

EXT-JS 6演示样例程序-Login演示样例程序

1.        用Sencha Cmd生成应用程序模版

sencha -sdk /path/to/ExtSDK generate app -classic TutorialApp./TutorialApp

2.        创建Login View组件

在./TutorialApp的“app/view/”目录下,有缺省的main目录,这个目录包括了文件Main.jsMainController.js, MainModel.js

“app/view/”目录下创建一个目录“login”,在“login”目录下,新建两个文件 Login.jsLoginController.js

3.        从“{appRoot}/app.js”中移除mainView。

4.        创建Login窗体。文件 “{appRoot}/app/view/login/Login.js” 的内容例如以下:


   extend: 'Ext.window.Window',

   xtype: 'login',


   requires: [





   controller: 'login',

   bodyPadding: 10,

   title: 'Login Window',

   closable: false,

   autoShow: true,


   items: {

       xtype: 'form',

       reference: 'form',

       items: [{

           xtype: 'textfield',

           name: 'username',

           fieldLabel: 'Username',

           allowBlank: false

       }, {

           xtype: 'textfield',

           name: 'password',

           inputType: 'password',

           fieldLabel: 'Password',

           allowBlank: false

       }, {

           xtype: 'displayfield',

           hideEmptyLabel: false,

           value: 'Enter any non-blank password'


       buttons: [{

           text: 'Login',

           formBind: true,

           listeners: {

                click: 'onLoginClick'





5.        添加Login逻辑,“{appRoot}/app/view/login/LoginController.js ”文件的内容例如以下:


   extend: '',

   alias: 'controller.login',


   onLoginClick: function() {


       // This would be the ideal location to verify the user's credentials via

       // a server-side lookup. We'll just move forward for the sake of thisexample.


       // Set the localStorage value to true

       localStorage.setItem("TutorialLoggedIn", true);


       // Remove Login Window



       // Add the main view to the viewport


           xtype: 'app-main'





6.        在Application.js中添加Launch逻辑。Application.js文件例如以下:

Ext.define('TutorialApp.Application', {

   extend: '',


   name: 'TutorialApp',


   stores: [

       // TODO: add global / shared stores here



   views: [




   launch: function () {


       // It's important to note that this type of application could use

        // any type of storage, i.e., Cookies,LocalStorage, etc.

       var loggedIn;


       // Check to see the current value of the localStorage key

       loggedIn = localStorage.getItem("TutorialLoggedIn");


       // This ternary operator determines the value of the TutorialLoggedInkey.

       // If TutorialLoggedIn isn't true, we display the login window,

       // otherwise, we display the main view


           xtype: loggedIn ? 'app-main' : 'login'





    onAppUpdate: function () {

       Ext.Msg.confirm('Application Update', 'This application has an update,reload?


           function (choice) {

                if (choice === 'yes') {







7.        添加Viewport Plugin和Logoutbutton,“ {appRoot}/app/view/main/Main.js”文件例如以下:

Ext.define('TutorialApp.view.main.Main', {

   extend: '',

   xtype: 'app-main',


   requires: [









   controller: 'main',

   viewModel: 'main',

   plugins: 'viewport',


   ui: 'navigation',


    tabBarHeaderPosition: 1,

   titleRotation: 0,

   tabRotation: 0,


   header: {

       layout: {

           align: 'stretchmax'


       title: {

           bind: {

                text: '{name}'


           flex: 0


       iconCls: 'fa-th-list',

       items: [{

           xtype: 'button',

           text: 'Logout',

           margin: '10 0',

           handler: 'onClickButton'




   tabBar: {

       flex: 1,

       layout: {

           align: 'stretch',

           overflowHandler: 'none'




   responsiveConfig: {

       tall: {

           headerPosition: 'top'


       wide: {

           headerPosition: 'left'




   defaults: {

       bodyPadding: 20,

       tabConfig: {

           plugins: 'responsive',

           responsiveConfig: {

                wide: {

                    iconAlign: 'left',

                    textAlign: 'left'


                tall: {

                   iconAlign: 'top',

                    textAlign: 'center',

                    width: 120






   items: [{

       title: 'Home',

       iconCls: 'fa-home',

       // The following grid shares a store with the classic version's grid aswell!

       items: [{

           xtype: 'mainlist'


   }, {

       title: 'Users',

       iconCls: 'fa-user',

       bind: {

           html: '{loremIpsum}'



       title: 'Groups',

       iconCls: 'fa-users',

       bind: {

           html: '{loremIpsum}'


   }, {

       title: 'Settings',

       iconCls: 'fa-cog',

       bind: {

           html: '{loremIpsum}'




8.        添加main逻辑。 “{appRoot}/app/view/main/MainController.js”文件例如以下:


   extend: '',


   alias: 'controller.main',


   onItemSelected: function (sender, record) {

       Ext.Msg.confirm('Confirm', 'Are you sure?', 'onConfirm', this);



   onConfirm: function (choice) {

       if (choice === 'yes') {





   onClickButton: function () {

       // Remove the localStorage key/value



       // Remove Main View



       // Add the Login Window


           xtype: 'login'




posted on 2017-08-07 14:04  gavanwanggw  阅读(384)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报