GitLab的权限管理及Merge Request

GitLab的权限管理及Merge Request






二、创建及批核Merge Request



团队目前在日常开发工作中都是在线下进行代码审查,但是这样的模式根本无法做到过程留痕。因此,需要使用GitLab的Merge Request或者Gerrit这样的工具进行过程管理。这里详述一下如何通过Merge Request进行线上的代码审查。




Create new issue ✓ 1
Create confidential issue ✓ 1
View confidential issues (✓) 2
Leave comments ✓ 1
See related issues
See a list of jobs ✓ 3
See a job log ✓ 3
Download and browse job artifacts ✓ 3
View wiki pages ✓ 1
Create and edit wiki pages    
Delete wiki pages      
View license management reports  ✓ 1
View Security reports  ✓ 1
View project code 1
Pull project code 1
Download project 1
Assign issues  
Assign merge requests    
Label issues  
Label merge requests    
Create code snippets  
Manage issue tracker  
Manage labels  
See a commit status  
See a container registry  
See environments  
See a list of merge requests  
Manage related issues   
Lock issue discussions  
Create issue from vulnerability   
View Error Tracking list  
Pull from Maven repository or NPM registry   
Publish to Maven repository or NPM registry     
Lock merge request discussions    
Create new environments    
Stop environments    
Manage/Accept merge requests    
Create new merge request    
Create new branches    
Push to non-protected branches    
Force push to non-protected branches    
Remove non-protected branches    
Add tags    
Cancel and retry jobs    
Create or update commit status    
Update a container registry    
Remove a container registry image    
Create/edit/delete project milestones    
View approved/blacklisted licenses 
Use security dashboard     
Dismiss vulnerability     
Apply code change suggestions    
Use environment terminals      
Run Web IDE’s Interactive Web Terminals       
Add new team members      
Push to protected branches      
Enable/disable branch protection      
Turn on/off protected branch push for devs      
Enable/disable tag protections      
Rewrite/remove Git tags      
Edit project      
Add deploy keys to project      
Configure project hooks      
Manage Runners      
Manage job triggers      
Manage variables      
Manage GitLab Pages      
Manage GitLab Pages domains and certificates      
Remove GitLab Pages      
View GitLab Pages protected by access control
Manage clusters      
Manage license policy       
Edit comments (posted by any user)      
Manage Error Tracking      
Switch visibility level        
Transfer project to another namespace        
Remove project        
Delete issues        
Force push to protected branches 4          
Remove protected branches 4          
View project Audit Events      
View project statistics  
View Insights charts 

       从上图可以看出来,Maintainer能够push代码到受保护分支,而Developer只能创建Merge Request,这就为团队推行强制代码审查并做到有迹可循提供了技术保证。



通过菜单 Project -> Settings -> Repository -> Protected Branches,然后按照下图步骤设置,最终可以得到第十步的结果:

二、创建及批核Merge Request

我们把本地修改的代码提交到个人远程分支上,并想把个人分支合并到某个Dev分支上用于SIT提测即可参考以下步骤。这里用从dev_sp16_man 合并到 Dev_Sprint16_Kid 作为例子。

第一步:Team1_Dev(开发人员)创建MR并提交,MR主要填写以下5个参数:(同步你可以根据团队情况选择勾选【remove source branch when merge request is accepted】)

  • Title
  • Description
  • Assignee
  • Source branch
  • Target branch

第二步:Team1_Leader登录,在【Merge Request】的角标已经提醒有一个request需要审核。

然后,在点击该merge request后,可以通过GitLab自带的Web IDE或者下载到本地IDE进行查看。




通过菜单 Project 选择你想进入的项目,然后点击【Merge Request】,然后再点击【All】即可展示所有的代码审查历史,这样就能在流程层面保证所有的代码合并是经过审核的,并可以做到有迹可循。


posted @ 2019-12-16 16:54  滴滴滴  阅读(19102)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报