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2.1 Motivation

2.1.1 Introduction

How to track the uncertainty of estimating Dynamical Systems over time, using Kalman Filter to perform these estimates.

(1)Linear Dynamical Systems

(2)Maximum-A-Posterior Estimation

(3)Nonlinear Variations

2.1.2 Kalman Filter Motivation

This week we will learn about the Kalman Filter for Bayesian estimation in robotics.

Kalman Filter is an optimal tracking algorithm for linear systems.

2.2 Kalman Filter Model

Learn the dynamics system and measurement models that underlie the common filter.

The dynamics system describes how the state of the object change in time, as well as how the robot measures the state.

To provide an estimate that captures this uncertainty, we will transform this dynamical model into a set of probability expression. 

Now given both the dynamics system model and the probabilistic model, we can combine these two ideas.

Applying the Gaussian probability distribution model, both the state and the noise are represented with means and variances.


2.3 Maximum-A-Posterior Estimation 

Bayesian Kalman Filter

  • Apply the MAP to Bayesian' Rule 
  • Solve the maximization
  • Establish Kalman Filter update method





X(k)=A(k) X(k-1)+BU(k)+W(k)    状态运动方程

Z(k)=H (k)X(k)+V(k)                     观测方程


K 权衡预测协方差P和观测协方差矩阵R哪个更加重要。相信预测,残差(zt-Hxt)的权重小,相信观察,残差权重大,由 K 的表达可以推出这个结论


2.4 Non-linear Kalman filters

(1) Extended Kalman Filter







(2) Unscented Kalman Filter(UKF) 无损卡尔曼滤波













posted on 2018-12-31 22:25  cv_gordon  阅读(325)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报