Qualifying Contest CodeForces - 659B Very soon Berland will hold a School Team Programming Olympiad. From each of the mBerland regions a team of two p 阅读全文
Shower Line CodeForces - 431B Many students live in a dormitory. A dormitory is a whole new world of funny amusements and possibilities but it does ha 阅读全文
Optimal Point on a Line CodeForces - 710B You are given n points on a line with their coordinates xi. Find the point x so the sum of distances to the 阅读全文
Devu, the Dumb Guy CodeForces - 439B Devu is a dumb guy, his learning curve is very slow. You are supposed to teach him nsubjects, the ith subject has 阅读全文
Die Roll CodeForces - 9A Yakko,Wakko和Dot,世界著名的狂欢三宝,哈哈,不知道你是否看过这个动画片。 某一天,过年了,他们决定暂定卡通表演,并去某些地方旅游一下。Yakko梦想去宾夕法尼亚州,那是他的故乡。Wakko想过塔斯马尼亚,它的海滩,阳光和大海。Dot选择 阅读全文
Design Tutorial: Learn from Life CodeForces - 472B One way to create a task is to learn from life. You can choose some experience in real life, formal 阅读全文
Save Luke CodeForces - 624A Luke Skywalker got locked up in a rubbish shredder between two presses. R2D2 is already working on his rescue, but Luke ne 阅读全文