ch02 fundamental definition 01

Behavioral scientists study the "Laws of nature" regarding the behavior of
living organism. all memeber of particular group. Although the single study is the very small step in this process, the goal is to understand every factor that influence behavior.


  1. mating behavior of sea lions,
  2. social interactions between humans,
  3. neural firing in a rat's brain,

examine a specific influence on a specfic behavior in a specific situation.Then using our findings, we generalize back to the broader behavior and laws we began with.

population is the entire group of individuals to which a law of nature applies. The population might be broadly defined(such as all animals, all mammals, or all humans),but it can be narrowly defined(such as all women, all four-year-old English-speaking children in Canada, or all presidents of the United States){Note here the author narrow the region of the population from a large group to barely less than one hundred small pupulation, how amazing the defination things}


posted @ 2012-06-20 09:55  geometry_  阅读(121)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报