区别 cfilefind 的三个查询方法 GetFileName (),GetFilePath(),GetFileTitle()

  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/ttex48b8.aspx

    GetFileName is one of three CFileFind member functions that return some form of the file name. The following list describes the three and how they vary:

    • GetFileName returns the file name, including the extension. For example, calling GetFileName to generate a user message about the file c:\myhtml\myfile.txt returns the file namemyfile.txt.

    • GetFilePath returns the entire path for the file. For example, calling GetFilePath to generate a user message about the file c:\myhtml\myfile.txt returns the file pathc:\myhtml\myfile.txt.

    • GetFileTitle returns the file name, excluding the file extension. For example, calling GetFileTitle to generate a user message about the file c:\myhtml\myfile.txt returns the file titlemyfile.

      CFileFind finder;
      static const TCHAR szFileToFind[] = _T("C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM.INI");
      BOOL bResult = finder.FindFile(szFileToFind);
      if (bResult)
         TRACE(_T("Root of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind, 
         TRACE(_T("Title of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind, 
         TRACE(_T("Path of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
         TRACE(_T("URL of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
         TRACE(_T("Name of %s is %s\n"), szFileToFind,
         TRACE(_T("You have no %s file.\n"), szFileToFind);

posted @ 2011-08-15 15:03  吴豆豆  阅读(4115)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报