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LO110 Customer Service Process

Posted on 2005-05-01 14:45  GaoJie[高杰]  阅读(282)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
  • The customers are service recipients. They can own technical assets and equipment, at which services are performed.
  • The service provider concludes outline agreements with the customer, in which particular services are agreed.
  • If the customer requires a service, they report the requirement or enter a request. For extensive work, the service provider issues a quotation.
  • The provision of services is triggered by the customer using the purchase order. For less extensive work, the first three steps are the same.
  • The service provider plans the work and resources required (personnel, material, utilities). If necessary, work is requested from the vendors or required materials ordered from the vendor.
  • After the work is completed, the service provider issues an invoice.
  • The process is completed when the customer makes their payment.

    Service Processing:
  • Service notifications for entering and processing customer inquiries or problems
  • Service orders for planning, execution and settlement of work for the customer
  • Sales orders for the delivery of goods and returns processing
  • Billing for the creation of invoices
  • Service Agreements:
  • Contracts as long-term agreements with the customer
  • Warranties for the technical objects sold
  • Maintenance planning for the execution of work performed repeatedly
  • Task lists for preparing or describing work that occurs frequently