
KTH&RWTH : FlexCode

德国汉诺威大学:ASAC(Analysis/Synthesis Audio Coding),也就是后来MPEG 4 Audio 里面的HLIN,主要开发者是Heiko Purnhagen


SiCAS(Sinusoidal Coding of Audio and Speech):STW建立的工程,起始于1999,终止与2001,开发通用的音频编解码器,可以自适应输入参数,用户和时间变化常量。参与开发组织有,飞利浦实验室,瑞典皇家理工学院,荷兰代夫特工业大学。由荷兰科学研究组织(简称NWO),德国史太白促进经济基金会(简称STW)支持。

ARDOR (Adaptive Rate-Distortion Optimized sound codeR):E.U.(欧盟)建立的工程,起始于2002,终止月2005,参与研发组织,飞利浦实验室,法国电信研发中心,丹麦奥尔堡大学,德国汉诺威大学,瑞典皇家理工学院,荷兰代夫特工业大学。  E.U. 支持开发并授予代号IST-2001-34095。

The objective was to meet the need for a universal codec as created by the emergence of time-varying heterogeneous networks and by the convergence of traditional consumer electronics with mobile communications.


ASC(Adaptive Sound Coding):STW建立的工程,工程号,DET.5851。起始于2003年终止于2007年。参与开发的是荷兰代夫特工业大学。

One of the main objectives of the ASC project was to develop a universal audio codec capable of adapting to time-varying characteristics of
the input signal, user preferences, and application-imposed constraints or time-varying network-imposed constraints such as bit rate, quality, latency, bandwidth, and bit-error rate (or packet-loss rate).


FlexCodec:European project (2006-2009)


研发人员:Bastiaan Kleijn


–develop a practical, flexible, parameterized, generic speech and audio coding system with the following properties:
•instantaneous adaptation to rate, quality, and robustness requirements;
•usage of advanced perceptual error criteria;
•adaptation to channel quality: packet loss rate and bit error rate;
•embedded bit rate scalability
•reasonable computational and memory complexity.
–demonstrate practical implementations of the proposed system for two relevant service applications, using speech and audio coding


posted @ 2012-10-30 18:02  杭州桓泽  阅读(272)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报