#include <iostream.h> #include "RBTree.h" using namespace std; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int arr[20] = {12, 1, 9, 2, 0, 11, 7, 19, 4, 15, 18, 5, 14, 13, 10, 16, 6, 3, 8, 17}; RBTree *tree = new RBTree(); for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++) tree->InsertNode(arr[i]); std::cout<<"PreOrder:"<<std::endl; tree->PreOrder(); std::cout<<"InOrder:"<<std::endl; tree->InOrder(); std::cout<<"PostOrder:"<<std::endl; tree->PostOrder(); std::cout<<std::endl<<"Delete Node:"<<std::endl; cout<<"Delete 12:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(12); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 1:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(1); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 9:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(9); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 2:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(2); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 0:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(0); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 11:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(11); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 7:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(7); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 19:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(19); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 4:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(4); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 15:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(15); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 18:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(18); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 5:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(5); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 14:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(14); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 13:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(13); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 10:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(10); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 6:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(6); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 16:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(16); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 3:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(3); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 8:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(8); tree->PreOrder(); cout<<"Delete 17:"<<endl; tree->DeleteNode(17); tree->PreOrder(); return 0; }
#ifndef _RBTREE_HEADER_ #define _RBTREE_HEADER_ #include <iostream.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> enum NodeColor{ RED, BLACK }; struct RBNode { int value; NodeColor color; RBNode *pParent; RBNode *pLeft; RBNode *pRight; }; class RBTree { public: RBTree(); ~RBTree(); int InsertNode(int); int DeleteNode(int); RBNode *FindNode(int value); void PreOrder(); void InOrder(); void PostOrder(); private: void DeleteAll(); void TurnLeft(RBNode *pNode); void TurnRight(RBNode *pNode); int DeleteNode(RBNode *); RBNode *GetSuccessor(RBNode *); int InsertNode(RBNode *); void DeleteFixup(RBNode *); void InsertFixup(RBNode *); private: RBNode *m_root; }; #endif
#include "RBTree.h" #include <deque> #include <queue> using namespace std; RBTree::RBTree() { m_root = NULL; } RBTree::~RBTree() { DeleteAll(); } void RBTree::TurnLeft(RBNode *pNode) { if(!pNode || !pNode->pParent) return; RBNode *pp = pNode->pParent->pParent; if(pp) if(pp->pLeft == pNode->pParent) pp->pLeft = pNode; else pp->pRight = pNode; pNode->pParent->pParent = pNode; pNode->pParent->pRight = pNode->pLeft; if(pNode->pLeft) pNode->pLeft->pParent = pNode->pParent; pNode->pLeft = pNode->pParent; pNode->pParent = pp; } void RBTree::TurnRight(RBNode *pNode) { if(!pNode || !pNode->pParent) return; RBNode *pp = pNode->pParent->pParent; if(pp) if(pp->pLeft == pNode->pParent) pp->pLeft = pNode; else pp->pRight = pNode; pNode->pParent->pParent = pNode; pNode->pParent->pLeft = pNode->pRight; if(pNode->pRight) pNode->pRight->pParent = pNode->pParent; pNode->pRight = pNode->pParent; pNode->pParent = pp; } void RBTree::DeleteAll() { if(!m_root) std::cout<<"The tree is null"<<std::endl; queue<RBNode*> qu; qu.push(m_root); while(qu.size() > 0) { RBNode *pCur = qu.front(); qu.pop(); std::cout<<"Delete:"<<pCur->value<<"("<<pCur->color<<"), "<<std::endl; if(pCur->pLeft) qu.push(pCur->pLeft); if(pCur->pRight) qu.push(pCur->pRight); delete pCur; pCur = NULL; } } int RBTree::InsertNode(int value) { if(FindNode(value)) return -1; RBNode *pNew = new RBNode(); pNew->value = value; pNew->pParent = NULL; pNew->color = RED; pNew->pLeft = NULL; pNew->pRight = NULL; return InsertNode(pNew); } int RBTree::InsertNode(RBNode* pNode) { if(!pNode) return -1; if(!m_root) { m_root = pNode; m_root->color = BLACK; return 0; } RBNode *tmp = m_root; RBNode *tmpParent = NULL; while(tmp) { tmpParent = tmp; if(tmp->value > pNode->value) tmp = tmp->pLeft; else tmp = tmp->pRight; } if(tmpParent->value > pNode->value) tmpParent->pLeft = pNode; else tmpParent->pRight = pNode; pNode->pParent = tmpParent; InsertFixup(pNode); } void RBTree::InsertFixup(RBNode *pNode) { if(!pNode) return; RBNode *pUncle = NULL; while(pNode->pParent && pNode->pParent->color == RED) { if(pNode->pParent == pNode->pParent->pParent->pLeft) { pUncle = pNode->pParent->pParent->pRight; if(pUncle && pUncle->color == RED) //case 1 { pNode->pParent->color = BLACK; pUncle->color = BLACK; pNode->pParent->pParent->color = RED; pNode = pNode->pParent->pParent; } else { if(pNode == pNode->pParent->pRight) //case 2 { TurnLeft(pNode); pNode = pNode->pLeft; } pNode->pParent->color = BLACK; //case 3 pNode->pParent->pParent->color = RED; TurnRight(pNode->pParent); if(!pNode->pParent->pParent) m_root = pNode->pParent; } } else { pUncle = pNode->pParent->pParent->pLeft; if(pUncle && pUncle->color == RED) //case 1 { pNode->pParent->color = BLACK; pUncle->color = BLACK; pNode->pParent->pParent->color = RED; pNode = pNode->pParent->pParent; } else { if(pNode == pNode->pParent->pLeft) //case 2 { TurnRight(pNode); pNode = pNode->pRight; } pNode->pParent->color = BLACK; //case 3 pNode->pParent->pParent->color = RED; TurnLeft(pNode->pParent); if(!pNode->pParent->pParent) m_root = pNode->pParent; } } } m_root->color = BLACK; } int RBTree::DeleteNode(int value) { RBNode *pNode = NULL; if(!(pNode = FindNode(value))) return -1; return DeleteNode(pNode); } RBNode *RBTree::GetSuccessor(RBNode *pNode) { RBNode *pThis = pNode->pRight; while(pThis->pLeft) pThis = pThis->pLeft; return pThis; } int RBTree::DeleteNode(RBNode *pNode) { if(!pNode) return -1; RBNode *pDel = NULL; RBNode *pThis = NULL; //search the Node if(!pNode->pLeft && !pNode->pRight) { pThis = pNode; pDel = pNode; } else if(!pNode->pLeft || !pNode->pRight) pDel = pNode; else pDel = GetSuccessor(pNode); //delete the Node if(pDel->pLeft) pThis = pDel->pLeft; else if(pDel->pRight) pThis = pDel->pRight; else pThis = pDel; if(pThis != pDel) { pThis->pParent = pDel->pParent; if(!pDel->pParent) m_root = pThis; else if(pDel == pDel->pParent->pLeft) pDel->pParent->pLeft = pThis; else pDel->pParent->pRight = pThis; } if(pDel != pNode) pNode->value = pDel->value; if(pDel->color == BLACK) DeleteFixup(pThis); if(pThis == pDel) if(pDel == pDel->pParent->pLeft) pDel->pParent->pLeft = NULL; else pDel->pParent->pRight = NULL; if(pDel == m_root) m_root = NULL; delete pDel; pDel = NULL; } void RBTree::DeleteFixup(RBNode *pNode) { RBNode *pBrother = NULL; while(pNode != m_root && pNode->color == BLACK) { if(pNode == pNode->pParent->pLeft) { pBrother = pNode->pParent->pRight; if(pBrother->color == RED) //case 1 { pBrother->color = BLACK; pNode->pParent->color = RED; TurnLeft(pBrother); pBrother = pNode->pParent->pRight; } if((!pBrother->pLeft || pBrother->pLeft->color == BLACK) && (!pBrother->pRight || pBrother->pRight->color == BLACK)) //case 2 { pBrother->color = RED; pNode = pNode->pParent; } else { if(!pBrother->pRight || pBrother->pRight->color == BLACK) //case 3 { pBrother->pLeft->color = BLACK; pBrother->color = RED; TurnRight(pBrother->pLeft); pBrother = pNode->pParent->pRight; } pBrother->color = pNode->pParent->color; //case 4 pNode->pParent->color = BLACK; pBrother->pRight->color = BLACK; TurnLeft(pBrother); pNode = m_root; } } else { pBrother = pNode->pParent->pLeft; if(pBrother->color == RED) //case 1 { pBrother->color = BLACK; pNode->pParent->color = RED; TurnRight(pBrother); pBrother = pNode->pParent->pLeft; } if((!pBrother->pLeft || pBrother->pLeft->color == BLACK) && (!pBrother->pRight || pBrother->pRight->color == BLACK)) //case 2 { pBrother->color = RED; pNode = pNode->pParent; } else { if(!pBrother->pLeft || pBrother->pLeft->color == BLACK) //case 3 { pBrother->pRight->color = BLACK; pBrother->color = RED; TurnLeft(pBrother->pRight); pBrother = pNode->pParent->pLeft; } pBrother->color = pNode->pParent->color; pNode->pParent->color = BLACK; pBrother->pLeft->color = BLACK; TurnRight(pBrother); pNode = m_root; } } } pNode->color = BLACK; } RBNode *RBTree::FindNode(int value) { if(!m_root) return NULL; RBNode *tmp = m_root; while(tmp) { if(value > tmp->value) tmp = tmp->pRight; else if(value < tmp->value) tmp = tmp->pLeft; else break; } return tmp; } void RBTree::PreOrder() { if(!m_root) { std::cout<<"The tree is null"<<std::endl; return; } queue<RBNode*> qu; qu.push(m_root); while(qu.size() > 0) { RBNode *pCur = qu.front(); qu.pop(); std::cout<<pCur->value<<"("<<pCur->color<<"), "; if(pCur->pLeft) qu.push(pCur->pLeft); if(pCur->pRight) qu.push(pCur->pRight); } std::cout<<std::endl; } void RBTree::InOrder() { if(!m_root) { std::cout<<"The tree is null"<<std::endl; return; } deque<RBNode*> de; RBNode *pCur = m_root; bool bPush = false; while(pCur) { if(pCur->pLeft && !bPush) { de.push_back(pCur); pCur = pCur->pLeft; continue; } std::cout<<pCur->value<<"("<<pCur->color<<"), "; if(pCur->pRight) { pCur = pCur->pRight; bPush = false; } else { if(de.size() == 0) break; pCur = de.back(); de.pop_back(); bPush = true; } } std::cout<<std::endl; } void RBTree::PostOrder() { if(!m_root) { std::cout<<"The tree is null"<<std::endl; return; } deque<RBNode*> de; int flag = 0; RBNode *pCur = m_root; while(pCur) { if(pCur->pLeft && flag < 1) { de.push_back(pCur); pCur = pCur->pLeft; continue; } if(pCur->pRight && flag < 2) { de.push_back(pCur); pCur = pCur->pRight; flag = 0; continue; } std::cout<<pCur->value<<"("<<pCur->color<<"), "; if(de.size() == 0) break; RBNode *pParent = de.back(); de.pop_back(); if(pCur == pParent->pLeft) { flag = 1; pCur = pParent; } else if(pCur == pParent->pRight) { flag = 2; pCur = pParent; } } std::cout<<std::endl; }