Joining Data with dplyr in R


The inner_join is the key to bring tables together. To use it, you need to provide the two tables that must be joined and the columns on which they should be joined.

> # Use the suffix argument to replace .x and .y suffixes
> parts %>% 
  	inner_join(part_categories, by = c("part_cat_id" = "id"), suffix = c("_part", "_category"))
# A tibble: 17,501 x 4
   part_num   name_part                             part_cat_id name_category   
   <chr>      <chr>                                       <dbl> <chr>           
 1 0901       Baseplate 16 x 30 with Set 080 Yello~           1 Baseplates      
 2 0902       Baseplate 16 x 24 with Set 080 Small~           1 Baseplates      
 3 0903       Baseplate 16 x 24 with Set 080 Red H~           1 Baseplates      
 4 0904       Baseplate 16 x 24 with Set 080 Large~           1 Baseplates      
 5 1          Homemaker Bookcase 2 x 4 x 4                    7 Containers      
 6 10016414   Sticker Sheet #1 for 41055-1                   58 Stickers        
 7 10026stk01 Sticker for Set 10026 - (44942/41841~          58 Stickers        
 8 10039      Pullback Motor 8 x 4 x 2/3                     44 Mechanical      
 9 10048      Minifig Hair Tousled                           65 Minifig Headwear
10 10049      Minifig Shield Broad with Spiked Bot~          27 Minifig Accesso~
# ... with 17,491 more rows
> # Combine the parts and inventory_parts tables
> inventory_parts %>%
  	inner_join(parts, by = "part_num")
# A tibble: 258,958 x 6
   inventory_id part_num    color_id quantity name                   part_cat_id
          <dbl> <chr>          <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>                        <dbl>
 1           21 3009               7       50 Brick 1 x 6                     11
 2           25 21019c00pa~       15        1 Legs and Hips with Bl~          61
 3           25 24629pr0002       78        1 Minifig Head Special ~          59
 4           25 24634pr0001        5        1 Headwear Accessory Bo~          27
 5           25 24782pr0001        5        1 Minifig Hipwear Skirt~          27
 6           25 88646              0        1 Tile Special 4 x 3 wi~          15
 7           25 973pr3314c~        5        1 Torso with 1 White Bu~          60
 8           26 14226c11           0        3 String with End Studs~          31
 9           26 2340px2           15        1 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with '~          35
10           26 2340px3           15        1 Tail 4 x 1 x 3 with '~          35
# ... with 258,948 more rows

Joining three tables

sets %>%
	# Add inventories using an inner join 
	inner_join(inventories, by = "set_num") %>%
	# Add inventory_parts using an inner join 一般这种情况是因为两个表的列名不同导致的
	inner_join(inventory_parts, by = c("id" = "inventory_id"))


return all rows from x, and all columns from x and y. Rows in x with no match in y will have NA values in the new columns. If there are multiple matches between x and y, all combinations of the matches are returned.

# Combine the star_destroyer and millennium_falcon tables
millennium_falcon %>%
  left_join(star_destroyer, by = c("part_num", "color_id"), suffix = c("_falcon", "_star_destroyer"))
> # Aggregate Millennium Falcon for the total quantity in each part
> millennium_falcon_colors <- millennium_falcon %>%
    group_by(color_id) %>%
    summarize(total_quantity = sum(quantity))
> # Aggregate Star Destroyer for the total quantity in each part
> star_destroyer_colors <- star_destroyer %>%
    group_by(color_id) %>%
    summarize(total_quantity = sum(quantity))
> # Left join the Millennium Falcon colors to the Star Destroyer colors
> millennium_falcon_colors %>%
    left_join(star_destroyer_colors,by="color_id",suffix=c("_falcon", "_star_destroyer"))
# A tibble: 21 x 3
   color_id total_quantity_falcon total_quantity_star_destroyer
      <dbl>                 <dbl>                         <dbl>
 1        0                   201                           336
 2        1                    15                            23
 3        4                    17                            53
 4       14                     3                             4
 5       15                    15                            17
 6       19                    95                            12
 7       28                     3                            16
 8       33                     5                            NA
 9       36                     1                            14
10       41                     6                            15
# ... with 11 more rows



> parts %>%
  	count(part_cat_id) %>%
  	right_join(part_categories, by = c("part_cat_id" = "id")) %>%
  	# Filter for NA
# A tibble: 1 x 3
  part_cat_id     n name   
        <dbl> <int> <chr>  
1          66    NA Modulex



inventory_parts_joined %>%
  # Combine the sets table with inventory_parts_joined 
  inner_join(sets, by = "set_num") %>%
  # Combine the themes table with your first join 
  inner_join(themes, by = c("theme_id" = "id"), suffix = c("_set", "_theme"))
> batman_parts %>%
    # Combine the star_wars_parts table 
    full_join(star_wars_parts, by = c("part_num", "color_id"), suffix = c("_batman", "_star_wars")) %>%
    # Replace NAs with 0s in the n_batman and n_star_wars columns 
    replace_na(list(n_batman = 0, n_star_wars = 0))
# A tibble: 3,628 x 4
   part_num color_id n_batman n_star_wars
   <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 10113           0       11           0
 2 10113         272        1           0
 3 10113         320        1           0
 4 10183          57        1           0
 5 10190           0        2           0
 6 10201           0        1          21
 7 10201           4        3           0
 8 10201          14        1           0
 9 10201          15        6           0
10 10201          71        4           5
# ... with 3,618 more rows

semi- and anti-join


# Filter the batwing set for parts that are also in the batmobile set
> batwing %>%
    semi_join(batmobile, by = c("part_num"))
# A tibble: 126 x 3
   part_num color_id quantity
   <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 3023            0       22
 2 3024            0       22
 3 3623            0       20
 4 2780            0       17
 5 3666            0       16
 6 3710            0       14
 7 6141            4       12
 8 2412b          71       10
 9 6141           72       10
10 6558            1        9
# ... with 116 more rows
> # Filter the batwing set for parts that aren't in the batmobile set
> batwing %>%
    anti_join(batmobile, by = c("part_num"))
# A tibble: 183 x 3
   part_num color_id quantity
   <chr>       <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 11477           0       18
 2 99207          71       18
 3 22385           0       14
 4 99563           0       13
 5 10247          72       12
 6 2877           72       12
 7 61409          72       12
 8 11153           0       10
 9 98138          46       10
10 2419           72        9
# ... with 173 more rows
 batman_colors %>%
    full_join(star_wars_colors, by = "color_id", suffix = c("_batman", "_star_wars")) %>%
    replace_na(list(total_batman = 0, total_star_wars = 0)) %>%
    inner_join(colors, by = c("color_id" = "id")) %>%
    # Create the difference and total columns
    mutate(difference = percent_batman - percent_star_wars,
           total = total_batman + total_star_wars) %>%
    # Filter for totals greater than 200
    filter(total >= 200)
# A tibble: 16 x 9
   color_id total_batman percent_batman total_star_wars percent_star_wa~ name 
      <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl>           <dbl>            <dbl> <chr>
 1        0         2807        0.296              3258          0.207   Black
 2        1          243        0.0256              410          0.0261  Blue 
 3        4          529        0.0558              434          0.0276  Red  
 4       14          426        0.0449              207          0.0132  Yell~
 5       15          404        0.0426             1771          0.113   White
 6       19          142        0.0150             1012          0.0644  Tan  
 7       28           98        0.0103              183          0.0116  Dark~
 8       36           86        0.00907             246          0.0156  Tran~
 9       46          200        0.0211               39          0.00248 Tran~
10       70          297        0.0313              373          0.0237  Redd~
11       71         1148        0.121              3264          0.208   Ligh~
12       72         1453        0.153              2433          0.155   Dark~
13       84          278        0.0293               31          0.00197 Medi~
14      179          154        0.0162              232          0.0148  Flat~
15      378           22        0.00232             430          0.0273  Sand~
16        7            0       NA                   209          0.0133  Ligh~
# ... with 3 more variables: rgb <chr>, difference <dbl>, total <dbl>
# Create a bar plot using colors_joined and the name and difference columns
> ggplot(colors_joined, aes(name, difference, fill = name)) +
    geom_col() +
    coord_flip() +
    scale_fill_manual(values = color_palette, guide = FALSE) +
    labs(y = "Difference: Batman - Star Wars")

Stack Overflow questions

# Replace the NAs in the tag_name column
questions %>%
  left_join(question_tags, by = c("id" = "question_id")) %>%
  left_join(tags, by = c("tag_id" = "id")) %>%



# Combine the two tables into posts_with_tags
> posts_with_tags <- bind_rows(questions_with_tags %>% mutate(type = "question"),
                                answers_with_tags %>% mutate(type = "answer"))
> # Add a year column, then aggregate by type, year, and tag_name
> posts_with_tags %>%
    mutate(year = year(creation_date)) %>%
    count(type, year, tag_name)
# A tibble: 58,299 x 4
   type    year tag_name                      n
   <chr>  <dbl> <chr>                     <int>
 1 answer  2008 bayesian                      1
 2 answer  2008 dataframe                     3
 3 answer  2008 dirichlet                     1
 4 answer  2008 eof                           1
 5 answer  2008 file                          1
 6 answer  2008 file-io                       1
 7 answer  2008 function                      7
 8 answer  2008 global-variables              7
 9 answer  2008 math                          2
10 answer  2008 mathematical-optimization     1
# ... with 58,289 more rows


split函数用于裂解数据框,可以根据因子来裂解,裂解后得到的是一个list list就非常适合与lapply,sapply,tapply等结合起来使用了

posted @ 2020-01-01 21:21  高文星星  阅读(853)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报