记一次ElasticSearch重启之后shard未分配问题的解决 allocation_status": "no_attempt



  • ElasticSearch6.3.2,三节点集群
  • Ubuntu16.04
  • 一个名为user的索引,索引配置为:3 primary shard,每个primary shard 2个replica



可见,user 索引的三个分片平均分布在各台机器上,可以完全容忍一台机器宕机,而不丢失任何数据。

由于一次故障(修改了一个分词插件,但是这个插件未能正确加载),导致 node-151 节点宕机了。修复问题后,执行./bin/elasticsearch -d正常启动,但是发现集群中存在三个未分配的shards。本以为这些未分配的shards在node-151正常启动后能够自动分配,但是却发现它一直没有自动分配。


首先:GET user/_recovery?active_only=true 发现集群并没有进行副本恢复。

执行GET _cluster/allocation/explain?pretty发现:

"explanation": "shard has exceeded the maximum number of retries [5] on failed allocation attempts - manually call [/_cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true] to retry, [unassigned_info[[reason=ALLOCATION_FAILED], at[2018-09-29T08:02:03.794Z], failed_attempts[5], delayed=false, details[failed shard on node [mKkj4112T7aLeC2oNouOrg]: failed to update mapping for index, failure MapperParsingException[Failed to parse mapping [profile]: analyzer [hanlp_standard] not found for field [details]]; nested: MapperParsingException[analyzer [hanlp_standard] not found for field [details]]; ]


allocation_status: "no_attempt"

原因是:shard 自动分配 已经达到最大重试次数5次,仍然失败了,所以导致"shard的分配状态已经是:no_attempt"。这时在Kibana Dev Tools,执行命令:POST /_cluster/reroute?retry_failed=true即可。由index.allocation.max_retries参数来控制最大重试次数。

The cluster will attempt to allocate a shard a maximum of index.allocation.max_retries times in a row (defaults to 5), before giving up and leaving the shard unallocated.


It is important to note that after processing any reroute commands Elasticsearch will perform rebalancing as normal (respecting the values of settings such as cluster.routing.rebalance.enable) in order to remain in a balanced state.

过一段时间后:执行 GET /_cat/shards?index=user 可查看 user 索引中所有的分片分配情况已经正常了。

user 1 p STARTED 13610428 2.6gb node-248
user 1 r STARTED 13610428 2.5gb node-151
user 1 r STARTED 13610428 2.8gb node-140
user 2 p STARTED 13606674 2.8gb node-248
user 2 r STARTED 13606674 2.7gb node-151
user 2 r STARTED 13606684 3.8gb node-140
user 0 p STARTED 13603429 2.6gb node-248
user 0 r STARTED 13603429 2.6gb node-151
user 0 r STARTED 13603429 2.7gb node-140

第一列:索引名称;第二列标识 shard 是primary(p) 还是 replica(r);第三列 shard的状态;第四列:该shard上的文档数量;最后一列 节点名称。


一般来说,ElasticSearch会自动分配 那些 unassigned shards,当发现某些shards长期未分配时,首先看下是否是因为:为索引指定了过多的primary shard 和 replica 数量,然后集群中机器数量又不够。另一个原因就是本文中提到的:由于故障,shard自动分配达到了最大重试次数了,这时执行 reroute 就可以了。


/_cat/shards 命令:https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/cat-shards.html


posted @ 2024-07-29 16:16  滴滴滴  阅读(89)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报