arcgis server的问题,通过局域网访问server

Step 1 and 2 must be applied on all machines that host a SOM. Step 3 must be applied on all machines that host a SOC. If both SOC and SOM are on the same machine, apply all three steps.

Follow the steps below.
1.        Edit the DCOM launch and activation permission limits under the default properties for the machine hosting the ArcGIS Server SOM process. -show me-

A. Navigate to Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services
B. Double-click Console Root to expand it.
C. Double-click Component Services to expand it.
D. Double-click Computers to expand it.
E. Right-click on 'My Computer' and select Properties.
F. Select the 'Com Security' tab.
G. Click the 'Edit Limits' button for Launch and Activation Permissions.
H. Click the 'Add' button and add the SOMHost\agsadmin group in the
'Enter object names to select (examples):' box. Click OK.
I. Select the following check box options in the 'Permissions for Administrators' panel:
- Local Launch
- Remote Launch
- Local Activation
- Remote Activation
J. Click the 'Add' button and add the SOMHost\agsusers group in the
'Enter object names to select (examples):' box. Click OK.
K. Select the following check box options in the 'Permissions for Administrators' panel:
- Local Launch
- Remote Launch
- Local Activation
- Remote Activation
L. Click the 'Add' button and add the SOMHost\arcsom account in the
'Enter object names to select (examples):' box. Click OK.
M. Select the following check box options in the 'Permissions for Administrators' panel:
- Local Launch
- Remote Launch
- Local Activation
- Remote Activation
N. Click OK twice.

2.        Edit the launch and activation permission limits for the ArcSOM process. -show me-

A. Navigate to Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services
B. Double-click Console Root to expand it.
c. Double-click Component Services to expand it.
D. Double-click Computers to expand it.
E. Double-click DCOM config to expand it.
F. Right-click on ArcSOM and select Properties.
G. Select the 'Com Security' tab
H. Select the 'Customize' radio button on the Launch and Activation Permissions sub-panel, if not already selected.
I. Click the 'Edit' button for Launch and Activation Permissions.
J. Click the 'Add' button and add the SOMHost\agsadmin account in the
'Enter object names to select (examples):' box. Click OK.
K. Select the following check box options in the 'Permissions for Administrators' panel:
- Local Launch
- Remote Launch
- Local Activation
- Remote Activation
L. Click the 'Add' button and add the SOMHost\agsusers account in the
'Enter object names to select (examples):' box. Click OK.
M. Select the following check box options in the 'Permissions for Administrators' panel:
- Local Launch
- Remote Launch
- Local Activation
- Remote Activation
N. Click OK twice.
Remote connections to the SOM should now be possible.

3.        Edit the launch and activation permission limits for the machine hosting the ArcGIS Server SOC process. -show me-

A. Navigate to Start Menu > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Component Services
B. Double-click Console Root to expand it.
C. Double-click Component Services to expand it.
D. Double-click Computers to expand it.
E. Right-click on 'My Computer' to and select Properties.
F. Select the 'Com Security' tab
G. Click the 'Edit Limits' button for Launch and Activation Permissions.
H. Click the 'Add' button and add the SOCHost\arcsoc account in the
'Enter object names to select (examples):' box. Click OK.
I. Select the following check box options in the 'Permissions for Administrators' panel:
- Local Launch
- Remote Launch
- Local Activation
- Remote Activation
J. Click OK twice.
The ArcSOC process can now be launched and activated by a remote Server Object Manager.
ArcGIS Server 9.1 DCOM Patch for Windows XP SP 2, Windows 2003 Server SP1
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Date Submitted: June 9, 2005
Last Modified: June 9, 2005

This patch addresses the problem of remote connections to the ArcGIS Server SOM (via any ArcGIS Server client including ArcCatalog) failing with the message “GIS Server is not running on machine X” after upgrading to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1.


Issues Addressed with this Patch
Files Installed in this Patch

Installing this Patch

Patch Updates
How to identify which Patch is installed
Getting Help
ESRI® announces the ArcGIS Server 9.1 DCOM Patch for Windows XP SP 2, Windows 2003 Server SP1. This patch addresses the problem of remote connections to the ArcGIS Server SOM (via any ArcGIS Server client including ArcCatalog) failing with the message “GIS Server is not running on machine X” after upgrading to Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 1. It deals specifically with the issue listed below under Issues Addressed with this Patch.

All ArcGIS Server 9.1 users who have applied the Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003 Server SP1 are required to apply this patch. Users will not be able to access the ArcGIS Server from a remote machine (using ArcCatalog or any other client) without this patch.

Issues Addressed with this Patch

CQ00272889 - Update serverpostinstall to support the new security features in Windows XP SP2.

The main issue is:

After upgrading to Windows XP SP2 or Windows 2003 Server SP1, remote connections to the ArcGIS Server SOM running on machine X (via any ArcGIS Server client including ArcCatalog) fail with the message “GIS Server is not running on machine X”.

Windows XP SP2 and Windows Server 2003 XP1 implement new DCOM communication restrictions that prevent users from launching or activating remote COM servers unless explicitly granted permission to do so. The ArcSOM process is a COM server and as such, must be configured to grant remote launch and activation privileges to users in the agsadmin and agsusers groups.

Files Installed in this Patch
Under the C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Bin folder:


Installing the Patch
ArcGIS Server 9.1 must be installed before you can install this Patch.

Make sure you have write access to your ArcGIS Server installation location, and that the ArcGIS Server Object Manager System Service has been stopped.

Download ArcGIS-Server-91-DCOM-Patch.exe to a location other than your ArcGIS Server installation location.

Double-click the setup file to start the install process.

When Setup starts, follow the instructions on your screen.

After the patch has successfully been applied, you must run the ArcGIS Server Post Installation for the change to take effect. The Post Installation is available from Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Server > ArcGIS Server Post Installation.

Log out of and back into your Windows session to activate the new security settings.

NOTE: This Patch must be applied to the Server Object Manager and all Server Object Container machines in your ArcGIS Server configuration. You must first apply the patch to each remote Server Object Container machine, then apply the patch to the Server Object Manager machine. If a Server Object Container and a Server Object Manager exist on the same machine you only need to install the patch and run the post install once on that machine.

Patch Updates
Check Online Support Center periodically for the availability of additional patches. New information about this Patch will be posted here.

How to identify which Patch is installed
To check for the presence of a Patch, for each file examine the unique identification information provided (right click, properties, version tab, item name, QFE Version). With only a few exceptions, all files modified as part of a Patch distribution can be uniquely identified in this manner. The identification string for this Patch should read:


Getting Help
Domestic sites, please contact ESRI Technical Support at 909.793.3774, if you have any difficulty installing this Patch. International sites, please contact your local ESRI software distributor.
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