
Question: # 15

Why do I receive the error: "Failed to delete selected object(s)" when trying to delete an ArcSDE table or feature class in ArcCatalog?

Software: ArcCatalog
Version: 8.3


The full error message received is:

Failed to delete selected objects(s)
Lock request conflicts with an established lock
[Locked by database user: 'username' on machine: 'MACHINENAME']

Even though there is no connection to ArcSDE by the username from MACHINENAME you could receive this error message if there is a hung connection to ArcSDE that was not terminated correctly.



Use the sdemon -o info -I users command to determine the connection that is causing the error message:

C:\>sdemon -o info -I users

ArcSDE Instance esri_sde Registered Server Tasks on TSPGIS01 at Tue Nov 11 13:14:37 2003
PID User Host:OS Started
----- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------------
1220 mike TSPGIS02:Win32 Tue Nov 11 13:14:19 2003
1219 tech TSPGIS01:Win32 Tue Nov 11 12:38:18 2003

Find the PID that corresponds to the username and MACHINENAME that is causing the error message. Use the sdemon -o kill -t pid command to terminate the hung connection:

C:\>sdemon -o kill -t 1219
Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:

ArcSDE Instance esri_sde Process Management on TSPGIS01 at Tue Nov 11 13:19:22 2003
Kill Server Task 1219? ARE YOU SURE (Y/N)?: y

You should now be able to delete the table or feature class in ArcCatalog.

posted @ 2008-08-14 14:34  四两  阅读(1417)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报