package org.apache.rocketmq.filter.util; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; /** * Simple implement of bloom filter. */ public class BloomFilter { public static final Charset UTF_8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); // as error rate, 10/100 = 0.1 private int f = 10; private int n = 128; // hash function num, by calculation. private int k; // bit count, by calculation. private int m; /** * Create bloom filter by error rate and mapping num. * * @param f error rate * @param n num will mapping to bit */ public static BloomFilter createByFn(int f, int n) { return new BloomFilter(f, n); } /** * Constructor. * * @param f error rate * @param n num will mapping to bit */ private BloomFilter(int f, int n) { if (f < 1 || f >= 100) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("f must be greater or equal than 1 and less than 100"); } if (n < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("n must be greater than 0"); } this.f = f; this.n = n; // set p = e^(-kn/m) // f = (1 - p)^k = e^(kln(1-p)) // when p = 0.5, k = ln2 * (m/n), f = (1/2)^k = (0.618)^(m/n) double errorRate = f / 100.0; this.k = (int) Math.ceil(logMN(0.5, errorRate)); if (this.k < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Hash function num is less than 1, maybe you should change the value of error rate or bit num!"); } // m >= n*log2(1/f)*log2(e) this.m = (int) Math.ceil(this.n * logMN(2, 1 / errorRate) * logMN(2, Math.E)); // m%8 = 0 this.m = (int) (Byte.SIZE * Math.ceil(this.m / (Byte.SIZE * 1.0))); } /** * Calculate bit positions of {@code str}. * <p> * See "Less Hashing, Same Performance: Building a Better Bloom Filter" by Adam Kirsch and Michael * Mitzenmacher. * </p> * 根据key来计算多个要设置的比特位 */ public int[] calcBitPositions(String str) { int[] bitPositions = new int[this.k]; long hash64 = Hashing.murmur3_128().hashString(str, UTF_8).asLong(); int hash1 = (int) hash64; int hash2 = (int) (hash64 >>> 32); for (int i = 1; i <= this.k; i++) { int combinedHash = hash1 + (i * hash2); // Flip all the bits if it's negative (guaranteed positive number) if (combinedHash < 0) { combinedHash = ~combinedHash; } bitPositions[i - 1] = combinedHash % this.m; } return bitPositions; } /** * Calculate bit positions of {@code str} to construct {@code BloomFilterData} */ public BloomFilterData generate(String str) { int[] bitPositions = calcBitPositions(str); return new BloomFilterData(bitPositions, this.m); } /** * Calculate bit positions of {@code str}, then set the related {@code bits} positions to 1. * 该方法是把一个key计算成多个比特位,并在BitsArray中设置成1 */ public void hashTo(String str, BitsArray bits) { hashTo(calcBitPositions(str), bits); } /** * Set the related {@code bits} positions to 1. */ public void hashTo(int[] bitPositions, BitsArray bits) { check(bits); for (int i : bitPositions) { bits.setBit(i, true); } } /** * Extra check: * <li>1. check {@code filterData} belong to this bloom filter.</li> * <p> * Then set the related {@code bits} positions to 1. * </p> */ public void hashTo(BloomFilterData filterData, BitsArray bits) { if (!isValid(filterData)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Bloom filter data may not belong to this filter! %s, %s", filterData, this.toString()) ); } hashTo(filterData.getBitPos(), bits); } /** * Calculate bit positions of {@code str}, then check all the related {@code bits} positions is 1. * * @return true: all the related {@code bits} positions is 1 */ public boolean isHit(String str, BitsArray bits) { return isHit(calcBitPositions(str), bits); } /** * Check all the related {@code bits} positions is 1. * 判断是否命中 * @return true: all the related {@code bits} positions is 1 */ public boolean isHit(int[] bitPositions, BitsArray bits) { check(bits); boolean ret = bits.getBit(bitPositions[0]); for (int i = 1; i < bitPositions.length; i++) { ret &= bits.getBit(bitPositions[i]); } return ret; } /** * Check all the related {@code bits} positions is 1. * * @return true: all the related {@code bits} positions is 1 */ public boolean isHit(BloomFilterData filterData, BitsArray bits) { if (!isValid(filterData)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Bloom filter data may not belong to this filter! %s, %s", filterData, this.toString()) ); } return isHit(filterData.getBitPos(), bits); } /** * Check whether one of {@code bitPositions} has been occupied. * * @return true: if all positions have been occupied. */ public boolean checkFalseHit(int[] bitPositions, BitsArray bits) { for (int j = 0; j < bitPositions.length; j++) { int pos = bitPositions[j]; // check position of bits has been set. // that mean no one occupy the position. if (!bits.getBit(pos)) { return false; } } return true; } protected void check(BitsArray bits) { if (bits.bitLength() != this.m) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Length(%d) of bits in BitsArray is not equal to %d!", bits.bitLength(), this.m) ); } } /** * Check {@code BloomFilterData} is valid, and belong to this bloom filter. * <li>1. not null</li> * <li>2. {@link org.apache.rocketmq.filter.util.BloomFilterData#getBitNum} must be equal to {@code m} </li> * <li>3. {@link org.apache.rocketmq.filter.util.BloomFilterData#getBitPos} is not null</li> * <li>4. {@link org.apache.rocketmq.filter.util.BloomFilterData#getBitPos}'s length is equal to {@code k}</li> */ public boolean isValid(BloomFilterData filterData) { if (filterData == null || filterData.getBitNum() != this.m || filterData.getBitPos() == null || filterData.getBitPos().length != this.k) { return false; } return true; } /** * error rate. */ public int getF() { return f; } /** * expect mapping num. */ public int getN() { return n; } /** * hash function num. */ public int getK() { return k; } /** * total bit num. */ public int getM() { return m; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof BloomFilter)) return false; BloomFilter that = (BloomFilter) o; if (f != that.f) return false; if (k != that.k) return false; if (m != that.m) return false; if (n != that.n) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = f; result = 31 * result + n; result = 31 * result + k; result = 31 * result + m; return result; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("f: %d, n: %d, k: %d, m: %d", f, n, k, m); } protected double logMN(double m, double n) { return Math.log(n) / Math.log(m); } }
在filter下面的expresion包中,定义了多个Expression,这些Expression是根据sql compile出来的,然后调用evaluate方法,就可以具体判断该数据是否满足条件,具体看一下这个test case。
@Test public void testSQL() { try { /** * 判断这条数据是否符合sql条件 */ final Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>(); props.put("a",1); props.put("b",1); Object ret = FilterFactory.INSTANCE.get(ExpressionType.SQL92).compile("a is not null and a > 0") .evaluate(new EvaluationContext(){ //EvaluationContext 定义了待判断数据的获取上下文 @Override public Object get(String name) { return props.get(name); } @Override public Map<String, Object> keyValues() { return props; } }); System.out.println(ret); // True } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertThat(Boolean.FALSE).isTrue(); } }
1 实现一个具体的过滤表达式 NothingExpression
static class NothingExpression implements Expression { @Override public Object evaluate(final EvaluationContext context) throws Exception { return Boolean.TRUE; } }
2 定义该表达式的过滤器,实现FilterSpi接口,其中compile接口就是返回一个初始化过的过滤表达式
static class NothingFilter implements FilterSpi { @Override public Expression compile(final String expr) throws MQFilterException { return new NothingExpression(); } @Override public String ofType() { return "Nothing"; } }
3 调用该表达式的evaluate。并传入待过滤的数据,返回过滤结果
@Test public void testRegister() { FilterFactory.INSTANCE.register(new NothingFilter()); Expression expr = null; try { expr = FilterFactory.INSTANCE.get("Nothing").compile("abc"); } catch (MQFilterException e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertThat(Boolean.FALSE).isTrue(); } assertThat(expr).isNotNull(); try { assertThat((Boolean) expr.evaluate(new EmptyEvaluationContext())).isTrue(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); assertThat(Boolean.FALSE).isTrue(); } }