查看GBK编码表及所有字范围大小:GBK 编码表 - 在线工具
1 //显示汉字 简体繁体都可以 使用gbk字库 2 // x,y:起点坐标 3 // num:汉字对应的序号 4 // mode:0,反色显示;1,正常显示 5 void OLED_ShowChineseJF(u8 x, u8 y, u8 *chinese, u8 mode) 6 { 7 //printf("word :%s", chinese); 8 //printf("x=%d y=%d\n", x, y); 9 FILE *fphzk = openFile("/usr/data/GBK16", "rb"); 10 if (fphzk == NULL) 11 { 12 fprintf(stderr, "error gbk16\n"); 13 return; 14 } 15 int i, j, k, offset; 16 int flag; 17 //printf("chinese:%2x %2x %2x\n",chinese[0],chinese[1],chinese[2]); 18 i=0; 19 20 u8 word[3] = {0}; 21 int len = utf82gbk(word,chinese); 22 printf("len:%d,word[0]:%02x,word[1]:%02x\n",len,word[0],word[1]); 23 if(word[0]<0x81 || word[0]>0xFE || word[1]<0x40 || word[1]>0xFE)//超出整个字库的范围就不取模了 24 { 25 return; 26 } 27 unsigned char buffer[32]; 28 unsigned char key[8] = {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04, 0x02, 0x01}; 29 offset = (191*(unsigned int)(word[0] - 0x80 - 1) + (word[1] - 0x40)) * 32; 30 printf("offset:%d\n",offset); 31 fseek(fphzk, offset, SEEK_SET); 32 fread(buffer, 1, 32, fphzk); 33 int tempX = x; 34 int tempY = y; 35 for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) 36 { 37 for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) 38 { 39 for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) 40 { 41 flag = buffer[k * 2 + j] & key[i]; 42 if (flag) 43 { 44 OLED_DrawPoint(tempX, tempY, mode); 45 } 46 else 47 { 48 OLED_DrawPoint(tempX, tempY, !mode); 49 } 50 tempX++; 51 } 52 } 53 tempY++; 54 tempX = x; 55 } 56 57 fclose(fphzk); 58 }
#include "common/gbk.h" #include <stdio.h> unsigned short ff_convert ( /* Converted code, 0 means conversion error */ unsigned short chr, /* Character code to be converted */ unsigned int dir /* 0: Unicode to OEM code, 1: OEM code to Unicode */ ) { unsigned short *p; unsigned short c; int i, n, li, hi; if (chr < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ c = chr; } else { if (dir) { /* OEM code to unicode */ p = oem2uni; hi = sizeof oem2uni / 4 - 1; } else { /* Unicode to OEM code */ p = uni2oem; hi = sizeof uni2oem / 4 - 1; } li = 0; for (n = 16; n; n--) { i = li + (hi - li) / 2; if (chr == p[i * 2]) break; if (chr > p[i * 2]) li = i; else hi = i; } c = n ? p[i * 2 + 1] : 0; } return c; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------* * A GBK string to UTF-8 or to Unicode bidirection coverter. * cc936.c file is needed.(which can finded in fatfs library) *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned short getun(unsigned short gb) { gb = (gb<<8) + (gb>>8); //switch to little endian unsigned short res = ff_convert(gb, 1); return res; } /** * @brief Convert a unicode character to GBK * @param unicode: unicode character * @retval GBK character */ unsigned short getgb(unsigned short unicode) { unsigned short res = ff_convert(unicode, 0); res = (res<<8) + (res>>8); //switch to little endian return res; } /** * @brief Convert a GBK string to unicode string , unicode string is must big enough to contain the result. * @param * unicode: unicode string pointer for store the result. * @param * gb: GBK string pointer for converting. * @retval Number of character is converted. */ int gb2unicode(char *unicode,char*gb) { int j=0; while (*gb) { if (*gb<0x80) { *(unsigned short *)unicode=*gb; gb++; }else { *(unsigned short *)unicode=getun(*(unsigned short *)(gb)); gb+=2; } unicode+=2; j++; } return j; } /** * @brief Convert a unicode string to unicode string , GBK string is must big enough to contain the result. * @param * gb: GBK string pointer for store the result. * @param * unicode: unicode string pointer for converting. * @retval Number of character is converted. */ int unicode2gb(char * gb,char * unicode) { int j; unsigned short iTmp; j=0; while (*unicode) { if (*(unsigned short *)unicode<0x80) { gb[j]=*(unsigned short *)unicode; j++; } else { iTmp=getgb(*(unsigned short *)unicode); *(unsigned short int*)(gb+j)=iTmp; j+=2; } unicode+=2; } gb[j]=0; return j; } /** * @brief Convert a unicode string to UTF-8 string , UTF-8 string is must big enough to contain the result. * @param * unicode: unicode string pointer for converting. * @param * utf: UTF-8 string pointer for store the result. * @retval Number of character is converted. */ int unicode2utf8( char * utf, char * unicode) { int len = 0; //记录转换后的Utf8字符串的字节数 while (*unicode) { //处理一个unicode字符 char low = *unicode; //取出unicode字符的低8位 unicode++; char high = *unicode; //取出unicode字符的高8位 unsigned short wchar = (high << 8) + low; //高8位和低8位组成一个unicode字符,加法运算级别高 if(wchar <= 0x7F) //英文字符 { utf[len] = (char) wchar; //取wchar的低8位 len++; } else if(wchar >= 0x80 && wchar <= 0x7FF) //可以转换成双字节pOutput字符 { utf[len] = 0xc0 | ((wchar >> 6) & 0x1f); //取出unicode编码低6位后的5位,填充到110yyyyy 10zzzzzz 的yyyyy中 len++; utf[len] = 0x80 | (wchar & 0x3f); //取出unicode编码的低6位,填充到110yyyyy 10zzzzzz 的zzzzzz中 len++; } else if(wchar >= 0x800 && wchar < 0xFFFF) //可以转换成3个字节的pOutput字符 { utf[len] = 0xe0 | ((wchar >> 12) & 0x0f); //高四位填入1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz中的xxxx len++; utf[len] = 0x80 | ((wchar >> 6) & 0x3f); //中间6位填入1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz中的yyyyyy len++; utf[len] = 0x80 | (wchar & 0x3f); //低6位填入1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz中的zzzzzz len++; } else //对于其他字节数的unicode字符不进行处理 { return -1; } unicode++; //处理下一个unicode字符 } //utf8字符串后面,有个\0 utf[len] = 0; return len; } /** * @brief Convert a UTF-8 string to unicode string , unicode string is must big enough to contain the result. * @param * utf: UTF-8 string pointer for converting. * @param * unicode: unicode string pointer for store the result. * @retval Number of character is converted. */ int utf82unicode( char * unicode, char * utf) { int outputSize = 0; //记录转换后的Unicode字符串的字节数 while (*utf) { if(*utf > 0x00 && *utf <= 0x7F) //处理单字节UTF8字符(英文字母、数字) { *unicode = *utf; unicode++; *unicode = 0; //小端法表示,在高地址填补0 } else if(((*utf) & 0xE0) == 0xC0) //处理双字节UTF8字符 { char high = *utf; utf++; char low = *utf; if((low & 0xC0) != 0x80) //检查是否为合法的UTF8字符表示 { return -1; //如果不是则报错 } *unicode = (high << 6) + (low & 0x3F); unicode++; *unicode = (high >> 2) & 0x07; } else if(((*utf) & 0xF0) == 0xE0) //处理三字节UTF8字符 { char high = *utf; utf++; char middle = *utf; utf++; char low = *utf; if(((middle & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((low & 0xC0) != 0x80)) { return -1; } *unicode = (middle << 6) + (low & 0x3F); //取出middle的低两位与low的低6位,组合成unicode字符的低8位 unicode++; *unicode = (high << 4) + ((middle >> 2) & 0x0F); //取出high的低四位与middle的中间四位,组合成unicode字符的高8位 } else //对于其他字节数的UTF8字符不进行处理 { return -1; } utf++; //处理下一个utf8字符 unicode++; outputSize += 2; } //unicode字符串后面,有两个\0 *unicode = 0; unicode++; *unicode = 0; return outputSize; } /** * @brief Convert a UTF-8 string to GBK string , GBK string is must big enough to contain the result. * @param * utf: UTF-8 string pointer for converting. * @param * GBK: GBK string pointer for store the result. * @retval Number of character is converted. */ int utf82gbk( char * gb, char * utf) { int outputSize = 0; //记录转换后的Unicode字符串的字节数 unsigned short unicode; while (*utf) { if(*utf > 0x00 && *utf < 0x80) //处理单字节UTF8字符(英文字母、数字) { *gb = *utf; gb++; } else if(((*utf) & 0xE0) == 0xC0) //处理双字节UTF8字符 { unsigned short high = *utf; utf++; unsigned short low = *utf; if((low & 0xC0) != 0x80) //检查是否为合法的UTF8字符表示 { return -1; //如果不是则报错 } unicode = ((high& 0x1F) << 6) + (low & 0x3F); //取出high的低5位与low的低6位,组合成unicode字符的低8位 *(unsigned short *)gb = getgb(unicode); //get gbk from unicode gb +=2; // *gb = (high << 6) + (low & 0x3F); // gb++; // *gb = (high >> 2) & 0x07; } else if(((*utf) & 0xF0) == 0xE0) //处理三字节UTF8字符 { unsigned short high = *utf; utf++; unsigned short middle = *utf; utf++; unsigned short low = *utf; if(((middle & 0xC0) != 0x80) || ((low & 0xC0) != 0x80)) { return -1; } unicode = ((high & 0x0F) << 12) + ((middle & 0x3F) << 6) + (low & 0x3F); //取出high的低4位,middle的低6位和low的低6位,组合成unicode *(unsigned short *)gb = getgb(unicode); //get gbk from unicode gb +=2; } else //对于其他字节数的UTF8字符不进行处理 { return -1; } utf++; //处理下一个utf8字符 // gb++; outputSize += 2; } //gbk字符串后面,有1个\0 *gb = 0; gb++; return outputSize; } /** * @brief Convert a GBK string to UTF-8 string , UTF-8 string is must big enough to contain the result. * @param * GBK: GBK string pointer for converting. * @param * utf: UTF-8 string pointer for store the result. * @retval Number of character is converted. */ int gb2utf8( char * utf, char * gb) { int len = 0; //记录转换后的Utf8字符串的字节数 while (*gb) { //处理一个gbk字符 if(*gb < 0x80) //英文字符 { utf[len] = *gb; //取wchar的低8位 gb++; len++; } else { //处理两个gbk字符 unsigned short wchar =getun(*(unsigned short *)(gb)); gb+=2; if(wchar >= 0x80 && wchar <= 0x7FF) //可以转换成双字节pOutput字符 { utf[len] = 0xc0 | ((wchar >> 6) & 0x1f); //取出unicode编码低6位后的5位,填充到110yyyyy 10zzzzzz 的yyyyy中 len++; utf[len] = 0x80 | (wchar & 0x3f); //取出unicode编码的低6位,填充到110yyyyy 10zzzzzz 的zzzzzz中 len++; } else if(wchar >= 0x800 && wchar < 0xFFFF) //可以转换成3个字节的pOutput字符 { utf[len] = 0xe0 | ((wchar >> 12) & 0x0f); //高四位填入1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz中的xxxx len++; utf[len] = 0x80 | ((wchar >> 6) & 0x3f); //中间6位填入1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz中的yyyyyy len++; utf[len] = 0x80 | (wchar & 0x3f); //低6位填入1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz中的zzzzzz len++; } else //对于其他字节数的unicode字符不进行处理 { return -1; } } } //utf8字符串后面,有个\0 utf[len] = 0; return len; }
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