Reference List between HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Servervariable value, Locale ID (LCID) and Language区域化设置
Reference List between HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE Servervariable value, Locale ID (LCID) and Language
HTTP | LCID Dec | Language |
LCID = 2048 |
Default |
"af" |
LCID = 1078 |
Afrikaans |
"sq" |
LCID = 1052 |
Albanian |
"ar-sa" |
LCID = 1025 |
Arabic(Saudi Arabia) |
"ar-iq" |
LCID = 2049 |
Arabic(Iraq) |
"ar-eg" |
LCID = 3073 |
Arabic(Egypt) |
"ar-ly" |
LCID = 4097 |
Arabic(Libya) |
"ar-dz" |
LCID = 5121 |
Arabic(Algeria) |
"ar-ma" |
LCID = 6145 |
Arabic(Morocco) |
"ar-tn" |
LCID = 7169 |
Arabic(Tunisia) |
"ar-om" |
LCID = 8193 |
Arabic(Oman) |
"ar-ye" |
LCID = 9217 |
Arabic(Yemen) |
"ar-sy" |
LCID = 10241 |
Arabic(Syria) |
"ar-jo" |
LCID = 11265 |
Arabic(Jordan) |
"ar-lb" |
LCID = 12289 |
Arabic(Lebanon) |
"ar-kw" |
LCID = 13313 |
Arabic(Kuwait) |
"ar-ae" |
LCID = 14337 |
Arabic(U.A.E.) |
"ar-bh" |
LCID = 15361 |
Arabic(Bahrain) |
"ar-qa" |
LCID = 16385 |
Arabic(Qatar) |
"eu" |
LCID = 1069 |
Basque |
"bg" |
LCID = 1026 |
Bulgarian |
"be" |
LCID = 1059 |
Belarusian |
"ca" |
LCID = 1027 |
Catalan |
"zh-tw" |
LCID = 1028 |
Chinese(Taiwan) |
"zh-cn" |
LCID = 2052 |
Chinese(PRC) |
"zh-hk" |
LCID = 3076 |
Chinese(Hong Kong) |
"zh-sg" |
LCID = 4100 |
Chinese(Singapore) |
"hr" |
LCID = 1050 |
Croatian |
"cs" |
LCID = 1029 |
Czech |
"da" |
LCID = 1030 |
Danish |
"n" |
LCID = 1043 |
Dutch(Standard) |
"nl-be" |
LCID = 2067 |
Dutch(Belgian) |
"en" |
LCID = 9 |
English |
"en-us" |
LCID = 1033 |
English(United States) |
"en-gb" |
LCID = 2057 |
English(British) |
"en-au" |
LCID = 3081 |
English(Australian) |
"en-ca" |
LCID = 4105 |
English(Canadian) |
"en-nz" |
LCID = 5129 |
English(New Zealand) |
"en-ie" |
LCID = 6153 |
English(Ireland) |
"en-za" |
LCID = 7177 |
English(South Africa) |
"en-jm" |
LCID = 8201 |
English(Jamaica) |
"en" |
LCID = 9225 |
English(Caribbean) |
"en-bz" |
LCID = 10249 |
English(Belize) |
"en-tt" |
LCID = 11273 |
English(Trinidad) |
"et" |
LCID = 1061 |
Estonian |
"fo" |
LCID = 1080 |
Faeroese |
"fa" |
LCID = 1065 |
Farsi |
"fi" |
LCID = 1035 |
Finnish |
"fr" |
LCID = 1036 |
French(Standard) |
"fr-be" |
LCID = 2060 |
French(Belgian) |
"fr-ca" |
LCID = 3084 |
French(Canadian) |
"fr-ch" |
LCID = 4108 |
French(Swiss) |
"fr-lu" |
LCID = 5132 |
French(Luxembourg) |
"mk" |
LCID = 1071 |
FYRO Macedonian |
"gd" |
LCID = 1084 |
Gaelic(Scots) |
"gd-ie" |
LCID = 2108 |
Gaelic(Irish) |
"de" |
LCID = 1031 |
German(Standard) |
"de-ch" |
LCID = 2055 |
German(Swiss) |
"de-at" |
LCID = 3079 |
German(Austrian) |
"de-lu" |
LCID = 4103 |
German(Luxembourg) |
"de-li" |
LCID = 5127 |
German(Liechtenstein) |
"e" |
LCID = 1032 |
Greek |
"he" |
LCID = 1037 |
Hebrew |
"hi" |
LCID = 1081 |
Hindi |
"hu" |
LCID = 1038 |
Hungarian |
"is" |
LCID = 1039 |
Icelandic |
"in" |
LCID = 1057 |
Indonesian |
"it" |
LCID = 1040 |
Italian(Standard) |
"it-ch" |
LCID = 2064 |
Italian(Swiss) |
"ja" |
LCID = 1041 |
Japanese |
"ko" |
LCID = 1042 |
Korean |
"ko" |
LCID = 2066 |
Korean(Johab) |
"lv" |
LCID = 1062 |
Latvian |
"lt" |
LCID = 1063 |
Lithuanian |
"ms" |
LCID = 1086 |
Malaysian |
"mt" |
LCID = 1082 |
Maltese |
"no" |
LCID = 1044 |
Norwegian(Bokmal) |
"no" |
LCID = 2068 |
Norwegian(Nynorsk) |
"p" |
LCID = 1045 |
Polish |
"pt-br" |
LCID = 1046 |
Portuguese(Brazil) |
"pt" |
LCID = 2070 |
Portuguese(Portugal) |
"rm" |
LCID = 1047 |
Rhaeto-Romanic |
"ro" |
LCID = 1048 |
Romanian |
"ro-mo" |
LCID = 2072 |
Romanian(Moldavia) |
"ru" |
LCID = 1049 |
Russian |
"ru-mo" |
LCID = 2073 |
Russian(Moldavia) |
"sz" |
LCID = 1083 |
Sami(Lappish) |
"sr" |
LCID = 3098 |
Serbian(Cyrillic) |
"sr" |
LCID = 2074 |
Serbian(Latin) |
"sk" |
LCID = 1051 |
Slovak |
"s" |
LCID = 1060 |
Slovenian |
"sb" |
LCID = 1070 |
Sorbian |
"es" |
LCID = 1034 |
Spanish(Spain - Traditional Sort) |
"es-mx" |
LCID = 2058 |
Spanish(Mexican) |
"es" |
LCID = 3082 |
Spanish(Spain - Modern Sort) |
"es-gt" |
LCID = 4106 |
Spanish(Guatemala) |
"es-cr" |
LCID = 5130 |
Spanish(Costa Rica) |
"es-pa" |
LCID = 6154 |
Spanish(Panama) |
"es-do" |
LCID = 7178 |
Spanish(Dominican Republic) |
"es-ve" |
LCID = 8202 |
Spanish(Venezuela) |
"es-co" |
LCID = 9226 |
Spanish(Colombia) |
"es-pe" |
LCID = 10250 |
Spanish(Peru) |
"es-ar" |
LCID = 11274 |
Spanish(Argentina) |
"es-ec" |
LCID = 12298 |
Spanish(Ecuador) |
"es-c" |
LCID = 13322 |
Spanish(Chile) |
"es-uy" |
LCID = 14346 |
Spanish(Uruguay) |
"es-py" |
LCID = 15370 |
Spanish(Paraguay) |
"es-bo" |
LCID = 16394 |
Spanish(Bolivia) |
"es-sv" |
LCID = 17418 |
Spanish(El Salvador) |
"es-hn" |
LCID = 18442 |
Spanish(Honduras) |
"es-ni" |
LCID = 19466 |
Spanish(Nicaragua) |
"es-pr" |
LCID = 20490 |
Spanish(Puerto Rico) |
"sx" |
LCID = 1072 |
Sutu |
"sv" |
LCID = 1053 |
Swedish |
"sv-fi" |
LCID = 2077 |
Swedish(Finland) |
"th" |
LCID = 1054 |
Thai |
"ts" |
LCID = 1073 |
Tsonga |
"tn" |
LCID = 1074 |
Tswana |
"tr" |
LCID = 1055 |
Turkish |
"uk" |
LCID = 1058 |
Ukrainian |
"ur" |
LCID = 1056 |
Urdu |
"ve" |
LCID = 1075 |
Venda |
"vi" |
LCID = 1066 |
Vietnamese |
"xh" |
LCID = 1076 |
Xhosa |
"ji" |
LCID = 1085 |
Yiddish |
"zu" |
LCID = 1077 |
Zulu |
2'将该网页保存为UTF-8格式 '注:只在IE狀態一下,可以自動轉換,fireFox要手動再多添代码,也可以自动实现,在此我就不多写了。自己写,涂聚文注。
3Response.CodePage = 65001
4Response.CharSet = "utf-8"
6'根据客户端浏览器的语言重定向到一个合适的网页,在繁体的WINDOWS XP 上,以系统的时间和区域文化设置有关,而不是以IE浏览器语言有关.
7theAcceptLanguage = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
8Select Case Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE")
9 Case "en-us", "en", "fr", "fr-fr", "es", "es-es", "zh", "zh-cn", "zh-tw"
11 Response.Redirect theAcceptLanguage & "Start.asp"
13 Case Else
17End Select