDuValidator *p, int val); /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidatePrevious(ChainDuValidator *p, int val); /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidateChain(ChainDuValidator *p, int val); /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDupush(Stack *p, int val); /** * @brief * * @param p * @param pRet * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDupop(Stack *p, int *pRet); /** * @brief * */ #define DunewRangeValidator(min, max) \ {{ChainDuvalidateRange}, (min), (max)} /** * @brief * */ #define DunewPreviousValueValidator \ {{ChainDuvalidatePrevious}, 0} /** * @brief * */ #define DunewChainedValidator(wrapped, next) \ {{ChainDuvalidateChain}, (wrapped), (next)} /** * @brief * */ #define newStack(buf) { \ 0, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(int), (buf), \ NULL \ } /** * @brief * */ #define DunewStackWithValidator(buf, pValidator) { \ 0, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(int), (buf), \ pValidator \ } #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif
/** * @file chainOfResponsibility.C * @author your name (geovindu) * @brief chain Of Responsibility 职责链模式 * @version 0.1 * @date 2023-10-28 * IDE: VSCODE C11 C17 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2023 * */ #include "include/chainOfResponsibility.h" #include <stdbool.h> /** * @brief * * @param p * @return true * @return false */ static bool isStackFull(const Stack *p) { return p->top == p->size; } /** * @brief * * @param p * @return true * @return false */ static bool isStackEmpty(const Stack *p) { return p->top == 0; } /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidateRange(ChainDuValidator *p, int val) { ChainDuRangeValidator *pThis = (ChainDuRangeValidator *)p; return pThis->min <= val && val <= pThis->max; } /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidatePrevious(ChainDuValidator *p, int val) { ChainDuPreviousValueValidator *pThis = (ChainDuPreviousValueValidator *)p; if (val < pThis->previousValue) return false; pThis->previousValue = val; return true; } /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidate(ChainDuValidator *p, int val) { if (! p) return true; return p->chainDuValidator(p, val); } // true: 成功, false: 失敗 /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDupush(Stack *p, int val) { if (! ChainDuvalidate(p->pValidator, val) || isStackFull(p)) return false; p->pBuf[p->top++] = val; return true; } // true: 成功, false: 失敗 /** * @brief * * @param p * @param pRet * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDupop(Stack *p, int *pRet) { if (isStackEmpty(p)) return false; *pRet = p->pBuf[--p->top]; return true; } /** * @brief * * @param p * @param val * @return true * @return false */ bool ChainDuvalidateChain(ChainDuValidator *p, int val) { ChainedValidator *pThis = (ChainedValidator *)p; p = pThis->pWrapped; if (! p->chainDuValidator(p, val)) return false; p = pThis->pNext; return !p || p->chainDuValidator(p, val); }
typedef struct TestValidator { Validator base; bool result; } TestValidator; static bool validateTest(Validator *p, int val) { TestValidator *pThis = (TestValidator *)p; return pThis->result; } static TestValidator trueValidator = {{validateTest}, true}; static TestValidator falseValidator = {{validateTest}, false}; int main(void) { printf("hello c world, \n"); printf("你好,中国\n"); RangeValidator rangeValidator = DunewRangeValidator(0, 9); PreviousValueValidator prevValidator = DunewPreviousValueValidator; ChainedValidator prevChain = DunewChainedValidator(&prevValidator.base, NULL); ChainedValidator rangeChain = DunewChainedValidator(&rangeValidator.base, &prevChain.base); int buf[16]={1,2,4,3,5,7,8}; Stack stack = DunewStackWithValidator(buf, &rangeChain.base); //false, ChainDupush(&stack, -1) printf("%d/n",ChainDupush(&stack, -1); return 0: }