chap Class

>>> john = AddrBookEntry('John Doe', '408-555-1212')
Created instance for: John Doe
>>> jane = AddrBookEntry('Jane Doe', '650-555-1212')
Created instance for: Jane Doe


Class MyData(object):

>>> class MyData(object):
...   pass
>>> mathObj = MyData()
>>> mathObj.x = 4
>>> mathObj.y = 5
>>> mathObj.x + mathObj.y


"x" and "y" belong to the mathObj, the mathObj act as a container.

Not of class MyData


self is like the C++ this key word.

this is the python philosophy, everything declared explicitly


__init__() is like the constructor

Python creates the instance for you and then calls __init__() during instantiation

to define additional behavior that should occur when a class is instanciated.

classAddrBookEntry(object): # class definition
    'address book entry class'
    def __init__(self, nm, ph): # define constructor = nm # set name = ph # set phone#
        print'Created instance for:',
    def updatePhone(self, newph): # define method = newph
        print'Updated phone# for:', self.nam


The only initialize the parameter is the name and phone that is --nm --ph




posted @ 2012-06-28 21:20  geometry_  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报