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LO110 Customer Service Type

Posted on 2005-05-01 14:43  GaoJie[高杰]  阅读(229)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
Service Type:
  • CS supports the execution of the following services:
  • Helpdesk: Recording, processing and forwarding of incoming customer requests(服务热线)
  • Dispatching of spare parts to the customer(只是把零配件发给客户)
  • Repair of customer devices in the service center, that is, in house(在本公司)
  • Repair of customer devices by field service technicians on site at the customer(在客户现场)
  • Assembly of technical objects on site at the customer
  • Regular inspection and preventive maintenance of customer devices in the service center or at the customer site(和客户有维护计划,或者在SLA协议中)
  • The services can be agreed in a contract or provided without contractual cover.(有些服务是合同包含的,有些是另外签一个maintainance contract)