ch02 relationships

A relationship is about a pattern in which, as the scores on one variable
change, the corresponding scores on the other variable change in a
consistent manner,

In statistics, we use the term association when talking about

REMEBER In a relationship, as the scores on one variable change, the scores
on the other variable change in a consistent manner.

most research investigates relationships because a relationship is the
telltale sign of a law of nature at work: When nature ties behaviors or
events together, we see a relationship between the variables that measure
those behaviors and events

A major use of statistical procedures is to help us understand relationship,
examining the scores and the pattern they form.
The simplest relationship fit one of two patterns.

  • Sometimes the pattern fits

"The more you X, the more you Y"
with higher X scores paired with higher Y scores

  • At other times,

the pattern fits "The more you X, the less you Y, with higher
X scores paired with other Y scores."

  • More complicated patterns

beyond certain point



posted @ 2012-06-20 16:58  geometry_  阅读(141)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报