SQLZOO: SELECT from Nobel Tutorial/zh
yr | subject | winner | ||
1960 | Chemistry | Willard F. Libby | ||
1960 | Literature | Saint-John Perse | ||
1960 | Medicine | Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet | ||
1960 | Medicine | Peter Madawar | ||
... |
nobel(yr, subject, winner)
yr: 年份
subject: 獎項
winner: 得獎者
12.查找尤金•奧尼爾EUGENE O'NEILL得獎的所有細節 Find all details of the prize won by EUGENE O'NEILL
SELECT * FROM nobel WHERE winner='Eugene O\'Neill'
騎士列隊 Knights in order
SELECT winner,yr,subject FROM nobel WHERE winner LIKE 'Sir%' ORDER BY yr desc,winner asc
#需要注意的是在排序过程中要使用ORDER BY
The expression subject IN ('Chemistry','Physics') can be used as a value - it will be 0 or 1.
Show the 1984 winners and subject ordered by subject and winner name; but list Chemistry and Physics last.
SELECT winner, subject FROM nobel WHERE yr=1984 ORDER BY subject IN ('Chemistry','Physics') asc, subject asc,winner asc
subject IN ('Chemistry','Physics') asc 实现分组排序,符合要求的是逻辑值1,反之为0,
subject asc是将逻辑列表中的0和1中各自列表中的名字进行排序;
winner asc 是将winner的名字进行升序排序