
Modern C++ 创造非凡 . 改变世界




netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow

netsh wlan set hostednetwork ssid=Hostpot key=12345678

netsh wlan start hostednetwork








Make efforts to industrialize our country

She is the most progressive writer of that times. 她是那个时代最进步的作家

a feasible plan 可行的计划

be jealous of

    He is a jualous husband. 他是一个嫉妒心重的丈夫

fairly 副词

    fairly well 非常好

    this is a fairly easy book 这是一本相当容易的书

    the problem was fairly solved.问题得到公平解决。

neutral (adj,n)

    the country remained neutral in the war.那个国家在那场战争保持中立。

    he pushed the handle into neutral.他将手柄扮到空档


    a keen reader.热心的读者

    She has a keen mind.她头脑敏捷

    He is keen to have a look at the GreatWall.他很渴望去看长城


    she's practically late for work every day 几乎

    Practically ,the plan didn't work well.实际上

I own you an apology 我欠你一个道歉

We owe our success to his leadership 我们的成功归功与他的领导


     concrete evidence确凿的证据

     concrete proposals具体的建议

     discrete mathematics离散数学


    this company has a staff of fifty



issue a statement 发表声明

This test will qualify you to fly an aircraft

 C is still usefull,I promise,it really really

Java , yes it's portable

nested 嵌套的 nested language

There are hundred methods operator functions in c++.Hi guys,i don't implement in C++.I use C 搞笑语气

proposal(n) 建议,提案,求婚

    to present a proposal 提出建议

    She accepted his proposal of marriage.她接受了他的求婚。

cultivate morality and virtue 培养道德和美德

His pride was to ruin him

Alter your mind.改变你的主意

conversely,the more the recycle,the more they save.相反,他们回收的越多,剩下的就越多。

She likes to boast about her son's talent.

regulate(v) 调节,管理

    regulate the economy 调节经济

    We ought to regulate our daily life. 我们应该使日常生活规律化。

a distant cousin一个远房堂兄弟。

religious belief 

My niece is only ten months old.

The factory is located in the suburb.

The sea tempers the climates.

He's in a temper today.

Rotten leaves.

excessive smoking is harmful to one's health.

teachers exert a lot of pressure to him.

homogeneous divide同类分割线

pride and prejudice

to prejudice one's health 损害某人的健康

the timber has started to decay

virtual (adj) 几乎的 虚拟的 事实上的

    virtual reality

    the reply is a virtual(实际上) acceptance of our offer(建议)

surplus grain is being sold for export过剩的谷物正销往国外

we drove through the tunnel

the river is too swift to swim这条河水流太急,不能游泳。


prospective value 预期值

Examine the account well before you pay it.

He heard a commotion outside.

Fortune has rarely smiled on me.

Julie and Mark,aged 17 and 19 respectively


    he is the deputy mayor of the city,


cognitive ability

He looks very serious.


They devise a machine.

urge sb to do sth催促某人做事

     The urge me to be quick.

arouse 叫醒,引起

    it will aourse some problem

hero worship,个人崇拜

some young people worship money.

cultivate bacterial

chop (v,n)砍,剁,劈



     vi. 挤痛,压痛; 吝惜,节约;

    n. 匮乏; 少量,一撮; 困苦;

the profit is .... 利益是...

How do you interpret this sentence?

to interpert for foreign vistors.

a beautiful rhythm

slender figure

cumulative process.

theoretical analysis

a high income

slender income

opera house

He is persistent in his dream.

The petrol tank in our car is empty

recite a poem

His poem has a beatiful rhythm

essence 本质

    Now that we have a rudimentary understanding of Newtons Method we would like to venture into the world of fractals。

In essence a is a mathematical set that typically displays self-similar patterns, which means it is “the same from near as from far.” Or to paraphrase Benoit Mandelbrot:


we tied the boat to a pier 。tied 绑,拴的过去式。

a wordy explanation 啰嗦的解释

slavery 奴隶制

organs 器官,风琴

neural network

brand 品牌,v侮辱,加商标于


consult 咨询


unfair/fairly. 不公正的/公正的,相当的

a beautiful scenery,landscape

Sightseeing 观光

He is driving rather fast.



convention会议,惯例.By convention,按惯例. 

maintainable and flexible setup  可维护和灵活

terrible teeth,lackluster hair

yes,just awful,没错就是糟 

your hair is awful,everyting is awful.

it's the true fact

we just look terrible


He has no background for the job.

He put his tongue out.

I am so happy to cooperate with you.

I found no evidence to back your interpretation

Your proposals sound quite feasible

It is oral medicine

They reached an oral agreement

Can you simplify your language a little?

Heat is convertible into electricity

Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?

He hates interference with his work


posted on 2017-09-27 12:06  gearslogy  阅读(353)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报