CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tb_user( id INTEGER auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, createtime datetime )
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tb_user`; CREATE TABLE `tb_user` ( `id` int(10) UNSIGNED ZEROFILL NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '用户ID', `name` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '用户名', `password` varchar(10) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL COMMENT '密码', `role_id` int(11) NULL DEFAULT 1 COMMENT '角色ID', PRIMARY KEY (`id`) USING BTREE, INDEX `fk_role`(`role_id`) USING BTREE, CONSTRAINT `fk_role` FOREIGN KEY (`role_id`) REFERENCES `tb_role` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1000 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci COMMENT = '用户表\r\n' ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;
SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM tb_user FROM test; DESC tb_user; DESC tb_user id;
-- 添加新的字段,修改字段类型 ALTER TABLE tb_user ADD email VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,MODIFY name VARCHAR(50) NOT null; -- 修改字段名 ALTER TABLE tb_user CHANGE COLUMN name username VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL; --删除字段 ALTER TABLE tb_user DROP email; -- 修改表名 ALTER TABLE tb_user RENAME AS table_user; RENAME TABLE table_user TO tb_user,table_role TO tb_role;
-- 复制表结构 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tb_copy LIKE tb_user; -- 复制结构和内容 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tb_content AS SELECT * FROM tb_user;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tb_copy,tb_content;
select 4 div 2 ;#除法另一种写法,两参数任一为0则返回null select 4 mod 3 ;#求模另一种写法,两参数任一为0则返回null select 1 is null;#判断是否为空,不能用=null,只能有is null判断 select 1 is not null;#判断不为空 select '123' like('%2%') ;#模糊查询 select '123' not like('_2_') ; select 3 between 1 and 5;#包含了1和5本身 select 'h' in ('h','e','l');#是否子集 select 'h' not in ('h','e','l'); select 0 and 1;select 0 and null;select 1 and null;select 1 and 1;#结果为:0,0,null,1 select 0 or 1;select 0 or null;select 1 or null;select 0 or 0;#结果为:1,null,1,0 select not 1;select not 0;select not null;#结果为0,1,null select 0 xor 1;select 0 xor null;select 1 xor null;select null xor null;#结果为:1,null,null,null
create PROCEDURE example_if(in x int) begin IF x=1 THEN select 1; ELSEIF x=2 THEN select 2; ELSE select 3; END IF; end;
create PROCEDURE example_case(in x int) begin CASE x WHEN 1 THEN select 1; WHEN 2 THEN select 2; ELSE select 3; END CASE; end;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS example_while; create PROCEDURE example_while(out sum int) begin DECLARE i int DEFAULT 1; DECLARE s int DEFAULT 0; WHILE i<=100 DO SET s = s + i; SET i = i + 1; END WHILE; SET sum = s; end; call example_while(@result); select @result;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS example_loop; create PROCEDURE example_loop(out sum int) begin DECLARE i int DEFAULT 1; DECLARE s int DEFAULT 0; loop_label:loop SET s = s + i; SET i = i + 1; IF i>100 THEN LEAVE loop_label; END IF; end loop; SET sum = s; end; call example_loop(@result); select @result;
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS example_repeat; create PROCEDURE example_repeat(out sum int) begin DECLARE i int DEFAULT 1; DECLARE s int DEFAULT 0; REPEAT SET s = s + i; SET i = i + 1; UNTIL i>100 END REPEAT; SET sum = s; end; call example_repeat(@result); select @result;
-- 插入全部字段数据 INSERT INTO tb_role VALUES(null,'管理员',3,CURRENT_TIME);#自增主键可以插入null或者不重复数字 -- 插入指定字段数据 INSERT INTO tb_role (role,num,time) VALUES('管理员',3,CURRENT_TIME()); -- 插入多行数据 INSERT INTO tb_role (role,num,time) VALUES('管理员',4,CURRENT_TIME()),('管理员',5,CURRENT_TIME()),('管理员',6,CURRENT_TIME()); -- 插入查询结果 INSERT INTO tb_role (role,num,time) SELECT '用户' r,1 n,NOW() t from dual;