注意:Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional 和 Microsoft Windows XP Professional 自动设置了在 IIS 上最多 10 个连接的限制。您无法更改此限制。 参考:http://bbs.blueidea.com/thread-2260177-1-1.html
windows2000 和Windows XP专业版IIS连接数的修改 (http://www.huoho.com/edu/computer/computer/windows2004663/) 用自己的电脑架设了个下载服务器;苦于是XP系统;连接数只有10;在多方找寻后 终于找到MS自己出的修改软件,现在放出来 给需要的朋友使用 我们知道Windows 2000专业版或Windows XP专业版操作系统中IIS最多允许10个客户端的连接,在Windows 2000服务器版或Windows 2003 服务器版操作系统中则不存在这种连接限制问题。 Microsoft提供了一个管理IIS的小工具MetaEdit,MetaEdit工作在Windows NT4.0 Windows 2000上,我发现它在Windows XP上也能正常工作,另外,MetaEdit只能管理II4.0、IIS5.0或更高版本的IIS。 首先,你需要到下面的地址下载MetaEdit,最新版本是2.2,地址 光改W3SVC上的MaxConnections不管用,还要改子键1上的MaxConnections属性。 参考:百度IIS吧 (http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=69388057) Microsoft提供了一个管理IIS的小工具MetaEdit,MetaEdit工作在Windows NT4.0、Windows 2000上,我发现它在Windows XP上也能正常工作,另外,MetaEdit只能管理II4.0、IIS5.0或更高版本的IIS。 参考:MetaEdit 2.2 Is on the Job (http://windowsitpro.com/Web/Articles/ArticleID/26923/pg/1/1.html) For example, the LM\W3SVC\1 subkey stores the properties related to the instance 1 Web site (i.e., the Default Web site), and the LM\W3SVC\1\ROOT subkey stores the properties related to the files in the root of the instance 1 Web site. LM\W3SVC\1 has a KeyType property of IISWebServer, whereas LM\W3SVC\1\ROOT has a KeyType property of IISWebVirtualDir. As this example shows, the metabase represents the properties for the root of a Web site as if they were for a virtual directory. However, the Web site doesn't appear as a virtual directory because the Web site is at the top level in the directory structure. (1的目录下可以找到自己的虚拟目录) The top-level keys are LM (which stands for local machine) and Schema. The LM key contains information about the local machine and is equivalent to the ADSI path IIS:\\localhost\. The Schema key contains information about the rules for setting data types and default values. Typically, you edit the Schema key only when you want to add custom properties to the metabase—a practice that I don't recommend for beginners. If you look at the LM\W3SVC\1 subkey, you'll notice that not all the properties defined in the IISWebServer schema are configured. If a property isn't set, it has the same value as the property of the same name in the parent key as long as the parent property is marked with an inheritance flag. This concept is called inheritance. For example, LM\W3SVC\1 inherits the properties of its parent key LM\W3SVC. LM\W3SVC has a property called AspAllowSessionState, which has an Inh attribute (aka inheritance attribute). If you set Inh to 1, the sessions are on for all Web sites; if you set Inh to 0, all sessions are off. However, if the AspAllowSessionState property exists in a Web site subkey such as LM\W3SVC\1 and the Inh attribute is set to the opposite value, the Web site's Inh value of the parent key, overrides the parent's Inh value for this Web site. (继承的作用) If you look in the LM\W3SVC\1 subkey and AspAllowSessionState doesn't exist, you can add it by right-clicking in the right pane and choosing New DWord. Then, select AspAllowSessionState from the drop-down list. MetaEdit fills the drop-down list with all the possible DWord choices. (You can add a property that isn't defined in the subkey's class, but doing so isn't a good idea because it can cause the metabase to become corrupt.) After you select the property, you need to select the correct User Type and enter the Data value. You can obtain the User Type from the property list in the MSDN Library or from the parent key. If you select the Inherit check box, the children of the key can inherit the property. MetaEdit-Only Properties
参考:Installing and Securing IIS Servers (Part 3) http://www.windowsecurity.com/articles/Installing_Securing_IIS_Servers_Part3.html A hierarchical arrangement of the metabase is clearly seen; in addition, most of the metabase keys contain the property "KeyType" which has a specific importance. The property list seen in the right pane has the following columns: