


i = imread('theatre.jpg');
i = im2double(rgb2gray(i));
Fa = 1.25; Fb = 0;
O = Fa.*i + Fb/255;
figure(1), subplot(221), imshow(O);
title('Fa = 1.25, Fb = 0, contrast increasing');
figure(2),subplot(221), [H,x]=imhist(O, 64);
stem(x, (H/m/n), '.');
title('Fa = 1.25, Fb = 0, contrast increasing');
Fa =0.5; Fb = 0;
O = Fa.*i + Fb/255;
figure(1), subplot(222),imshow(O);
title('Fa = 0.5, Fb = 0, contrast decreasing');
figure(2), subplot(222), [H,x] = imhist(O, 64);
stem(x, (H/m/n), '.');
title('Fa = 0.5, Fb = 0, contrast decreasing');
Fa = 0.5; Fb = 50;
O = Fa.*i + Fb/255;
figure(1), subplot(223), imshow(O);
title('Fa = 0.5, Fb = 50, brightness control');
figure(2), subplot(223), [H,x]=imhist(O,64);
stem(x, (H/m/n), '.');
title('Fa = 0.5, Fb = 50, brightness control');
Fa = -1; Fb = 255;
O = Fa.*i + Fb/255;
figure(1), subplot(224), imshow(O);
title('Fa = -1, Fb = 255, reversal processing');
figure(2), subplot(224),[H,x]=imhist(O, 64);
stem(x, (H/m/n), '.');
title('Fa = -1, Fb = 255, reversal processing');


i = imread('theatre.jpg');

i = rgb2gray(i);
i = double(i);

out1 = log(1+i)/0.065;
out2 = log(1+i)/0.035;
out1(find(out1>255)) = 255;
out2(find(out2>255)) = 255;
out1 = uint8(out1);
out2 = uint8(out2);


i = rgb2gray(imread('theatre.jpg'));
i = double(i);
y1 = 255*(i/255).^2.5;
y2 = 255*(i/255).^0.4;
y1 = uint8(y1);
y2 = uint8(y2);

(4) 指数变换:

i = imread('theatre.jpg');
i = rgb2gray(i);
i = double(i);

y1 = 1.5.^(i*0.070)-1;
y2 = 1.5.^(i*0.050)-1;
y1(find(y1>255)) = 255;
y2(find(y2>255)) = 255;
y1 = uint8(y1);
y2 = uint8(y2);


i = imread('theatre.jpg');
i = rgb2gray(i);
L = imadjust(i,[ ],[50/255;150/255]);
J = imadjust(L,[50/255;150/255 ],[20/255;230/255]);

i = rgb2gray(imread('theatre.jpg'));
LC = imadjust(i,[ ],[50/255;150/255]);
HE1 = histeq(LC);%均衡函数


img = rgb2gray(imread('theatre.jpg'));
img_ref = rgb2gray(imread('rpic.jpg'));%参考图,按照这个的的直方图进行规定化
[hgram, x] = imhist(img_ref);
J = histeq(img, hgram);

posted @ 2019-06-16 23:23  Geeksongs  阅读(18912)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

Coded by Geeksongs on Linux

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