
#@ util function, get the number of nodes in list referenced by head
def getLenOfList(head):
	nodeNum = 0
	while head:
		nodeNum += 1
		head = head.next
	return nodeNum

# find the first common node of two lists referenced by head1 and head2
def FindFirstCommonNode(head1, head2):
	if None == head1 or None == head2:
		return None
	lenList1 = getLenOfList(head1)
	lenList2 = getLenOfList(head2)

	#@ we make head1 point to the longer list
	if lenList2 > lenList1:
		head1, head2 = head2, head1

	#@ head1 skip |lenList1 - lenList2| nodes
	for i in range(lenList1 - lenList2):
		head1 = head1.next
	while None != head1:
		if head1 == head2:
			return head1
		head1 = head1.next
		head2 = head2.next



# judge wether two lists has common node or not, or if they crossed in some node
def IfHasCommonNode(head1, head2):
	# head1 move to the last noNone node
	while head1 and head1.next:
		head1 = head1.next
	# head2 move to the last noNone node
	while head2 and head2.next:
		head2 = head2.next

	# if the last node is same
	if head1 and head1 == head2:
		return True

	return False


posted on 2016-01-09 18:07  gcczhongduan  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报