tcsh shell configuration --- .tcshrc / .tcshrc.user / .......

contents of file "~/.tcshrc"

# in the beginning
set user_tcshrc="$HOME/.tcshrc.user"

#in the end
if (-r "${user_tcshrc}") then
      source "${user_tcshrc}"

contents of the file "~/.tcshrc.user"

set cn = "%{\e[0m%}" # default color and form setting
set cr = "%{\e[31m%}"
set cp = "%{\e[4;35m%}"   # 4 for underline text
set cg = "%{\e[1;32m%}"   # 1 for brighter color

set prompt = "$cg%B%U%h %b%u$cg%U[%~]%u$cn "

# %B (%b): start (end) boldfacing mode      %B,%b can be used in pair, or it may influence next setting
# %U (%u): start (end) underline mode       %U,%u can be used in pair, or it may influence next setting
# %n: the user name
# @: show @ itself
# %m: hostname up to the first dot "."
# %M: the full hostname
# %~: the full working directory
# %h: history number of command
the color settings:

1: brighter color
4: underline text
5: flashing text

foreground      background      color
30              40              black
31              41              red 
32              42              green 
33              43              yellow 
34              44              blue
35              45              purple
36              46              cyan
37              47              white(grey)

alias g 'gvim'
alias .. 'cd ..'
alias - 'cd -'
alias la 'ls -al'

alias checkout 'source ../../xxx.csh'   # "" and '' are both correct
alias cd 'cd \!* ; ls'  # ls while cd to the very directory

# setenv 设置全局变量,可以传递给子shell,类似于bash中的export;
# set 设置局域变量,不能传递给子shell,而当同时使用set和setenv来设置同一个变量时,当前进程中,会优先使用set设置的值,所以要注意使用
set prompt = "$cg%B%U%h %b%u$cg%U[%~]%u$cn "  # shown as follows

NOTE: after being modified, don't forget to 'source' it

posted @ 2020-09-04 22:21  乔治是只猪  阅读(273)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报