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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 | ( function (){ /* Copyright The Closure Library Authors. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ 'use strict' ; var l; function aa(a){ var b=0; return function (){ return b<a.length?{done:!1,value:a[b++]}:{done:!0}}} var ba= "function" == typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty: function (a,b,c){ if (a==Array.prototype||a==Object.prototype) return a;a[b]=c.value; return a}; function ca(a){a=[ "object" == typeof globalThis&&globalThis,a, "object" == typeof window&&window, "object" == typeof self&&self, "object" == typeof global&&global]; for ( var b=0;b<a.length;++b){ var c=a[b]; if (c&&c.Math==Math) return c} throw Error( "Cannot find global object" );} var p=ca( this ); function q(a,b){ if (b)a:{ var c=p;a=a.split( "." ); for ( var d=0;d<a.length-1;d++){ var e=a[d]; if (!(e in c)) break a;c=c[e]}a=a[a.length-1];d=c[a];b=b(d);b!=d&& null !=b&&ba(c,a,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:b})}} q( "Symbol" , function (a){ function b(g){ if ( this instanceof b) throw new TypeError( "Symbol is not a constructor" ); return new c(d+(g|| "" )+ "_" +e++,g)} function c(g,f){ this .g=g;ba( this , "description" ,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:f})} if (a) return a;c.prototype.toString= function (){ return this .g}; var d= "jscomp_symbol_" +(1E9*Math.random()>>>0)+ "_" ,e=0; return b}); q( "Symbol.iterator" , function (a){ if (a) return a;a=Symbol( "Symbol.iterator" ); for ( var b= "Array Int8Array Uint8Array Uint8ClampedArray Int16Array Uint16Array Int32Array Uint32Array Float32Array Float64Array" .split( " " ),c=0;c<b.length;c++){ var d=p[b[c]]; "function" === typeof d&& "function" != typeof d.prototype[a]&&ba(d.prototype,a,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value: function (){ return da(aa( this ))}})} return a});q( "Symbol.asyncIterator" , function (a){ return a?a:Symbol( "Symbol.asyncIterator" )}); function da(a){a={next:a};a[Symbol.iterator]= function (){ return this }; return a} function r(a){ var b= "undefined" != typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator&&a[Symbol.iterator]; return b?{next:aa(a)}} function ea(a){ if (!(a instanceof Array)){a=r(a); for ( var b,c=[];!(;)c.push(b.value);a=c} return a} var fa= "function" == typeof Object.create?Object.create: function (a){ function b(){}b.prototype=a; return new b},ha= function (){ function a(){ function c(){} new c;Reflect.construct(c,[], function (){}); return new c instanceof c} if ( "undefined" != typeof Reflect&&Reflect.construct){ if (a()) return Reflect.construct; var b=Reflect.construct; return function (c,d,e){c=b(c,d);e&&Reflect.setPrototypeOf(c,e.prototype); return c}} return function (c,d,e){void 0===e&&(e=c);e=fa(e.prototype||Object.prototype); return, e,d)||e}}(),ia; if ( "function" == typeof Object.setPrototypeOf)ia=Object.setPrototypeOf; else { var ja;a:{ var ka={a:!0},la={}; try {la.__proto__=ka;ja=la.a; break a} catch (a){}ja=!1}ia=ja? function (a,b){a.__proto__=b; if (a.__proto__!==b) throw new TypeError(a+ " is not extensible" ); return a}: null } var t=ia; function ma(a,b){a.prototype=fa(b.prototype);a.prototype.constructor=a; if (t)t(a,b); else for ( var c in b) if ( "prototype" !=c) if (Object.defineProperties){ var d=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b,c);d&&Object.defineProperty(a,c,d)} else a[c]=b[c];}q( "Reflect" , function (a){ return a?a:{}});q( "Reflect.construct" , function (){ return ha});q( "Reflect.setPrototypeOf" , function (a){ return a?a:t? function (b,c){ try { return t(b,c),!0} catch (d){ return !1}}: null }); function u(a,b){ return,b)} q( "WeakMap" , function (a){ function b(k){ this .g=(h+=Math.random()+1).toString(); if (k){k=r(k); for ( var m;!(;)m=m.value, this .set(m[0],m[1])}} function c(){} function d(k){ var m= typeof k; return "object" ===m&& null !==k|| "function" ===m} function e(k){ if (!u(k,f)){ var m= new c;ba(k,f,{value:m})}} function g(k){ var m=Object[k];m&&(Object[k]= function (n){ if (n instanceof c) return n;Object.isExtensible(n)&&e(n); return m(n)})} if ( function (){ if (!a||!Object.seal) return !1; try { var k=Object.seal({}),m=Object.seal({}), n= new a([[k,2],[m,3]]); if (2!=n.get(k)||3!=n.get(m)) return !1;n. delete (k);n.set(m,4); return !n.has(k)&&4==n.get(m)} catch (w){ return !1}}()) return a; var f= "$jscomp_hidden_" +Math.random();g( "freeze" );g( "preventExtensions" );g( "seal" ); var h=0;b.prototype.set= function (k,m){ if (!d(k)) throw Error( "Invalid WeakMap key" );e(k); if (!u(k,f)) throw Error( "WeakMap key fail: " +k);k[f][ this .g]=m; return this };b.prototype.get= function (k){ return d(k)&&u(k,f)?k[f][ this .g]:void 0};b.prototype.has= function (k){ return d(k)&&u(k, f)&&u(k[f], this .g)};b.prototype. delete = function (k){ return d(k)&&u(k,f)&&u(k[f], this .g)? delete k[f][ this .g]:!1}; return b}); q( "Map" , function (a){ function b(){ var h={}; return} function c(h,k){ var m=h.g; return da( function (){ if (m){ for (;m.head!=h.g;)m=m.A; for (;!=m.head;) return,{done:!1,value:k(m)};m= null } return {done:!0,value:void 0}})} function d(h,k){ var m=k&& typeof k; "object" ==m|| "function" ==m?g.has(k)?m=g.get(k):(m= "" + ++f,g.set(k,m)):m= "p_" +k; var n=h.h[m]; if (n&&u(h.h,m)) for (h=0;h<n.length;h++){ var w=n[h]; if (k!==k&&w.key!==w.key||k===w.key) return {id:m,list:n,index:h,u:w}} return {id:m,list:n, index:-1,u:void 0}} function e(h){ this .h={}; this .g=b(); this .size=0; if (h){h=r(h); for ( var k;!(;)k=k.value, this .set(k[0],k[1])}} if ( function (){ if (!a|| "function" != typeof a||!a.prototype.entries|| "function" != typeof Object.seal) return !1; try { var h=Object.seal({x:4}),k= new a(r([[h, "s" ]])); if ( "s" !=k.get(h)||1!=k.size||k.get({x:4})||k.set({x:4}, "t" )!=k||2!=k.size) return !1; var m=k.entries(),; if (n.done||n.value[0]!=h|| "s" !=n.value[1]) return !1;; return n.done||4!=n.value[0].x|| "t" !=n.value[1]||!!1:!0} catch (w){ return !1}}()) return a; var g= new WeakMap;e.prototype.set= function (h,k){h=0===h?0:h; var m=d( this ,h);m.list||(m.list= this .h[]=[]);m.u?m.u.value=k:(m.u={next: this .g,A: this .g.A,head: this .g,key:h,value:k},m.list.push(m.u), this, this .g.A=m.u, this .size++); return this };e.prototype. delete = function (h){h=d( this ,h); return h.u&&h.list?(h.list.splice(h.index,1),h.list.length|| delete this .h[],,,h.u.head= null , this .size--, !0):!1};e.prototype.clear= function (){ this .h={}; this .g= this .g.A=b(); this .size=0};e.prototype.has= function (h){ return !!d( this ,h).u};e.prototype.get= function (h){ return (h=d( this ,h).u)&&h.value};e.prototype.entries= function (){ return c( this , function (h){ return [h.key,h.value]})};e.prototype.keys= function (){ return c( this , function (h){ return h.key})};e.prototype.values= function (){ return c( this , function (h){ return h.value})};e.prototype.forEach= function (h,k){ for ( var m= this .entries(),n;!(;)n=n.value,,n[1],n[0], this )};e.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=e.prototype.entries; var f=0; return e}); function v(a,b,c){ if ( null ==a) throw new TypeError( "The 'this' value for String.prototype." +c+ " must not be null or undefined" ); if (b instanceof RegExp) throw new TypeError( "First argument to String.prototype." +c+ " must not be a regular expression" ); return a+ "" } q( "String.prototype.endsWith" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ var d=v( this ,b, "endsWith" );void 0===c&&(c=d.length);c=Math.max(0,Math.min(c|0,d.length)); for ( var e=b.length;0<e&&0<c;) if (d[--c]!=b[--e]) return !1; return 0>=e}}); function na(a,b,c){a instanceof String&&(a=String(a)); for ( var d=a.length,e=0;e<d;e++){ var g=a[e]; if (,g,e,a)) return {S:e,X:g}} return {S:-1,X:void 0}}q( "Array.prototype.find" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ return na( this ,b,c).X}}); q( "String.prototype.startsWith" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ var d=v( this ,b, "startsWith" ),e=d.length,g=b.length;c=Math.max(0,Math.min(c|0,d.length)); for ( var f=0;f<g&&c<e;) if (d[c++]!=b[f++]) return !1; return f>=g}});q( "String.prototype.repeat" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ var c=v( this , null , "repeat" ); if (0>b||1342177279<b) throw new RangeError( "Invalid count value" );b|=0; for ( var d= "" ;b;) if (b&1&&(d+=c),b>>>=1)c+=c; return d}}); function oa(a,b){a instanceof String&&(a+= "" ); var c=0,d=!1,e={next: function (){ if (!d&&c<a.length){ var g=c++; return {value:b(g,a[g]),done:!1}}d=!0; return {done:!0,value:void 0}}};e[Symbol.iterator]= function (){ return e}; return e}q( "Array.prototype.keys" , function (a){ return a?a: function (){ return oa( this , function (b){ return b})}}); q( "Array.from" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c,d){c= null !=c?c: function (h){ return h}; var e=[],g= "undefined" != typeof Symbol&&Symbol.iterator&&b[Symbol.iterator]; if ( "function" == typeof g){; for ( var f=0;!(;)e.push(,g.value,f++))} else for (g=b.length,f=0;f<g;f++)e.push(,b[f],f)); return e}});q( "Array.prototype.values" , function (a){ return a?a: function (){ return oa( this , function (b,c){ return c})}}); q( "String.prototype.trimLeft" , function (a){ function b(){ return this .replace(/^[\s\xa0]+/, "" )} return a||b});q( "String.prototype.trimStart" , function (a){ return a||String.prototype.trimLeft});q( "Object.setPrototypeOf" , function (a){ return a||t}); var pa= "function" == typeof Object.assign?Object.assign: function (a,b){ for ( var c=1;c<arguments.length;c++){ var d=arguments[c]; if (d) for ( var e in d)u(d,e)&&(a[e]=d[e])} return a};q( "Object.assign" , function (a){ return a||pa}); q( "Promise" , function (a){ function b(f){ this .g=0; this .i=void 0; this .h=[]; this .s=!1; var h= this .j(); try {f(h.resolve,h.reject)} catch (k){h.reject(k)}} function c(){ this .g= null } function d(f){ return f instanceof b?f: new b( function (h){h(f)})} if (a) return a;c.prototype.h= function (f){ if ( null == this .g){ this .g=[]; var h= this ; this .i( function (){h.l()})} this .g.push(f)}; var e=p.setTimeout;c.prototype.i= function (f){e(f,0)};c.prototype.l= function (){ for (; this .g&& this .g.length;){ var f= this .g; this .g=[]; for ( var h=0;h<f.length;++h){ var k= f[h];f[h]= null ; try {k()} catch (m){ this .j(m)}}} this .g= null };c.prototype.j= function (f){ this .i( function (){ throw f;})};b.prototype.j= function (){ function f(m){ return function (n){k||(k=!0,,n))}} var h= this ,k=!1; return {resolve:f( this .J),reject:f( this .l)}};b.prototype.J= function (f){ if (f=== this ) this .l( new TypeError( "A Promise cannot resolve to itself" )); else if (f instanceof b) this .Y(f); else {a: switch ( typeof f){ case "object" : var h= null !=f; break a; case "function" :h=!0; break a; default :h=!1}h? this .I(f): this .o(f)}}; b.prototype.I= function (f){ var h=void 0; try {h=f.then} catch (k){ this .l(k); return } "function" == typeof h? this .Z(h,f): this .o(f)};b.prototype.l= function (f){ this .v(2,f)};b.prototype.o= function (f){ this .v(1,f)};b.prototype.v= function (f,h){ if (0!= this .g) throw Error( "Cannot settle(" +f+ ", " +h+ "): Promise already settled in state" + this .g); this .g=f; this .i=h;2=== this .g&& this .L(); this .C()};b.prototype.L= function (){ var f= this ;e( function (){ if (f.D()){ var h=p.console; "undefined" !== typeof h&&h.error(f.i)}},1)};b.prototype.D= function (){ if ( this .s) return !1; var f=p.CustomEvent,h=p.Event,k=p.dispatchEvent; if ( "undefined" === typeof k) return !0; "function" === typeof f?f= new f( "unhandledrejection" ,{cancelable:!0}): "function" === typeof h?f= new h( "unhandledrejection" ,{cancelable:!0}):(f=p.document.createEvent( "CustomEvent" ),f.initCustomEvent( "unhandledrejection" ,!1,!0,f));f.promise= this ;f.reason= this .i; return k(f)};b.prototype.C= function (){ if ( null != this .h){ for ( var f=0;f< this .h.length;++f)g.h( this .h[f]); this .h= null }}; var g= new c;b.prototype.Y= function (f){ var h= this .j();f.K(h.resolve,h.reject)};b.prototype.Z= function (f,h){ var k= this .j(); try {,k.resolve,k.reject)} catch (m){k.reject(m)}};b.prototype.then= function (f,h){ function k(z,I){ return "function" == typeof z? function (Da){ try {m(z(Da))} catch (Ea){n(Ea)}}:I} var m,n,w= new b( function (z,I){m=z;n=I}); this .K(k(f,m),k(h,n)); return w};b.prototype. catch = function (f){ return this .then(void 0,f)};b.prototype.K= function (f,h){ function k(){ switch (m.g){ case 1:f(m.i); break ; case 2:h(m.i); break ; default : throw Error( "Unexpected state: " + m.g);}} var m= this ; null == this .h?g.h(k): this .h.push(k); this .s=!0};b.resolve=d;b.reject= function (f){ return new b( function (h,k){k(f)})};b.race= function (f){ return new b( function (h,k){ for ( var m=r(f),;!n.done;,k)})};b.all= function (f){ var h=r(f),; return k.done?d([]): new b( function (m,n){ function w(Da){ return function (Ea){z[Da]=Ea;I--;0==I&&m(z)}} var z=[],I=0; do z.push(void 0),I++,d(k.value).K(w(z.length-1),n),; while (!k.done)})}; return b}); q( "" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ return b===c?0!==b||1/b===1/c:b!==b&&c!==c}});q( "Array.prototype.includes" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ var d= this ;d instanceof String&&(d=String(d)); var e=d.length;c=c||0; for (0>c&&(c=Math.max(c+e,0));c<e;c++){ var g=d[c]; if (g===b||,b)) return !0} return !1}});q( "String.prototype.includes" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ return -1!==v( this ,b, "includes" ).indexOf(b,c||0)}}); q( "Array.prototype.copyWithin" , function (a){ function b(c){c=Number(c); return Infinity===c||-Infinity===c?c:c|0} return a?a: function (c,d,e){ var g= this .length;c=b(c);d=b(d);e=void 0===e?g:b(e);c=0>c?Math.max(g+c,0):Math.min(c,g);d=0>d?Math.max(g+d,0):Math.min(d,g);e=0>e?Math.max(g+e,0):Math.min(e,g); if (c<d) for (;d<e;)d in this ? this [c++]= this [d++]:( delete this [c++],d++); else for (e=Math.min(e,g+d-c),c+=e-d;e>d;)--e in this ? this [--c]= this [e]: delete this [--c]; return this }}); q( "Array.prototype.entries" , function (a){ return a?a: function (){ return oa( this , function (b,c){ return [b,c]})}});q( "Array.prototype.fill" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c,d){ var e= this .length||0;0>c&&(c=Math.max(0,e+c)); if ( null ==d||d>e)d=e;d=Number(d);0>d&&(d=Math.max(0,e+d)); for (c=Number(c||0);c<d;c++) this [c]=b; return this }});q( "Array.prototype.findIndex" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ return na( this ,b,c).S}}); q( "Array.prototype.flat" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=void 0===b?1:b; for ( var c=[],d=0;d< this .length;d++){ var e= this [d];Array.isArray(e)&&0<b?(,b-1),c.push.apply(c,e)):c.push(e)} return c}});q( "Array.prototype.flatMap" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ for ( var d=[],e=0;e< this .length;e++){ var, this [e],e, this );Array.isArray(g)?d.push.apply(d,g):d.push(g)} return d}});q( "Array.of" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return Array.from(arguments)}}); q( "globalThis" , function (a){ return a||p});q( "Math.acosh" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); return Math.log(b+Math.sqrt(b*b-1))}});q( "Math.asinh" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); if (0===b) return b; var c=Math.log(Math.abs(b)+Math.sqrt(b*b+1)); return 0>b?-c:c}});q( "Math.log1p" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); if (.25>b&&-.25<b){ for ( var c=b,d=1,e=b,g=0,f=1;g!=e;)c*=b,f*=-1,e=(g=e)+f*c/++d; return e} return Math.log(1+b)}}); q( "Math.atanh" , function (a){ if (a) return a; var b=Math.log1p; return function (c){c=Number(c); return (b(c)-b(-c))/2}});q( "Math.cbrt" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ if (0===b) return b;b=Number(b); var c=Math.pow(Math.abs(b),1/3); return 0>b?-c:c}});q( "Math.clz32" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b)>>>0; if (0===b) return 32; var c=0;0===(b&4294901760)&&(b<<=16,c+=16);0===(b&4278190080)&&(b<<=8,c+=8);0===(b&4026531840)&&(b<<=4,c+=4);0===(b&3221225472)&&(b<<=2,c+=2);0===(b&2147483648)&&c++; return c}}); q( "Math.cosh" , function (a){ if (a) return a; var b=Math.exp; return function (c){c=Number(c); return (b(c)+b(-c))/2}});q( "Math.expm1" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); if (.25>b&&-.25<b){ for ( var c=b,d=1,e=b,g=0;g!=e;)c*=b/++d,e=(g=e)+c; return e} return Math.exp(b)-1}});q( "Math.fround" , function (a){ if (a) return a; if ( "function" !== typeof Float32Array) return function (c){ return c}; var b= new Float32Array(1); return function (c){b[0]=c; return b[0]}}); q( "Math.hypot" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ if (2>arguments.length) return arguments.length?Math.abs(arguments[0]):0; var c,d,e; for (c=e=0;c<arguments.length;c++)e=Math.max(e,Math.abs(arguments[c])); if (1E100<e||1E-100>e){ if (!e) return e; for (c=d=0;c<arguments.length;c++){ var g=Number(arguments[c])/e;d+=g*g} return Math.sqrt(d)*e} for (c=d=0;c<arguments.length;c++)g=Number(arguments[c]),d+=g*g; return Math.sqrt(d)}}); q( "Math.imul" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){b=Number(b);c=Number(c); var d=b&65535,e=c&65535; return d*e+((b>>>16&65535)*e+d*(c>>>16&65535)<<16>>>0)|0}});q( "Math.log10" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return Math.log(b)/Math.LN10}});q( "Math.log2" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return Math.log(b)/Math.LN2}});q( "Math.sign" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); return 0===b||isNaN(b)?b:0<b?1:-1}}); q( "Math.sinh" , function (a){ if (a) return a; var b=Math.exp; return function (c){c=Number(c); return 0===c?c:(b(c)-b(-c))/2}});q( "Math.tanh" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); if (0===b) return b; var c=Math.exp(-2*Math.abs(b));c=(1-c)/(1+c); return 0>b?-c:c}});q( "Math.trunc" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=Number(b); if (isNaN(b)||Infinity===b||-Infinity===b||0===b) return b; var c=Math.floor(Math.abs(b)); return 0>b?-c:c}});q( "Number.EPSILON" , function (){ return Math.pow(2,-52)}); q( "Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER" , function (){ return 9007199254740991});q( "Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER" , function (){ return -9007199254740991});q( "Number.isFinite" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return "number" !== typeof b?!1:!isNaN(b)&&Infinity!==b&&-Infinity!==b}});q( "Number.isInteger" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return Number.isFinite(b)?b===Math.floor(b):!1}});q( "Number.isNaN" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return "number" === typeof b&&isNaN(b)}}); q( "Number.isSafeInteger" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return Number.isInteger(b)&&Math.abs(b)<=Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER}});q( "Number.parseFloat" , function (a){ return a||parseFloat});q( "Number.parseInt" , function (a){ return a||parseInt});q( "Object.entries" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ var c=[],d; for (d in b)u(b,d)&&c.push([d,b[d]]); return c}}); q( "Object.fromEntries" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ var c={}; if (!(Symbol.iterator in b)) throw new TypeError( "" +b+ " is not iterable" );b=b[Symbol.iterator].call(b); for ( var;!d.done;{d=d.value; if (Object(d)!==d) throw new TypeError( "iterable for fromEntries should yield objects" );c[d[0]]=d[1]} return c}});q( "Object.getOwnPropertySymbols" , function (a){ return a?a: function (){ return []}}); q( "Reflect.ownKeys" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ var c=[],d=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b);b=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(b); for ( var e=0;e<d.length;e++)( "jscomp_symbol_" ==d[e].substring(0,14)?b:c).push(d[e]); return c.concat(b)}});q( "Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ for ( var c={},d=Reflect.ownKeys(b),e=0;e<d.length;e++)c[d[e]]=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b,d[e]); return c}}); q( "Object.values" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ var c=[],d; for (d in b)u(b,d)&&c.push(b[d]); return c}});q( "Promise.allSettled" , function (a){ function b(d){ return {status: "fulfilled" ,value:d}} function c(d){ return {status: "rejected" ,reason:d}} return a?a: function (d){ var e= this ;d=Array.from(d, function (g){ return e.resolve(g).then(b,c)}); return e.all(d)}}); q( "Promise.prototype.finally" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ return this .then( function (c){ return Promise.resolve(b()).then( function (){ return c})}, function (c){ return Promise.resolve(b()).then( function (){ throw c;})})}});q( "AggregateError" , function (a){ function b(c,d){d=Error(d); "stack" in d&&( this .stack=d.stack); this .errors=c; this .message=d.message} if (a) return a;ma(b,Error); "AggregateError" ; return b}); q( "Promise.any" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){b=b instanceof Array?b:Array.from(b); return Promise.all( function (c){ return Promise.resolve(c).then( function (d){ throw d;}, function (d){ return d})})).then( function (c){ throw new AggregateError(c, "All promises were rejected" );}, function (c){ return c})}});q( "Reflect.apply" , function (a){ if (a) return a; var b=Function.prototype.apply; return function (c,d,e){ return,d,e)}}); q( "Reflect.defineProperty" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c,d){ try {Object.defineProperty(b,c,d); var e=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(b,c); return e?e.configurable===(d.configurable||!1)&&e.enumerable===(d.enumerable||!1)&&( "value" in e?e.value===d.value&&e.writable===(d.writable||!1):e.get===d.get&&e.set===d.set):!1} catch (g){ return !1}}});q( "Reflect.deleteProperty" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ if (!u(b,c)) return !0; try { return delete b[c]} catch (d){ return !1}}}); q( "Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor" , function (a){ return a||Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor});q( "Reflect.getPrototypeOf" , function (a){ return a||Object.getPrototypeOf}); function qa(a,b){ for (;a;){ var c=Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(a,b); if (c) return c;a=Reflect.getPrototypeOf(a)}}q( "Reflect.get" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c,d){ if (2>=arguments.length) return b[c]; var e=qa(b,c); if (e) return e.get?}});q( "Reflect.has" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ return c in b}}); q( "Reflect.isExtensible" , function (a){ return a?a: "function" == typeof Object.isExtensible?Object.isExtensible: function (){ return !0}});q( "Reflect.preventExtensions" , function (a){ return a?a: "function" != typeof Object.preventExtensions? function (){ return !1}: function (b){Object.preventExtensions(b); return !Object.isExtensible(b)}}); q( "Reflect.set" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c,d,e){ var g=qa(b,c); return g?g.set?(<arguments.length?e:b,d),!0):g.writable&&!Object.isFrozen(b)?(b[c]=d,!0):!1:Reflect.isExtensible(b)?(b[c]=d,!0):!1}}); q( "Set" , function (a){ function b(c){ this .g= new Map; if (c){c=r(c); for ( var d;!(;) this .add(d.value)} this .size= this .g.size} if ( function (){ if (!a|| "function" != typeof a||!a.prototype.entries|| "function" != typeof Object.seal) return !1; try { var c=Object.seal({x:4}),d= new a(r([c])); if (!d.has(c)||1!=d.size||d.add(c)!=d||1!=d.size||d.add({x:4})!=d||2!=d.size) return !1; var e=d.entries(),; if (g.done||g.value[0]!=c||g.value[1]!=c) return !1;; return g.done||g.value[0]==c||4!=g.value[0].x|| g.value[1]!=g.value[0]?!} catch (f){ return !1}}()) return a;b.prototype.add= function (c){c=0===c?0:c; this .g.set(c,c); this .size= this .g.size; return this };b.prototype. delete = function (c){c= this .g. delete (c); this .size= this .g.size; return c};b.prototype.clear= function (){ this .g.clear(); this .size=0};b.prototype.has= function (c){ return this .g.has(c)};b.prototype.entries= function (){ return this .g.entries()};b.prototype.values= function (){ return this .g.values()};b.prototype.keys=b.prototype.values;b.prototype[Symbol.iterator]= b.prototype.values;b.prototype.forEach= function (c,d){ var e= this ; this .g.forEach( function (g){ return,g,g,e)})}; return b});q( "String.prototype.codePointAt" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ var c=v( this , null , "codePointAt" ),d=c.length;b=Number(b)||0; if (0<=b&&b<d){b|=0; var e=c.charCodeAt(b); if (55296>e||56319<e||b+1===d) return e;b=c.charCodeAt(b+1); return 56320>b||57343<b?e:1024*(e-55296)+b+9216}}}); q( "String.fromCodePoint" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ for ( var c= "" ,d=0;d<arguments.length;d++){ var e=Number(arguments[d]); if (0>e||1114111<e||e!==Math.floor(e)) throw new RangeError( "invalid_code_point " +e);65535>=e?c+=String.fromCharCode(e):(e-=65536,c+=String.fromCharCode(e>>>10&1023|55296),c+=String.fromCharCode(e&1023|56320))} return c}}); q( "String.prototype.matchAll" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b){ if (b instanceof RegExp&&! throw new TypeError( "RegExp passed into String.prototype.matchAll() must have global tag." ); var c= new RegExp(b,b instanceof RegExp?void 0: "g" ),d= this ,e=!1,g={next: function (){ if (e) return {value:void 0,done:!0}; var f=c.exec(d); if (!f) return e=!0,{value:void 0,done:!0}; "" ===f[0]&&(c.lastIndex+=1); return {value:f,done:!1}}};g[Symbol.iterator]= function (){ return g}; return g}}); function ra(a,b){a=void 0!==a?String(a): " " ; return 0<b&&a?a.repeat(Math.ceil(b/a.length)).substring(0,b): "" }q( "String.prototype.padEnd" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ var d=v( this , null , "padStart" ); return d+ra(c,b-d.length)}});q( "String.prototype.padStart" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ var d=v( this , null , "padStart" ); return ra(c,b-d.length)+d}}); q( "String.prototype.replaceAll" , function (a){ return a?a: function (b,c){ if (b instanceof RegExp&&! throw new TypeError( "String.prototype.replaceAll called with a non-global RegExp argument." ); return b instanceof RegExp? this .replace(b,c): this .replace( new RegExp(String(b).replace(/([-()\[\]{}+?*.$\^|,: #<!\\])/g,"\\$1").replace(/\x08/g,"\\x08"),"g"),c)}});q("String.prototype.trimRight",function(a){function b(){return this.replace(/[\s\xa0]+$/,"")}return a||b}); q( "String.prototype.trimEnd" , function (a){ return a||String.prototype.trimRight}); function x(a){ return a?a:Array.prototype.copyWithin}q( "Int8Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Int16Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Uint16Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Int32Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Uint32Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Float32Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x);q( "Float64Array.prototype.copyWithin" ,x); function y(a){ return a?a:Array.prototype.fill}q( "Int8Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Uint8Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Uint8ClampedArray.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Int16Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Uint16Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Int32Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Uint32Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Float32Array.prototype.fill" ,y);q( "Float64Array.prototype.fill" ,y); q( "WeakSet" , function (a){ function b(c){ this .g= new WeakMap; if (c){c=r(c); for ( var d;!(;) this .add(d.value)}} if ( function (){ if (!a||!Object.seal) return !1; try { var c=Object.seal({}),d=Object.seal({}),e= new a([c]); if (!e.has(c)||e.has(d)) return !1;e. delete (c);e.add(d); return !e.has(c)&&e.has(d)} catch (g){ return !1}}()) return a;b.prototype.add= function (c){ this .g.set(c,!0); return this };b.prototype.has= function (c){ return this .g.has(c)};b.prototype. delete = function (c){ return this .g. delete (c)}; return b}); var A= this ||self; function B(a){a=a.split( "." ); for ( var b=A,c=0;c<a.length;c++) if (b=b[a[c]], null ==b) return null ; return b} function C(){} function sa(a){ var b= typeof a; return "object" ==b&& null !=a|| "function" ==b} function ta(a,b,c){ return,arguments)} function ua(a,b,c){ if (!a) throw Error(); if (2<arguments.length){ var,2); return function (){ var;Array.prototype.unshift.apply(e,d); return a.apply(b,e)}} return function (){ return a.apply(b,arguments)}} function D(a,b,c){Function.prototype.bind&&-1!=Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf( "native code" )?D=ta:D=ua; return D.apply( null ,arguments)} function E(a,b){a=a.split( "." ); var c=A;a[0] in c|| "undefined" == typeof c.execScript||c.execScript( "var " +a[0]); for ( var d;a.length&&(d=a.shift());)a.length||void 0===b?c[d]&&c[d]!==Object.prototype[d]?c=c[d]:c=c[d]={}:c[d]=b} function va(a,b){ function c(){}c.prototype=b.prototype;;a.prototype= new c;a.prototype.constructor=a; function (d,e,g){ for ( var f=Array(arguments.length-2),h=2;h<arguments.length;h++)f[h-2]=arguments[h]; return b.prototype[e].apply(d,f)}} function wa(a){ return a}; function F(a){ if (Error.captureStackTrace)Error.captureStackTrace( this ,F); else { var b=Error().stack;b&&( this .stack=b)}a&&( this .message=String(a))}va(F,Error); "CustomError" ; function G(a,b){ this .g=a===xa&&b|| "" ; this .h=ya}G.prototype.T=!0;G.prototype.R= function (){ return this .g}; function za(a){ return a instanceof G&&a.constructor===G&&a.h===ya?a.g: "type_error:Const" } function H(a){ return new G(xa,a)} var ya={},xa={}; var J={m:{}}; J.m.N={ia:{ "" :{loader:H( "{version}/loader.js" ),debug:H( "{version}/js/jsapi_debug_%{package}_module.js" ),debug_i18n:H( "{version}/i18n/jsapi_debug_i18n_%{package}_module__%{language}.js" ),compiled:H( "{version}/js/jsapi_compiled_%{package}_module.js" ),compiled_i18n:H( 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Ha=/%{(\w+)}/g,Ga=/^((https:)?\/\/[0-9a-z.:[\]-]+\/|\/[^/\\]|[^:/\\%]+\/|[^:/\\%]*[? #]|about:blank#)/i,Ja=/^([^?#]*)(\?[^#]*)?(#[\s\S]*)?/; function Ka(a,b,c){a=Fa(a,b);a=Ja.exec(Ca(a).toString());b=a[3]|| "" ; return Ia(a[1]+La( "?" ,a[2]|| "" ,c)+La( "#" ,b,void 0))} var Ba={}; function Ia(a){ if (void 0===Aa){ var b= null ; var c=A.trustedTypes; if (c&&c.createPolicy){ try {b=c.createPolicy( "goog#html" ,{createHTML:wa,createScript:wa,createScriptURL:wa})} catch (d){A.console&&A.console.error(d.message)}Aa=b} else Aa=b}a=(b=Aa)?b.createScriptURL(a):a; return new K(a,Ba)} function La(a,b,c){ if ( null ==c) return b; if ( "string" === typeof c) return c?a+encodeURIComponent(c): "" ; for ( var d in c) if (,d)){ var e=c[d];e=Array.isArray(e)?e:[e]; for ( var g=0;g<e.length;g++){ var f=e[g]; null !=f&&(b||(b=a),b+=(b.length>a.length? "&" : "" )+encodeURIComponent(d)+ "=" +encodeURIComponent(String(f)))}} return b}; var Ma=Array.prototype.some? function (a,b){ return,b,void 0)}: function (a,b){ for ( var c=a.length,d= "string" === typeof a?a.split( "" ):a,e=0;e<c;e++) if (e in d&& 0,d[e],e,a)) return !0; return !1}; function Na(a,b){ for ( var c in a) 0,a[c],c,a)} var Oa= "constructor hasOwnProperty isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable toLocaleString toString valueOf" .split( " " ); function Pa(a,b){ for ( var c,d,e=1;e<arguments.length;e++){d=arguments[e]; for (c in d)a[c]=d[c]; for ( var g=0;g<Oa.length;g++)c=Oa[g],,c)&&(a[c]=d[c])}}; var L;a:{ var Qa=A.navigator; if (Qa){ var Ra=Qa.userAgent; if (Ra){L=Ra; break a}}L= "" }; function Sa(a){a:{ var b=(a.ownerDocument&&a.ownerDocument.defaultView||A).document; if (b.querySelector&&(b=b.querySelector( "script[nonce]" ))&&(b=b.nonce||b.getAttribute( "nonce" ))&&Ta.test(b)) break a;b= "" }b&&a.setAttribute( "nonce" ,b)} var Ta=/^[\w+/_-]+[=]{0,2}$/; function Ua(a,b){ this .g=a[A.Symbol.iterator](); this .h=b; this .i=0}Ua.prototype[Symbol.iterator]= function (){ return this }; function (){ var a= this; return {value:a.done?void 0: this 0,a.value, this .i++),done:a.done}}; function Va(a,b){ return new Ua(a,b)}; var Wa= "StopIteration" in A?A.StopIteration:{message: "StopIteration" ,stack: "" }; function M(){} function (){ return this )};M.prototype.g= function (){ throw Wa;};M.prototype.F= function (){ return this }; function Xa(a){ if (a instanceof N||a instanceof O||a instanceof P) return a; if ( "function" == typeof return new N( function (){ return Ya(a)}); if ( "function" == typeof a[Symbol.iterator]) return new N( function (){ return a[Symbol.iterator]()}); if ( "function" == typeof a.F) return new N( function (){ return Ya(a.F())}); throw Error( "Not an iterator or iterable." );} function Ya(a){ if (!(a instanceof M)) return a; var b=!1; return {next: function (){ for ( var c;!b;) try {; break } catch (d){ if (d!==Wa) throw d;b=!0} return {value:c,done:b}}}} function N(a){ this .g=a}N.prototype.F= function (){ return new O( this .g())};N.prototype[Symbol.iterator]= function (){ return new P( this .g())};N.prototype.i= function (){ return new P( this .g())}; function O(a){ this .h=a}ma(O,M);O.prototype.g= function (){ var a= this; if (a.done) throw Wa; return a.value}; function (){ return this )}; O.prototype[Symbol.iterator]= function (){ return new P( this .h)};O.prototype.i= function (){ return new P( this .h)}; function P(a){ this , function (){ return a}); this .h=a}ma(P,N); function (){ return this}; function Za(a,b){ this .h={}; this .g=[]; this .i= this .size=0; var c=arguments.length; if (1<c){ if (c%2) throw Error( "Uneven number of arguments" ); for ( var d=0;d<c;d+=2) this .set(arguments[d],arguments[d+1])} else if (a) if (a instanceof Za) for (c=a.G(),d=0;d<c.length;d++) this .set(c[d],a.get(c[d])); else for (d in a) this .set(d,a[d])}l=Za.prototype;l.H= function (){$a( this ); for ( var a=[],b=0;b< this .g.length;b++)a.push( this .h[ this .g[b]]); return a};l.G= function (){$a( this ); return this .g.concat()}; l.has= function (a){ return Q( this .h,a)}; function $a(a){ if (a.size!=a.g.length){ for ( var b=0,c=0;b<a.g.length;){ var d=a.g[b];Q(a.h,d)&&(a.g[c++]=d);b++}a.g.length=c} if (a.size!=a.g.length){ var e={}; for (c=b=0;b<a.g.length;)d=a.g[b],Q(e,d)||(a.g[c++]=d,e[d]=1),b++;a.g.length=c}}l.get= function (a,b){ return Q( this .h,a)? this .h[a]:b};l.set= function (a,b){Q( this .h,a)||( this .size+=1, this .g.push(a), this .i++); this .h[a]=b}; l.forEach= function (a,b){ for ( var c= this .G(),d=0;d<c.length;d++){ var e=c[d],g= this .get(e);,g,e, this )}};l.keys= function (){ return Xa( this .F(!0)).i()};l.values= function (){ return Xa( this .F(!1)).i()};l.entries= function (){ var a= this ; return Va( this .keys(), function (b){ return [b,a.get(b)]})}; l.F= function (a){$a( this ); var b=0,c= this .i,d= this ,e= new M;e.g= function (){ if (c!=d.i) throw Error( "The map has changed since the iterator was created" ); if (b>=d.g.length) throw Wa; var g=d.g[b++]; return a?g:d.h[g]};; return e}; function Q(a,b){ return,b)}; var ab=/^(?:([^:/? #.]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:([^\\/?#]*)@)?([^\\/?#]*?)(?::([0-9]+))?(?=[\\/?#]|$))?([^?#]+)?(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#([\s\S]*))?$/;function bb(a,b){if(a){a=a.split("&");for(var c=0;c<a.length;c++){var d=a[c].indexOf("="),e=null;if(0<=d){var g=a[c].substring(0,d);e=a[c].substring(d+1)}else g=a[c];b(g,e?decodeURIComponent(e.replace(/\+/g," ")):"")}}};function cb(a){this.g=this.s=this.j="";this.v=null;this.o=this.h="";this.l=!1;var b;a instanceof cb?(this.l=a.l,db(this,a.j),this.s=a.s,this.g=a.g,eb(this,a.v),this.h=a.h,fb(this,gb(a.i)),this.o=a.o):a&&(b=String(a).match(ab))?(this.l=!1,db(this,b[1]||"",!0),this.s=hb(b[2]||""),this.g=hb(b[3]||"",!0),eb(this,b[4]),this.h=hb(b[5]||"",!0),fb(this,b[6]||"",!0),this.o=hb(b[7]||"")):(this.l=!1,this.i=new R(null,this.l))} cb.prototype.toString= function (){ var a=[],b= this .j;b&&a.push(ib(b,jb,!0), ":" ); var c= this .g; if (c|| "file" ==b)a.push( "//" ),(b= this .s)&&a.push(ib(b,jb,!0), "@" ),a.push(encodeURIComponent(String(c)).replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1" )),c= this .v, null !=c&&a.push( ":" ,String(c)); if (c= this .h) this .g&& "/" !=c.charAt(0)&&a.push( "/" ),a.push(ib(c, "/" ==c.charAt(0)?kb:lb,!0));(c= this .i.toString())&&a.push( "?" ,c);(c= this .o)&&a.push( "#" ,ib(c,mb)); return a.join( "" )}; cb.prototype.resolve= function (a){ var b= new cb( this ),c=!!a.j;c?db(b,a.j):c=!!a.s;c?b.s=a.s:c=!!a.g;c?b.g=a.g:c= null !=a.v; var d=a.h; if (c)eb(b,a.v); else if (c=!!a.h){ if ( "/" !=d.charAt(0)) if ( this .g&&! this .h)d= "/" +d; else { var e=b.h.lastIndexOf( "/" );-1!=e&&(d=b.h.substr(0,e+1)+d)}e=d; if ( ".." ==e|| "." ==e)d= "" ; else if (-1!=e.indexOf( "./" )||-1!=e.indexOf( "/." )){d=0==e.lastIndexOf( "/" ,0);e=e.split( "/" ); for ( var g=[],f=0;f<e.length;){ var h=e[f++]; "." ==h?d&&f==e.length&&g.push( "" ): ".." ==h?((1<g.length||1==g.length&& "" !=g[0])&&g.pop(),d&&f==e.length&&g.push( "" )):(g.push(h),d=!0)}d=g.join( "/" )} else d=e}c?b.h=d:c= "" !==a.i.toString();c?fb(b,gb(a.i)):c=!!a.o;c&&(b.o=a.o); return b}; function db(a,b,c){a.j=c?hb(b,!0):b;a.j&&(a.j=a.j.replace(/:$/, "" ))} function eb(a,b){ if (b){b=Number(b); if (isNaN(b)||0>b) throw Error( "Bad port number " +b);a.v=b} else a.v= null } function fb(a,b,c){b instanceof R?(a.i=b,nb(a.i,a.l)):(c||(b=ib(b,ob)),a.i= new R(b,a.l))} function hb(a,b){ return a?b?decodeURI(a.replace(/%25/g, "%2525" )):decodeURIComponent(a): "" } function ib(a,b,c){ return "string" === typeof a?(a=encodeURI(a).replace(b,pb),c&&(a=a.replace(/%25([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, "%$1" )),a): null } function pb(a){a=a.charCodeAt(0); return "%" +(a>>4&15).toString(16)+(a&15).toString(16)} var jb=/[ #\/\?@]/g,lb=/[#\?:]/g,kb=/[#\?]/g,ob=/[#\?@]/g,mb=/#/g;function R(a,b){this.h=this.g=null;this.i=a||null;this.j=!!b} function S(a){a.g||(a.g= new Za,a.h=0,a.i&&bb(a.i, function (b,c){a.add(decodeURIComponent(b.replace(/\+/g, " " )),c)}))}l=R.prototype;l.add= function (a,b){S( this ); this .i= null ;a=T( this ,a); var c= this .g.get(a);c|| this .g.set(a,c=[]);c.push(b); this .h+=1; return this }; function qb(a,b){S(a);b=T(a,b);a.g.has(b)&&(a.i= null ,a.h-=a.g.get(b).length,a=a.g,Q(a.h,b)&&( delete a.h[b],--a.size,a.i++,a.g.length>2*a.size&&$a(a)))} function rb(a,b){S(a);b=T(a,b); return a.g.has(b)} l.forEach= function (a,b){S( this ); this .g.forEach( function (c,d){c.forEach( function (e){,e,d, this )}, this )}, this )};l.G= function (){S( this ); for ( var a= this .g.H(),b= this .g.G(),c=[],d=0;d<b.length;d++) for ( var e=a[d],g=0;g<e.length;g++)c.push(b[d]); return c};l.H= function (a){S( this ); var b=[]; if ( "string" === typeof a)rb( this ,a)&&(b=b.concat( this .g.get(T( this ,a)))); else {a= this .g.H(); for ( var c=0;c<a.length;c++)b=b.concat(a[c])} return b}; l.set= function (a,b){S( this ); this .i= null ;a=T( this ,a);rb( this ,a)&&( this .h-= this .g.get(a).length); this .g.set(a,[b]); this .h+=1; return this };l.get= function (a,b){ if (!a) return b;a= this .H(a); return 0<a.length?String(a[0]):b};l.toString= function (){ if ( this .i) return this .i; if (! this .g) return "" ; for ( var a=[],b= this .g.G(),c=0;c<b.length;c++){ var d=b[c],e=encodeURIComponent(String(d));d= this .H(d); for ( var g=0;g<d.length;g++){ var f=e; "" !==d[g]&&(f+= "=" +encodeURIComponent(String(d[g])));a.push(f)}} return this .i=a.join( "&" )}; function gb(a){ var b= new R;b.i=a.i;a.g&&(b.g= new Za(a.g),b.h=a.h); return b} function T(a,b){b=String(b);a.j&&(b=b.toLowerCase()); return b} function nb(a,b){b&&!a.j&&(S(a),a.i= null ,a.g.forEach( function (c,d){ var e=d.toLowerCase(); if (d!=e&&(qb( this ,d),qb( this ,e),0<c.length)){ this .i= null ;d= this .g; var g=d.set;e=T( this ,e); var f=c.length; if (0<f){ for ( var h=Array(f),k=0;k<f;k++)h[k]=c[k];f=h} else f=[];,e,f); this .h+=c.length}},a));a.j=b}; function sb(a,b){Na(b, function (c,d){c&& "object" == typeof c&&c.T&&(c=c.R()); "style" ==d? "class" ==d?a.className=c: "for" ==d?a.htmlFor=c:tb.hasOwnProperty(d)?a.setAttribute(tb[d],c):0==d.lastIndexOf( "aria-" ,0)||0==d.lastIndexOf( "data-" ,0)?a.setAttribute(d,c):a[d]=c})} var tb={cellpadding: "cellPadding" ,cellspacing: "cellSpacing" ,colspan: "colSpan" ,frameborder: "frameBorder" ,height: "height" ,maxlength: "maxLength" ,nonce: "nonce" ,role: "role" ,rowspan: "rowSpan" ,type: "type" ,usemap: "useMap" ,valign: "vAlign" ,width: "width" }; function ub(a,b){b=String(b); "application/xhtml+xml" ===a.contentType&&(b=b.toLowerCase()); return a.createElement(b)} function vb(a){ this .g=a||A.document||document}; function wb(a,b){ this .i=a; this .j=b; this .h=0; this .g= null }wb.prototype.get= function (){ if (0< this .h){ this .h--; var a= this .g; this; null } else a= this .i(); return a}; function xb(a,b){a.j(b);100>a.h&&(a.h++,,a.g=b)}; var yb; function zb(){ var a=A.MessageChannel; "undefined" === typeof a&& "undefined" !== typeof window&&window.postMessage&&window.addEventListener&&-1==L.indexOf( "Presto" )&&(a= function (){ var e=ub(document, "IFRAME" ); "none" ;document.documentElement.appendChild(e); var g=e.contentWindow;e=g.document;;e.close(); var f= "callImmediate" +Math.random(),h= "file:" ==g.location.protocol? "*" :g.location.protocol+ "//";e=D( function (k){ if (( "*" ==h||k.origin==h)&& this .port1.onmessage()}, this ); g.addEventListener( "message" ,e,!1); this .port1={}; this .port2={postMessage: function (){g.postMessage(f,h)}}}); if ( "undefined" !== typeof a&&-1==L.indexOf( "Trident" )&&-1==L.indexOf( "MSIE" )){ var b= new a,c={},d=c;b.port1.onmessage= function (){ if (void 0!{; var e=c.P;c.P= null ;e()}}; return function (e){{P:e};;b.port2.postMessage(0)}} return function (e){A.setTimeout(e,0)}}; function Ab(a){A.setTimeout( function (){ throw a;},0)}; function Bb(){ this .h= this .g= null }Bb.prototype.add= function (a,b){ var c=Cb.get();c.set(a,b); this .h? this this .g=c; this .h=c}; function Db(){ var a=Eb,b= null ;a.g&&(b=a.g,,a.g||(a.h= null ), null ); return b} var Cb= new wb( function (){ return new Fb}, function (a){ return a.reset()}); function Fb(){ this .next= this .g= this .h= null }Fb.prototype.set= function (a,b){ this .h=a; this .g=b; this .next= null };Fb.prototype.reset= function (){ this .next= this .g= this .h= null }; function Gb(a,b){Hb||Ib();Jb||(Hb(),Jb=!0);Eb.add(a,b)} var Hb; function Ib(){ if (A.Promise&&A.Promise.resolve){ var a=A.Promise.resolve(void 0);Hb= function (){a.then(Kb)}} else Hb= function (){ var b=Kb; "function" !== typeof A.setImmediate||A.Window&&A.Window.prototype&&-1==L.indexOf( "Edge" )&&A.Window.prototype.setImmediate==A.setImmediate?(yb||(yb=zb()),yb(b)):A.setImmediate(b)}} var Jb=!1,Eb= new Bb; function Kb(){ for ( var a;a=Db();){ try {} catch (b){Ab(b)}xb(Cb,a)}Jb=!1}; function Lb(a){ if (!a) return !1; try { return !!a.$goog_Thenable} catch (b){ return !1}}; function U(a){ this .g=0; this .s=void 0; this .j= this .h= this .i= null ; this .l= this .o=!1; if (a!=C) try { var b= this ; 0, function (c){V(b,2,c)}, function (c){V(b,3,c)})} catch (c){V( this ,3,c)}} function Mb(){ this .next= this .i= this .h= this .j= this .g= null ; this .l=!1}Mb.prototype.reset= function (){ this .i= this .h= this .j= this .g= null ; this .l=!1}; var Nb= new wb( function (){ return new Mb}, function (a){a.reset()}); function Ob(a,b,c){ var d=Nb.get();d.j=a;d.h=b;d.i=c; return d} U.prototype.then= function (a,b,c){ return Pb( this , "function" === typeof a?a: null , "function" === typeof b?b: null ,c)};U.prototype.$goog_Thenable=!0;U.prototype.cancel= function (a){ if (0== this .g){ var b= new Qb(a);Gb( function (){Rb( this ,b)}, this )}}; function Rb(a,b){ if (0==a.g) if (a.i){ var c=a.i; if (c.h){ for ( var d=0,e= null ,g= null ,f=c.h;f&&(f.l||(d++,f.g==a&&(e=f),!(e&&1<d)));||(g=f);e&&(0==c.g&&1==d?Rb(c,b):(g?(d=g,,,Tb(c,e,3,b)))}a.i= null } else V(a,3,b)} function Ub(a,b){a.h||2!=a.g&&3!=a.g||Vb(a);a.j?;a.j=b} function Pb(a,b,c,d){ var e=Ob( null , null , null );e.g= new U( function (g,f){e.j=b? function (h){ try { var,h);g(k)} catch (m){f(m)}}:g;e.h=c? function (h){ try { var,h);void 0===k&&h instanceof Qb?f(h):g(k)} catch (m){f(m)}}:f});e.g.i=a;Ub(a,e); return e.g}U.prototype.C= function (a){ this .g=0;V( this ,2,a)};U.prototype.D= function (a){ this .g=0;V( this ,3,a)}; function V(a,b,c){ if (0==a.g){a===c&&(b=3,c= new TypeError( "Promise cannot resolve to itself" ));a.g=1;a:{ var d=c,e=a.C,g=a.D; if (d instanceof U){Ub(d,Ob(e||C,g|| null ,a)); var f=!0} else if (Lb(d))d.then(e,g,a),f=!0; else { if (sa(d)) try { var h=d.then; if ( "function" === typeof h){Wb(d,h,e,g,a);f=!0; break a}} catch (k){,k);f=!0; break a}f=!1}}f||(a.s=c,a.g=b,a.i= null ,Vb(a),3!=b||c instanceof Qb||Xb(a,c))}} function Wb(a,b,c,d,e){ function g(k){h||(h=!0,,k))} function f(k){h||(h=!0,,k))} var h=!1; try {,f,g)} catch (k){g(k)}} function Vb(a){a.o||(a.o=!0,Gb(a.v,a))} function Sb(a){ var b= null ;a.h&&(b=a.h,, null );a.h||(a.j= null ); return b}U.prototype.v= function (){ for ( var a;a=Sb( this );)Tb( this ,a, this .g, this .s); this .o=!1}; function Tb(a,b,c,d){ if (3==c&&b.h&&!b.l) for (;a&&a.l;a=a.i)a.l=!1; if (b.g)b.g.i= null ,Yb(b,c,d); else try {b.l?,c,d)} catch (e){ null ,e)}xb(Nb,b)} function Yb(a,b,c){2==b?,c):a.h&&,c)} function Xb(a,b){a.l=!0;Gb( function (){a.l&& null ,b)})} var Zb=Ab; function Qb(a){ this ,a)}va(Qb,F); "cancel" ; /* Portions of this code are from MochiKit, received by The Closure Authors under the MIT license. All other code is Copyright 2005-2009 The Closure Authors. All Rights Reserved. */ function W(a){ var b=$b; this .l=[]; this .J=b; this .I=a|| null ; this .j= this .i=!1; this .h=void 0; this .C= this .L= this .s=!1; this .o=0; this .g= null ; this .v=0}W.prototype.cancel= function (a){ if ( this .i) this .h instanceof W&& this .h.cancel(); else { if ( this .g){ var b= this .g; delete this .g;a?b.cancel(a):(b.v--,0>=b.v&&b.cancel())} this .J? this this .I, this ): this .C=!0; this .i||(a= new ac( this ),bc( this ),cc( this ,!1,a))}};W.prototype.D= function (a,b){ this .s=!1;cc( this ,a,b)}; function cc(a,b,c){a.i=!0;a.h=c;a.j=!b;dc(a)} function bc(a){ if (a.i){ if (!a.C) throw new ec(a);a.C=!1}} function fc(a,b,c,d){a.l.push([b,c,d]);a.i&&dc(a)}W.prototype.then= function (a,b,c){ var d,e,g= new U( function (f,h){e=f;d=h});fc( this ,e, function (f){f instanceof ac?g.cancel():d(f)}); return g.then(a,b,c)};W.prototype.$goog_Thenable=!0; function gc(a){ return Ma(a.l, function (b){ return "function" === typeof b[1]})} function dc(a){ if (a.o&&a.i&&gc(a)){ var b=a.o,c=hc[b];c&&(A.clearTimeout(c.g), delete hc[b]);a.o=0}a.g&&(a.g.v--, delete a.g);b=a.h; for ( var d=c=!1;a.l.length&&!a.s;){ var e=a.l.shift(),g=e[0],f=e[1];e=e[2]; if (g=a.j?f:g) try { var||a.I,b);void 0!==h&&(a.j=a.j&&(h==b||h instanceof Error),a.h=b=h); if (Lb(b)|| "function" === typeof A.Promise&&b instanceof A.Promise)d=!0,a.s=!0} catch (k){b=k,a.j=!0,gc(a)||(c=!0)}}a.h=b;d&&(h=D(a.D,a,!0),d=D(a.D,a,!1),b instanceof W?(fc(b,h,d),b.L=!0):b.then(h,d));c&&(b= new ic(b),hc[b.g]=b,a.o=b.g)} function ec(){ this )}va(ec,F);ec.prototype.message= "Deferred has already fired" ; "AlreadyCalledError" ; function ac(){ this )}va(ac,F);ac.prototype.message= "Deferred was canceled" ; "CanceledError" ; function ic(a){ this .g=A.setTimeout(D( this .i, this ),0); this .h=a}ic.prototype.i= function (){ delete hc[ this .g]; throw this .h;}; var hc={}; function jc(a){ var b; return (b=(a||document).getElementsByTagName( "HEAD" ))&&0!==b.length?b[0]:a.documentElement} function $b(){ if ( this && this .U){ var a= this .U;a&& "SCRIPT" ==a.tagName&&kc(a,!0, this .W)}} function kc(a,b,c){ null !=c&&A.clearTimeout(c);a.onload=C;a.onerror=C;a.onreadystatechange=C;b&&window.setTimeout( function (){a&&a.parentNode&&a.parentNode.removeChild(a)},0)} function lc(a,b){ var c= "Jsloader error (code #" +a+ ")" ;b&&(c+= ": " +b); this ,c); this .code=a}va(lc,F); /* Copyright 2021 Google LLC This code is released under the MIT license. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ function mc(a){ return Ka(a.format,,a.ya||{})} function nc(a){ var b={timeout:3E4,attributes:{async:!1,defer:!1}},c=b.document||document,d=Ca(a).toString(),e=ub(( new vb(c)).g, "SCRIPT" ),g={U:e,W:void 0},f= new W(g),h= null ,k= null !=b.timeout?b.timeout:5E3;0<k&&(h=window.setTimeout( function (){kc(e,!0); var m= new lc(1, "Timeout reached for loading script " +d);bc(f);cc(f,!1,m)},k),g.W=h);e.onload=e.onreadystatechange= function (){e.readyState&& "loaded" !=e.readyState&& "complete" !=e.readyState||(kc(e,b.oa||!1,h),bc(f),cc(f,!0, null ))};e.onerror= function (){kc(e, !0,h); var m= new lc(0, "Error while loading script " +d);bc(f);cc(f,!1,m)};g=b.attributes||{};Pa(g,{type: "text/javascript" ,charset: "UTF-8" });sb(e,g);e.src=Ca(a);Sa(e);jc(c).appendChild(e); return f} function oc(a,b,c){c=c||{};a=Ka(a,b,c); var d=nc(a); return new Promise( function (e){fc(d,e, null ,void 0)})}; /* Copyright 2021 Google LLC This code is released under the MIT license. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ function pc(){ return new Promise( function (a){ "undefined" === typeof window|| "complete" ===document.readyState?a():window.addEventListener?(document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded" ,a,!0),window.addEventListener( "load" ,a,!0)):window.attachEvent?window.attachEvent( "onload" ,a): "function" !== typeof window.onload?window.onload=a:window.onload= function (b){ if (window.onload)window.onload(b);a()}})};J.m.B={}; var X= "" ,Y= "" ,qc,Z,rc= null ,sc; function tc(){Y=X= "" ;rc=Z=qc= null ;B( "google.load" )||(E( "google.load" ,uc),E( "google.setOnLoadCallback" ,J.V)); var a=document.getElementsByTagName( "script" );a=(document.currentScript||a[a.length-1]).getAttribute( "src" );a= new cb(a); var b=a.g;sc=b=b.match(/^www\.gstatic\.cn/)? "" : "" ;vc(a)} function vc(a){a= new R(a.i.toString()); var b=a.get( "callback" ); "string" === typeof b&&(b=wc(b),pc().then(b));a=a.get( "autoload" ); if ( "string" === typeof a) try { if ( "" !==a){ var c=JSON.parse(a).modules; for (a=0;a<c.length;a++){ var d=c[a];uc(,d.version,d)}}} catch (e){ throw Error( "Autoload failed with: " +e);}} function xc(a){ var b=a,c,d=a.match(/^testing-/);d&&(b=b.replace(/^testing-/, "" ));a=b; do { if (b===J.m.M.O[b]) throw Error( "Infinite loop in version mapping: " +b);(c=J.m.M.O[b])&&(b=c)} while (c);c=(d? "testing-" : "" )+b; return {version: "pre-45" ==b?a:c,ha:c}} function yc(a){ var b=J.m.N.ia[sc].loader,c=xc(a); return oc(b,{version:c.ha}).then( function (){ var d=B( "google.charts.loader.VersionSpecific.load" )||B( "google.charts.loader.publicLoad" )||B( "google.charts.versionSpecific.load" ); if (!d) throw Error( "Bad version: " +a);rc= function (e){e=d(c.version,e); if ( null ==e|| null ==e.then){ var g=B( "google.charts.loader.publicSetOnLoadCallback" )||B( "google.charts.versionSpecific.setOnLoadCallback" );e= new Promise( function (f){g(f)});e.then=g} return e}})} function zc(a){ "string" === typeof a&&(a=[a]);Array.isArray(a)&&0!==a.length||(a=J.m.N.ea); var b=[];a.forEach( function (c){c=c.toLowerCase();b=b.concat(c.split(/[\s,]+\s*/))}); return b} function Ac(a){a=a|| "" ; for ( var b=a.replace(/-/g, "_" ).toLowerCase(); "string" === typeof b;)a=b,b=J.m.aa[b],b===a&&(b=!1);b||(a.match(/_[^_]+$/)?(a=a.replace(/_[^_]+$/, "" ),a=Ac(a)):a= "en" ); return a} function Bc(a){a=a|| "" ; "" !==X&&X!==a&&(console.warn( " Attempting to load version '" +a+ "' of Google Charts, but the previously loaded '" +(X+ "' will be used instead." )),a=X); return X=a|| "" } function Cc(a){a=a|| "" ; "" !==Y&&Y!==a&&(console.warn( " Attempting to load Google Charts for language '" +a+ "', but the previously loaded '" +(Y+ "' will be used instead." )),a=Y); "en" ===a&&(a= "" ); return Y=a|| "" } function Dc(a){ var b={},c; for (c in a)b[c]=a[c]; return b} function Ec(a,b){b=Dc(b);b.domain=sc;b.callback=wc(b.callback);a=Bc(a); var c=b.language;c=Cc(Ac(c));b.language=c; if (!qc){ if (b.enableUrlSettings&&window.URLSearchParams) try {a=( new URLSearchParams( "charts-version" )||a} catch (d){ "Failed to get charts-version from top URL" ,d)}qc=yc(a)}b.packages=zc(b.packages); return Z=qc.then( function (){ return rc(b)})} function (a){ return J.load(Object.assign({},a,{safeMode:!0}))};E( "google.charts.safeLoad" ,; J.load= function (a){ for ( var b=[],c=0;c<arguments.length;++c)b[c]=arguments[c];c=0; "visualization" ===b[c]&&c++; var d= "current" ; if ( "string" === typeof b[c]|| "number" === typeof b[c])d=String(b[c]),c++; var e={};sa(b[c])&&(e=b[c]); return Ec(d,e)};E( "google.charts.load" ,J.load);J.V= function (a){ if (!Z) throw Error( "Must call google.charts.load before google.charts.setOnLoadCallback" ); return a?Z.then(a):Z};E( "google.charts.setOnLoadCallback" ,J.V); var Fc=H( "" ),Gc=H( "" ); function Hc(a,b,c){console.warn( "Loading Maps API with the jsapi loader is deprecated." );c=c||{};a=c.key||c.client; var d=c.libraries,e= function (h){ for ( var k={},m=0;m<h.length;m++){ var n=h[m];k[n[0]]=n[1]} return k}(c.other_params?c.other_params.split( "&" ).map( function (h){ return h.split( "=" )}):[]),g=Object.assign({},{key:a,ua:d},e),f= "2" ===b?Gc:Fc;Z= new Promise( function (h){ var k=wc(c&&c.callback);oc(f,{},g).then(k).then(h)})} var Ic=H( "" ); function Jc(a,b,c){sa(c)&&c.packages?(Array.isArray(c.packages)?c.packages:[c.packages]).includes( "inputtools" )?(console.warn( 'Loading "elements" with the jsapi loader is deprecated.\nPlease load ' +(Ic+ " directly." )),Z= new Promise( function (d){ var e=wc(c&&c.callback);oc(Ic,{},{}).then(e).then(d)})):console.error( 'Loading "elements" other than "inputtools" is unsupported.' ):console.error( "google.load of elements was invoked without specifying packages" )} var Kc=H( "{module}/%{version}/%{file}" ); function Lc(a,b){ var c; do { if (a===b[a]) throw Error( "Infinite loop in version mapping for version " +a);(c=b[a])&&(a=c)} while (c); return a} function Mc(a,b,c){ var d=J.m.$.ga[a]; if (d){b=Lc(b,d.aliases);d=d.versions[b]; if (!d) throw Error( "Unknown version, " +b+ ", of " +a+ "." ); var e={module:a,version:b|| "" ,file:d.compressed};b=Ca(mc({format:Kc,ba:e})).toString();console.warn( "Loading modules with the jsapi loader is deprecated.\nPlease load " +(a+ " directly from " +b+ "." ));Z= new Promise( function (g){ var f=wc(c&&c.callback);oc(Kc,e).then(f).then(g)})} else setTimeout( function (){ throw Error( 'Module "' +a+ '" is not supported.' );},0)} function wc(a){ return function (){ if ( "function" === typeof a)a(); else if ( "string" === typeof a&& "" !==a) try { var b=B(a); if ( "function" !== typeof b) throw Error( "Type of '" +a+ "' is " + typeof b+ "." );b()} catch (c){ throw Error( "Callback of " +a+ " failed with: " +c);}}} function uc(a){ for ( var b=[],c=0;c<arguments.length;++c)b[c]=arguments[c]; switch (b[0]){ case "maps" :Hc.apply( null ,ea(b)); break ; case "elements" :Jc.apply( null ,ea(b)); break ; case "visualization" :J.load.apply(J,ea(b)); break ; default :Mc.apply( null ,ea(b))}} E( "google.loader.LoadFailure" ,!1);sc?console.warn( "Google Charts loader.js should only be loaded once." ):tc();;;J.m.B.wa=Ac;J.m.B.xa=zc;J.m.B.Da=Bc;J.m.B.Ca=Cc;;J.m.B.ra= function (){ return rc};}).call( this ); |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | < html > < head > < meta charset="utf-8"> < title >google Organization Chart Plugin</ title > < script type="text/javascript" src=""></ script > < script type="text/javascript"> google.charts.load('current', {packages:["orgchart"]}); google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart); function drawChart() { var data = new google.visualization.DataTable(); data.addColumn('string', 'Name'); data.addColumn('string', 'Manager'); data.addColumn('string', 'ToolTip'); // For each orgchart box, provide the name, manager, and tooltip to show. data.addRows([ [{'v':'Mike', 'f':'Mike< div style="color:red; font-style:italic">President</ div >'}, '', 'The President'], [{'v':'Jim', 'f':'Jim< div style="color:red; font-style:italic">Vice President</ div >'}, 'Mike', 'VP'], ['Alice', 'Mike', ''], ['Bob', 'Jim', 'Bob Sponge'], ['Carol', 'Bob', ''] ]); // Create the chart. var chart = new google.visualization.OrgChart(document.getElementById('chart_div')); // Draw the chart, setting the allowHtml option to true for the tooltips. chart.draw(data, {'allowHtml':true}); } </ script > </ head > < body > < div id="chart_div"></ div > </ body > </ html > |
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