many inputs,single output
many inputs,many outputs
language model
- 建立一个词典
# Transform the list of sentences into a list of words
all_words = ' '.join(sheldon_quotes).split(' ')
# Get number of unique words
unique_words = list(set(all_words))
# Dictionary of indexes as keys and words as values
index_to_word = {i:wd for i, wd in enumerate(sorted(unique_words))}
# Dictionary of words as keys and indexes as values
word_to_index = {wd:i for i, wd in enumerate(sorted(unique_words))}
script.py> output:
{0: '(3', 1: 'Ah,', 2: "Amy's", 3: 'And', 4: 'Explorer', 5: 'Firefox.', 6: 'For', 7: 'Galileo,', 8: 'Goblin', 9: 'Green', 10: 'Hubble', 11: 'I', 12: "I'm", 13: 'Internet', 14: 'Ladybugs', 15: 'Oh', 16: 'Paul', 17: 'Penny', 18: 'Penny!', 19: 'Pope', 20: 'Scissors', 21: 'She', 22: 'Spider-Man,', 23: 'Spock', 24: 'Spock,', 25: 'Thankfully', 26: 'The', 27: 'Two', 28: 'V', 29: 'Well,', 30: 'What', 31: 'Wheaton!', 32: 'Wil', 33: "You're", 34: 'a', 35: 'afraid', 36: 'all', 37: 'always', 38: 'am', 39: 'and', 40: 'appeals', 41: 'are', 42: 'art', 43: 'as', 44: 'at', 45: 'aware', 46: 'based', 47: 'be', 48: 'became', 49: 'because', 50: 'been', 51: 'birthday', 52: 'bitch.', 53: 'black', 54: 'blood', 55: 'bottle.', 56: 'bottom', 57: 'brain', 58: 'breaker.', 59: 'bus', 60: 'but', 61: 'calls', 62: 'can', 63: 'care', 64: 'catatonic.', 65: 'center', 66: 'chance', 67: 'circuit', 68: 'computer', 69: 'could', 70: 'covers', 71: 'crushes', 72: 'cry', 73: 'cuts', 74: 'days', 75: 'decapitates', 76: 'deity.', 77: 'discovering', 78: 'disproves', 79: 'do', 80: 'does', 81: "don't", 82: 'eat', 83: 'eats', 84: 'every', 85: 'example,', 86: 'flashlight', 87: 'for', 88: 'free', 89: 'genitals,', 90: 'genitals.', 91: 'get', 92: 'ghost', 93: 'girlfriend', 94: 'gravity,', 95: 'had', 96: 'hand.', 97: 'has,', 98: 'have', 99: 'have?', 100: 'having', 101: 'heartless', 102: 'here', 103: 'hole', 104: 'humans', 105: 'if', 106: 'impairment;', 107: 'in', 108: 'insane,', 109: 'insects', 110: 'involves', 111: 'is', 112: "isn't", 113: 'it', 114: 'it.', 115: 'just', 116: 'kept', 117: 'knocks)', 118: 'later,', 119: 'little', 120: 'living', 121: 'lizard', 122: 'lizard,', 123: 'loud', 124: 'makes', 125: 'man', 126: 'masturbating', 127: 'me', 128: 'memory', 129: 'messy,', 130: 'money.', 131: 'moon-pie', 132: 'mother', 133: 'moved', 134: 'much', 135: 'must', 136: 'my', 137: 'next', 138: 'not', 139: 'nummy-nummy', 140: 'of', 141: 'on', 142: 'one.', 143: 'other', 144: 'others', 145: 'paper', 146: 'paper,', 147: 'people', 148: 'please', 149: 'poisons', 150: 'present', 151: 'prize', 152: 'relationship', 153: 'render', 154: 'reproduce', 155: 'right', 156: 'rock', 157: 'rock,', 158: 'rushed', 159: 'sad.', 160: 'say', 161: 'scissors', 162: 'scissors,', 163: 'scissors.', 164: 'searching', 165: 'sexual', 166: 'she', 167: 'smashes', 168: 'so', 169: 'sooner', 170: 'stopping', 171: 'stupid,', 172: 'taken', 173: 'telescope', 174: 'tested.', 175: 'that', 176: 'the', 177: 'things', 178: 'think', 179: 'thou', 180: 'three', 181: 'to', 182: 'today', 183: 'town.', 184: 'tried', 185: 'unnecessary', 186: 'unsanitary', 187: 'up.', 188: 'used', 189: 'usually', 190: 'vaporizes', 191: 'vodka', 192: 'way', 193: 'we', 194: 'well,', 195: 'which', 196: 'white', 197: 'will', 198: 'with', 199: 'women,', 200: 'would', 201: 'years,', 202: 'you', 203: 'your'}
{'(3': 0, 'Ah,': 1, "Amy's": 2, 'And': 3, 'Explorer': 4, 'Firefox.': 5, 'For': 6, 'Galileo,': 7, 'Goblin': 8, 'Green': 9, 'Hubble': 10, 'I': 11, "I'm": 12, 'Internet': 13, 'Ladybugs': 14, 'Oh': 15, 'Paul': 16, 'Penny': 17, 'Penny!': 18, 'Pope': 19, 'Scissors': 20, 'She': 21, 'Spider-Man,': 22, 'Spock': 23, 'Spock,': 24, 'Thankfully': 25, 'The': 26, 'Two': 27, 'V': 28, 'Well,': 29, 'What': 30, 'Wheaton!': 31, 'Wil': 32, "You're": 33, 'a': 34, 'afraid': 35, 'all': 36, 'always': 37, 'am': 38, 'and': 39, 'appeals': 40, 'are': 41, 'art': 42, 'as': 43, 'at': 44, 'aware': 45, 'based': 46, 'be': 47, 'became': 48, 'because': 49, 'been': 50, 'birthday': 51, 'bitch.': 52, 'black': 53, 'blood': 54, 'bottle.': 55, 'bottom': 56, 'brain': 57, 'breaker.': 58, 'bus': 59, 'but': 60, 'calls': 61, 'can': 62, 'care': 63, 'catatonic.': 64, 'center': 65, 'chance': 66, 'circuit': 67, 'computer': 68, 'could': 69, 'covers': 70, 'crushes': 71, 'cry': 72, 'cuts': 73, 'days': 74, 'decapitates': 75, 'deity.': 76, 'discovering': 77, 'disproves': 78, 'do': 79, 'does': 80, "don't": 81, 'eat': 82, 'eats': 83, 'every': 84, 'example,': 85, 'flashlight': 86, 'for': 87, 'free': 88, 'genitals,': 89, 'genitals.': 90, 'get': 91, 'ghost': 92, 'girlfriend': 93, 'gravity,': 94, 'had': 95, 'hand.': 96, 'has,': 97, 'have': 98, 'have?': 99, 'having': 100, 'heartless': 101, 'here': 102, 'hole': 103, 'humans': 104, 'if': 105, 'impairment;': 106, 'in': 107, 'insane,': 108, 'insects': 109, 'involves': 110, 'is': 111, "isn't": 112, 'it': 113, 'it.': 114, 'just': 115, 'kept': 116, 'knocks)': 117, 'later,': 118, 'little': 119, 'living': 120, 'lizard': 121, 'lizard,': 122, 'loud': 123, 'makes': 124, 'man': 125, 'masturbating': 126, 'me': 127, 'memory': 128, 'messy,': 129, 'money.': 130, 'moon-pie': 131, 'mother': 132, 'moved': 133, 'much': 134, 'must': 135, 'my': 136, 'next': 137, 'not': 138, 'nummy-nummy': 139, 'of': 140, 'on': 141, 'one.': 142, 'other': 143, 'others': 144, 'paper': 145, 'paper,': 146, 'people': 147, 'please': 148, 'poisons': 149, 'present': 150, 'prize': 151, 'relationship': 152, 'render': 153, 'reproduce': 154, 'right': 155, 'rock': 156, 'rock,': 157, 'rushed': 158, 'sad.': 159, 'say': 160, 'scissors': 161, 'scissors,': 162, 'scissors.': 163, 'searching': 164, 'sexual': 165, 'she': 166, 'smashes': 167, 'so': 168, 'sooner': 169, 'stopping': 170, 'stupid,': 171, 'taken': 172, 'telescope': 173, 'tested.': 174, 'that': 175, 'the': 176, 'things': 177, 'think': 178, 'thou': 179, 'three': 180, 'to': 181, 'today': 182, 'town.': 183, 'tried': 184, 'unnecessary': 185, 'unsanitary': 186, 'up.': 187, 'used': 188, 'usually': 189, 'vaporizes': 190, 'vodka': 191, 'way': 192, 'we': 193, 'well,': 194, 'which': 195, 'white': 196, 'will': 197, 'with': 198, 'women,': 199, 'would': 200, 'years,': 201, 'you': 202, 'your': 203}
- Preparing text data for model input
# Create lists to keep the sentences and the next character
sentences = [] # ~ Training data
next_chars = [] # ~ Training labels
# Define hyperparameters
step = 2 # ~ Step to take when reading the texts in characters
chars_window = 10 # ~ Number of characters to use to predict the next one
# Loop over the text: length `chars_window` per time with step equal to `step`
for i in range(0, len(sheldon_quotes) - chars_window, step):
sentences.append(sheldon_quotes[i:i + chars_window])
next_chars.append(sheldon_quotes[i + chars_window])
# Print 10 pairs
print_examples(sentences, next_chars, 10)
<script.py> output:
Sentence Next char
You're afr a
u're afrai d
re afraid o
afraid of
fraid of i n
aid of ins e
d of insec t
of insects
insects a n
- 划分句子
# Loop through the sentences and get indexes
new_text_split = []
for sentence in new_text:
sent_split = []
for wd in sentence.split(' '):
index = word_to_index.get(wd, 0)
# Print the first sentence's indexes
# Print the sentence converted using the dictionary
print(' '.join([index_to_word[index] for index in new_text_split[0]]))
['A man either lives life as it happens to him meets it head-on and licks it or he turns his back on it and starts to wither away', 'To the brave crew and passengers of the Kobayshi Maru sucks to be you', 'Beware of more powerful weapons They often inflict as much damage to your soul as they do to you enemies', 'They are merely scars not mortal wounds and you must use them to propel you forward', 'You cannot explain away a wantonly immoral act because you think that it is connected to some higher purpose']
<script.py> output:
[276, 15070, 10160, 14750, 14590, 5715, 13813, 12418, 22564, 12797, 15443, 13813, 0, 5368, 14578, 13813, 16947, 12507, 23031, 12859, 5975, 16795, 13813, 5368, 21189, 22564, 0, 5910]
A man either lives life as it happens to him meets it <UKN/> and licks it or he turns his back on it and starts to <UKN/> away
# Define the input layer
main_input = Input(shape=(None, 10), name="input")
# One LSTM layer (input shape is already defined)
lstm_layer = LSTM(128, name="LSTM")(main_input)
# Add a dense layer with one unit
main_output = Dense(1, activation="sigmoid", name="output")(lstm_layer)
# Instantiate the class at the end
model =Model(inputs=main_input, outputs=main_output, name="modelclass_model")
# Same amount of parameters to train as before (71,297)
<script.py> output:
Model: "modelclass_model"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
input (InputLayer) (None, None, 10) 0
LSTM (LSTM) (None, 128) 71168
output (Dense) (None, 1) 129
Total params: 71,297
Trainable params: 71,297
Non-trainable params: 0
Keras preprocessing
tokenizer 分词
# Import relevant classes/functions
from keras.preprocessing.text import Tokenizer
from keras.preprocessing.sequence import pad_sequences
# Build the dictionary of indexes
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
# Change texts into sequence of indexes
texts_numeric = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(texts)
print("Number of words in the sample texts: ({0}, {1})".format(len(texts_numeric[0]), len(texts_numeric[1])))
# Pad the sequences 填充句子等长
texts_pad = pad_sequences(texts_numeric, 60)
print("Now the texts have fixed length: 60. Let's see the first one: \n{0}".format(texts_pad[0]))
<script.py> output:
Number of words in the sample texts: (54, 78)
Now the texts have fixed length: 60. Let's see the first one:
[ 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 4 1 25 13 26 5 1 14 3 27 6 28 2 7 29 30 13
15 2 8 16 17 5 18 6 4 9 31 2 8 32 4 9 15 33 9 34 35 14 36 37
2 38 39 40 2 8 16 41 42 5 18 6]
# Build model
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(units=128, input_shape=(None, 1)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
# Load pre-trained weights
# Method '.evaluate()' shows the loss and accuracy
loss, acc = model.evaluate(x_test, y_test, verbose=0)
print("Loss: {0} \nAccuracy: {1}".format(loss, acc))
<script.py> output:
Loss: 0.6991182217597961
Accuracy: 0.495
Vanishing and exploding gradients
# Create a Keras model with one hidden Dense layer
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(25, input_dim=20, activation='relu', kernel_initializer=he_uniform(seed=42)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='linear'))
# Compile and fit the model
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=SGD(lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, clipvalue=3.0))
history = model.fit(X_train, y_train, validation_data=(X_test, y_test), epochs=100, verbose=0)
# See Mean Square Error for train and test data
train_mse = model.evaluate(X_train, y_train, verbose=0)
test_mse = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0)
# Print the values of MSE
print('Train: %.3f, Test: %.3f' % (train_mse, test_mse))
# Create the model
model = Sequential()
model.add(SimpleRNN(units=600, input_shape=(None, 1)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='sgd', metrics=['accuracy'])
# Load pre-trained weights
# Plot the accuracy x epoch graph
plt.legend(['train', 'val'], loc='upper left')
GRU and LSTM cells
# Import the LSTM layer
from keras.layers.recurrent import LSTM
# Build model
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(units=128, input_shape=(None, 1), return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(units=128, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(units=128, return_sequences=False))
model.add(Dense(1, activation='sigmoid'))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
# Load pre-trained weights
print("Loss: %0.04f\nAccuracy: %0.04f" % tuple(model.evaluate(X_test, y_test, verbose=0)))
<script.py> output:
Loss: 0.6789
Accuracy: 0.5590
The Embedding layer
# Import the embedding layer
from keras.layers import Embedding
# Create a model with embeddings
model = Sequential(name="emb_model")
model.add(Embedding(input_dim=vocabulary_size + 1, output_dim=wordvec_dim, input_length=sentence_len, trainable=True))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
# Print the summaries of the one-hot model
# Print the summaries of the model with embeddings
<script.py> output:
Model: "model_onehot"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
gru_1 (GRU) (None, 128) 49920
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 1) 129
Total params: 50,049
Trainable params: 50,049
Non-trainable params: 0
Model: "emb_model"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
embedding_1 (Embedding) (None, 200, 300) 24000600
gru_2 (GRU) (None, 128) 164736
dense_2 (Dense) (None, 1) 129
Total params: 24,165,465
Trainable params: 24,165,465
Non-trainable params: 0
# Load the glove pre-trained vectors
glove_matrix = load_glove('glove_200d.zip')
# Create a model with embeddings
model = Sequential(name="emb_model")
model.add(Embedding(input_dim=vocabulary_size + 1, output_dim=wordvec_dim,
input_length=sentence_len, trainable=False))
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
# Print the summaries of the model with embeddings
<script.py> output:
Loss: 1.0716214485168456
Accuracy: 0.822
Data pre-processing
# Get the numerical ids of column label
numerical_ids = df.label.cat.codes
# Print initial shape
# One-hot encode the indexes,挺粗暴的,直接编了
Y = to_categorical(numerical_ids)
# Check the new shape of the variable
# Print the first 5 rows
<script.py> output:
(1672, 3)
[[1. 0. 0.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]
[0. 1. 0.]
[0. 0. 1.]]
# Create and fit tokenizer
tokenizer = Tokenizer()
# Prepare the data
prep_data = tokenizer.texts_to_sequences(news_dataset.data)
prep_data = pad_sequences(prep_data, maxlen=200)
# Prepare the labels
prep_labels = to_categorical(news_dataset.target)
# Print the shapes
<script.py> output:
(5000, 200)
(5000, 20)
Transfer learning for language models
# Word2Vec model
w2v_model = Word2Vec.load("bigbang_word2vec.model")
# Selected words to check similarities
words_of_interest = ['bazinga', 'penny', 'universe', 'spock', 'brain']
# Compute top 5 similar words for each of the words of interest
top5_similar_words = []
for word in words_of_interest:
{word: [item[0] for item in w2v_model.wv.most_similar([word], topn=5)]}
# Print the similar words
# Instantiate the model
model = Sequential()
# Add two LSTM layers
model.add(LSTM(64, input_shape=input_shape, dropout=0.15, recurrent_dropout=0.15, return_sequences=True))
model.add(LSTM(64, dropout=0.15, recurrent_dropout=0.15, return_sequences=False))
# Add the output layer
model.add(Dense(n_vocab, activation='softmax'))
# Compile and load weights
model.compile(loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='adam')
<script.py> output:
Model: "sequential_1"
Layer (type) Output Shape Param #
lstm_1 (LSTM) (None, 20, 64) 34304
lstm_2 (LSTM) (None, 64) 33024
dense_1 (Dense) (None, 69) 4485
Total params: 71,813
Trainable params: 71,813
Non-trainable params: 0
Neural Machine Translation